
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs


The boundary between the inner and core region.

On reaching the boundary, which was very different than the first boundary, on like the first which resembled a desert region, this boundary had a forest region.

It was like a snow land, with every tree being almost completely white, it looked like a deep freezer, ready to freeze anything that steps in it.

"Now what," said Liam, looking at maria, with a questioning look on his face.

"We farm at this point" she replied like it was the obvious choice.

Looking at her strangely, Liam could not help but look around, though there were dungeons of different types, all of them higher than the stone dungeon, making them more difficult.

"Do you by any chance want us to die" asked Liam, looking at Maria seriously?

"Nah, we are going to cultivate first, we just have to find a safe location," she said shrugging.

'Though our journey here was not that bad, with us managing to avoid major conflicts, but coming to this place to cultivate' Liam couldn't help but pause in his thought, taking a little glance at Maria.

"Where are we doing it?" he asked, not bothering to guess her plans.

"We'll enter a dungeon, beat the monster till we reach a safe zone, then cultivate there" she answered, with glittering eyes.

Liam POV

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if she's all right. Being a sadist is manageable, but this is too much, it's suicide.

"Hey," I said putting my hands on her shoulder, "do you think we'll survive till we reach a safe zone, with our current strength and number" I inquired, hoping that her loose nut tie back up.

"*Smirk* and what makes you think I will be that stupid," she said, puffing her cheeks, though she looked cute, this was not the time for that.

"Why don't you elaborate," I asked with curiosity, knowing Maria I don't think she would do anything to endanger our life without reason.

"Ya ya ya, it's very simple, we let someone clear the way for us," she said in a happy tone. though I kind of caught her vibes.

But catching it and understanding it was two completely different things, so simply put, I didn't get it.

Looking at her strangely, I know she could tell about my confusion, but her smile told me that I'm presently being teased, it wasn't a good feeling in this situation.

"We don't have time, if you are going to play now, then I think there's no chance for us," I said, trying to sound as serious as I could.

"*hmmph 😤*I know, but am not willing to live my life in fear, I plan on living to the fullest, so they can go and fuck themselves," she said in an agitated tone.

I guess I will have to use the sweet talk tactics. "am always with you, I don't care about them, only you my love" I said, giving the most beautiful smile I had on my arsenal, maybe handsome is the word, but I don't care.

with sparkling and almost teary eyes she looked at me, I don't know why she got all emotional, not like it matters.

"It's very simple, we just attract some adventurers towards any dungeon, then follow them," she said confidently.

Adventurers can be linked to adventure, though you can call them scavengers or explorers, we still prefer to call them adventurers.

They're always a daredevil, though many fear the core regions, many still seek it out, through our journey we saw a lot of adventurers.

They are few around this region, just have to hope one of the groups goes in or we make them go in by ourselves.

"So what's the plan," I asked, waiting for her to finish her proposal, without saying a word she drew a scroll out of her space ring, it kinda looked ancient and mythical.

"What's that," I asked, not hiding my curiosity. it's a nice scroll, maybe it has some powerful technique on it.

"I stole it from that mother of mine, I liked its beauty at first, but got tired of it over time" she replied, shrugging at the fact that she stole it.

"Really," I asked, giving her the skeptical look.

"Are you saying am lying," she asked, squinting her eyes.

Even if that's my current thought, I don't think I have the confidence to say it out loud.

"No, why don't we get this over with," I said in a rush.

"Okay," she said, opening the scroll.

it was actually empty, drawing out a golden pen from her space ring, she started drawing on the paper, it was similar to a treasure map, and looked legit.

In a few minutes, she was done drawing, rolling up the scroll she used the string attached to the scroll to tie it up.

"Done," she said, breathing out a sigh. "So we'll drop it at any location that is most likely to be visited," she said, walking towards a huge Olive tree.

It was an odd tree, being the only one of its kind in this region, it's really surprising how it exists here.

Due to its uniqueness, it was easy to notice, so the best attraction for adventurers.

So it's very likely for someone to come across it, bringing out some ingredients she started creating what looked like fruit, compressing the scroll to fit inside the ball-like creation of hers.

Though I knew she had a lot of tricks up her sleeve, I still found it strange that she could create something so realistic, even with my spiritual sense I could not feel any oddities in her creation.

"If you don't give it any special component, how do you want people to find it," I asked, not being able to hold back my curiosity.

"Simple, you don't have to make it special, you just have to make it catch the right audience," she said, smiling like a little kid who got a present.

Though her words made sense, it was still funny, not making them special but using them to catch the right audience, wish I could be as enthusiastic as her.

"Which audience are we catching now," I asked, looking at the Olive fruit in her hand.

"*smirk* those who believe ordinary is gold, though because the tree is rare in this area it can attract anyone," she said In a proud tone.

Yeah, she's right the tree is too outstanding to be ignored, so it was a sure shot.

"So are you interested in hunting, I smell some delicious prey around here," she said salivating.

Though individuals at our level did not need food for survival.

We still had to eat to nourish our bodies, it was not that necessary but was essential.

"I'm in" I replied, shaking my head.

grinning, she picked up her bow, with a delighted expression.

"Remember we can't go far or let them notice," I said, trying to highlight the fact that we had a purpose here.

"What do you see me as," she said, glaring intensively at me, if eyes were a bullet I guess I would have been dead by now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Hamzat_11creators' thoughts