
Emperor Style(Working on it)

Fate a powerful concept of life. as proved by myths and history. The more you try to hinder it, the stronger it becomes. Born from two beings that should have never Met. He became an abomination, something that should have never existed. My first book, so please if I make any grammatical errors, or write anything that you feel is wrong, bear with me. and help me in pointing out my mistake. Discord link: https://discord.gg/G8v2ghWU5g

Hamzat_11 · Fantasía
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36 Chs



"What do you think, is this the right choice?" a man asked, in a muffled voice.

He was currently chewing on a big piece of flesh, relishing its taste with a joyful expression.

"Not like we gat ah choice," said his companion, with his pronunciation sounding off.

They were both dressed in red clothing, sitting away from the group of people dressed in blue.

"We came here for something, we gotta fulfill it" he continued still pronouncing his words differently.

Sitting at a distance from all the other groups; was the individual dressed in black, looking around as if searching for something.

*Creak* Turning his/her head toward the direction of the sound; was a man dressed in blue walking towards him/her.

'That bastard, what is he planning now' thought the man in red fuming.

He knew that whatever comes out of that man's actions, has a very high possibility of harming him, directly or indirectly.

"What do you want Ajay?" asked the black-clothed individual looking at him.

"Nothing just felt like asking a question," he said looking toward the Olive tree.

"Go straight to the point, don't have time for this," the black-clothed individual said looking at him intensively.

"The tree; tell me what's your real thought on it?" inquired the blue-clothed man aka Aditya.

"I've already told you my thoughts, can't say anymore" replied the black-clothed figure in an agitated tone.

"I know there's something more to it," said Aditya.

"Are you going to tell me yourself, or maybe I should...." he said completing his sentence, with what seemed to be an unknown language.

"No" replied the black-clothed individual, glaring at Aditya with an expression that said; I will kill you.

"No need to get agitated, I want to do things the right way," Aditya said, taking the demeanor of a kind old man.

"You keep your part of the deal, I keep mine; try to double-cross me.

I end you, I hope it's a simple concept to understand.

My dear priestess *smirk*" he said whispering in her ears.

"Just remember; that fool should not notice anything.

He's going to be an important ingredient to accomplish your task" he said, walking back towards the blue-clothed individuals camp.

'Don't know what to do; my whole life is just a game, meant for people to control' thought the priestess with a teardrop rolling down her eyes.

'Hope what I saw can help me out' she thought looking towards to Olive tree.

"Fuck those bastards, resting while I wait for them," said Maria clenching her fist.

'Yup we're still here; poor guys, I will pray for you with all my heart' thought Liam, almost performing; the sign of the Cross.

"Liam" called out Maria, looking at Liam with squinted eyes.

'*mmmm*, guess the saying; 99 days for the thief, 1 day for the owner, saying is true.

"Yes, any pro-pro-problem," said Liam stammering heavily, he knew Maria as a demon in angel's clothing, causing his Fear for her.

"You seem to be getting really scared of me these days," said Maria looking at Liam, with a devilish smile on her beautiful face.

Liam could feel it, he had awoken the real devil in her, and now he had to face the consequences.

'Those bastards, if they had gone for the fruit since.

None of this would have happened, there's no way in hell I am going down alone' thought Liam gritting his imaginary teeth.

"Why don't we make them move fast?" said Liam in an attempt to divert Maria's attention from his case.

"Think you are right, let's do something," she said taking a thoughtful full expression.

*Haa* breathing out a sigh of relief he turned toward their road clearers, anticipating the fun journey they are about to take.

"It's time," said the priestess, getting up from her sitting position.

"Are you willing to answer me now?" said Aditya, standing beside her.

"They is something strange about the tree; a somewhat bad omen I think," she said, looking ahead.

"*Hmm* sure about that," he said scrutinizing her from head to toe as if trying to see through her.

"Don't have a reason to lie" she said, turning to look at him.

Since her face was veiled; he could not see her expression, and she didn't seem to be lying, he decided to go with her word.

'You fool I didn't lie, just didn't tell you the whole truth.

Let's see how you figure it out' she thought, with a smile on her veiled face.

"You guys seem real close now, sometimes I wonder if you know him from somewhere Priestess," said the red-clothed man, looking at both of them suspiciously.

Everyone in this group knew her as a Priestess, someone that could tell the nature of things.

Simply; seeing through things, that's one of her uses to the current group, making her an important asset.

"No need to feel threatened Wang Chen," said Aditya, giving Wang Chen a cheerful smile.

"Don't mention my name anyhow Ajay Aditya!" yelled Wang Chen, with his voice causing a tremor in the surrounding, spreading over 2km.

"Don't fall for his trap lord Chen, remember we have a goal?" said a man in red, bowing his head to Wang Chen.

Where Wang Chen is from, calling someone's at his level name without any honorifics; is considered an insult.

Making him angry, when his name was called without a shred of respect for it, even though Aditya is his mate, he still deserved the respect for his age.

Looking toward his subordinate aka second in command; he knew that he was right.

He could not let himself fall for such pranks, having no choice but to retreat; in shame and anger.

"These bastards have started their quarrel again," said Maria, putting her hands on her head, in a depressed manner.

'Wouldn't want to comment, the quiet dog has the best rest' thought Liam while smiling sheepishly.

"And here I got a fool, as a partner," she said, glaring at Liam.

'No matter the form it takes, trouble always finds its way to you' thought Liam, looking depressed.

"Let's be ready" yelled Wang Chen, arranging his subordinates for the fight.

On the other hand, Aditya looked calm, not bothering to give any commands, with his subordinates standing orderly.

"It seems you have more organization than him," said the priestess looking at both their groups.

"It's only natural, he has always been a hot-headed person" replied Aditya, with a faint smile on his face.

'Whenever I see that smile; I get pissed off.

Don't know why such a devilish man is allowed to exist' thought the priestess, taking her eyes off Aditya.

"We'll have to move soon," she said walking closer to the tree.

The tension in the atmosphere could be felt, due to the tree being sentient; it became a real battle, something they had to be prepared for.

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