
Emperor in the broken world

This world is doomed. Our hope and our light had gone astray. However, I refuse to accept it. I will create a new legend from the ashes. Every race and every beings will unite under my iron rule.

SaintKing · Militar
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269 Chs

Chapter 11 Military and Knight corp

Licht woke up at his usual time. He stretched himself and went to wash his face.

1 hour has passed since he woke up. He wore his clothes neatly and took out a bottle of perfume from his suitcase which he made from the forest fruits, woods, and flowers.


Licht smelled his clothes and nodded with satisfaction. He neatly combed his hair and walked out from his room. The corridor wasn't that busy because most of the guests were merchants. Hence, they had left earlier than sunrise.


He came down to the dining area and found it was packed with people. They were chatting and eating with happy looks.

Licht smiled and sat down. He raised his hand.


A young girl with brown hair and eyeglass came to him. She was similar to owner, and Licht thought that she was her daughter.

" How may I help you?"

Licht tilted his head and asked with curiosity. He wanted to know whether his guess was right or wrong.

" Are you daughter of the owners?"

The girl smiled broadly and nodded. She thought Licht was cute because he used a polite tone, unlike most of the teenagers around here. Plus, he was handsome and fit. His face was flawless without any blemishes.

" Hi! My name is Lina. You are right. So, what is your order?"

Licht smiled brightly and ordered in one breath.

" Can I have bacon with eggs and a cup of apple juice?"

Lina wrote his order down and ripped the paper. She repeated the order.

" One breakfast set. Do you want to order any desserts or salad as a side dish?"

Licht shook his head and declined. He wasn't a type of person who eats salad or dessert because he keeps his tab on his diet with a strict rule.

" No, thanks."

Lina smiled and ran to the kitchen. She passed the order and went to other tables.

Another hour went by in a blink of an eye. Licht was walking to the military barracks because he wanted to register himself.

The barracks wasn't that shabby looking. In fact, it was neat and clean. There was no marble, but the floor was made from the white stone like marble. The military barracks isn't crude, but it was rather simple and elegant. White stones were polished, and the whole hall didn't have a speck of dust. There wad no fishy smell or sweat smell.

Licht walked to the front desk and saw a muscular man. He was 190 cm high and had a massive body unlike a normal person. Licht could tell this wasn't a normal soldier.

The man also observed Licht and found out he wasn't just a boy from the city or the countryside. Licht's body was emanating his strength.

" Interesting. Are you here to apply for the army?"

Licht shook his head because army wasn't his goal. He wanted to find the traitors and punish them for their sins.

" No, I am here for the knight corps. Where can I fill my resume?"

Man groaned and handed out 2 papers reluctantly. He was disappointed when he heard he was for the knight exam. Licht was perfect for the military where dogs and pigs are mixed in the crowd.

" Boy, if you are interested, are you willing to fill this form too? Military isn't that bad, you know."

Licht pondered for a moment and decided to fill. He thought it wasn't that bad to fill because he was sure that he would be accepted in the corps.

" Alright. I will fill in."

Man smiled when he heard this. However, his eyes weren't that honest. He was plotting to switch out the paper before it made it to the inspection.

Licht carefully wrote his resumes and handed it to the man. Man looked at his writing and he saw it was beautiful and elegant like a scholar's writing.

" Boy, you have a nice writing."

Licht scratched his head and thanked him for his help and compliments. He turned around and left to the hotel. Unknowingly, man smiled when he observed his movements. He wasn't afraid of him, instead he took out the knight resume and threw it to the corner.

" I am sorry, boy. You aren't fir for the knights. You aren't suited for their political minds."