
Empire of Alex

Alex, grandson of Duke Anthony but due to some events he was sent to Earth with his family. On Earth, he was forced to become an assassin or warrior by his father. After running from that hellish place he had only one dream to conquer his native planet.

Kartikey · Militar
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6 Chs

The Retreat

A building situated in Australia. The building was the tallest in the world and was historically important, but it was placed on fire by people who didn't understand its values.

At the entrance of that building, Alex (a 25-year-old young adult) was holding his sister's hand( Amelia,) and a middle-aged lady ( Jennifer ) who looked like their mother was standing.

" My son, I think your father Charles will be here soon. So, take your sister with you and run away from this place before your father comes here."

" But why did you start the fire at the building, Mother, and why are we running away from Father? " Before Amelia finished her questions she lost consciousness from a hit to her neck.

Jennifer looked at his son who had used too much force in silencing his sister and spoke," Alex don't worry, I will be fine. " After taking a deep breath, their mother Jennifer continued with a smile, "At least physically."

Alex silently carried her sister without saying anything to Jennifer as he knew too well what her words meant.

After Alex entered the forest, a man wearing a black shirt and pants came out of the building and spoke in a deep voice filled with disappointment,

" Honey, Why did you betray me knowing that your action would only allow me to invade."

" Charles, You are asking a foolish question right now," Jennifer replied in a playful voice as she showed Charles a crushed watch.

" You bloody bitch, I will kill you." Seeing the crushed watch, Charles erupted in anger and attacked Jennifer and with that, an epic fight ensued.


In the middle of the night, Alex was running agilely in the Daintree forest with his sister Amelia on the back. Amelia was still unconscious. They were being pursued by 12 elite assassins. They were wearing night goggles and black masks with daggers in their hands.

Making sure that there was enough distance between them. Alex started climbing a tree without making any noise.

Sitting at the top of the tree Alex hid Amelia behind the tree branches and started following every action of the assassins with his eyes for an opportunity. Meanwhile, the assassins had split into four groups to pursue him more effectively.

This assassin's group was an elite group made by his father and they were pursuing to kill him. He was sure of their intentions as he was this group's former captain.

Although they knew that killing their former captain would not be easy they thought they could kill him as they knew his habits. ( Naive if he died we wouldn't have this damn story. )

Group 1, of the assassin, was approaching Alex's direction. The leader of their group stood beneath the tree branches leisurely as he thought that Alex didn't know how to climb trees. While the leader was looking leisurely in four directions, Alex grabbed his neck while hanging upside down from a branch and broke it.

Before the assassin beside him could react, Alex took out his dagger and pierced the assassin's head killing him instantly. ( r.i.p no names assassins.)

Seeing their companion's deaths, the remaining assassin of the group became alert and hid behind a tree hurriedly while shouting.

Alex jumped from the tree and while jumping, threw his longsword toward the remaining assassin. The longsword pierced the tree and the assassin's heart simultaneously.

Just as Alex landed on the ground his shoulder was pierced by the group leader of the second group. Alex ignored his injury, grabbed the hand of the assassin, and gave him a shoulder throw which broke the assassin's back.

Alex ignored the remaining assassins climbed back to pick his sister up and started running from the pursuer who was closing in on him from all directions.

After running 5 km more while killing the assassins Alex was bleeding all over. But at last, he came to his destination, A cave. This place which was guarded by his father's most trusted guard was a portal to another world. Alex hid his still unconscious sister in a bush before arriving in front of the guard. The head guard asked

" What are you doing here and why is there blood on you? " The head guard was unaware of the events which happened at headquarters.

In response, Alex took out his sword and got into a fighting stance. The head guard came forward to stop Alex and warned

" You are not in your perfect condition to challenge me, Alex. So it would be good if you return to headquarters immediately. If not for master liking I would have killed you already. "

" You think you are at an advantage huh," Alex asked as he stepped closer to the head guard.

But before the head guard could do anything a sword pierced his neck from behind and he died feeling confused about his sudden death.

Alex pointed his finger at the bush where Amelia was and patted the guard's shoulder

" It must have been hard on you to betray your colleagues," Alex spoke in a heavy voice filled with sympathy.

Alex took out his watch and the mouth of the cave started cracking. This world was the world where his grandfather Anthony Williams the Duke of the Itovan empire lived.

Crossing the portal with his sister Alex entered the capital city of Williams, Ember. Just as Alex crossed the portal the guard pierced his own heart with his sword killing himself right there.

Coming inside the main city of Williams House Alex was greeted by the commander of Ember fortress.

" Should we proceed toward the Williams Palace, Sir." After saying this Alex collapsed.


Amelia perspective

When I awoke I was laying on a fluffy bed in an ancient-style luxurious room. The bed was the most comfortable bed I had ever slept on.

Outside the room, a man about 75 years old, with facial features resembling my brother, was shouting or you could say chiding my brother for his bloodied body.

My brother's face was covered in his blood or some other person's blood, I don't know about that.

Blood was dripping from his arms and a doctor wearing strange clothes was bandaging his chest. After the treatment, My brother looked like a mummy from Egypt.

My brother noticed me staring at him and spoke while smiling stiffly.

" You are finally awake Amelia. The person standing next to me is our grandpa." Before I could say anything to my so-called grandpa. He introduced himself.

"I am Anthony Williams your grandpa and the Duke of the Itovan empire. This is our mansion and you are on the Yurath continent." With this meager but confusing information they left the room and I couldn't stop them cause I got too sleepy. " Fuck you, Alex" I cursed him internally.