
Emperor in the broken world

This world is doomed. Our hope and our light had gone astray. However, I refuse to accept it. I will create a new legend from the ashes. Every race and every beings will unite under my iron rule.

SaintKing · Militar
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269 Chs

Chapter 10 Approaching death

" What the hell is happening there?"

John mumbled, preparing the oil on the board to ensure there would be no problem after their escape. The thought of escaping this hell sink made his legs lighter, giving him more strength to carry out the task.

However, he didn't notice something. A black mist was coming in their direction, leaving nothing but death along its way. The smell of death was so horrible that even the ocean wailed with horror and disgust, racking the ship with its rage.

The deep was woken up by the sound of wail and cry, baring its fangs towards the invader that was coming in the direction where it guarded. Although the deep could sense the ship on the ocean, the ocean, and God's orders were absolute as it readied itself to chase the death away.


The deep monsters opened their eyes, howling with rage that stunned other creatures. The deep sent away its children to chase the unruly death wave that came out from its territory and invaded its home. No humans or monsters would dare to destroy the balance of nature.

" Dun*"

Kraken moved its body, slowly creeping toward the ship that was sailing toward death. It knew they would only waste would be left after being corroded by the death, so the biggest mercy would be killing them with its tentacles.

" I will go there!"

The hunter who was riding on its head, signaled it while swimming up to the ship like a bullet. His cruel eyes were locked on the ship, knowing there would be a bloodbath.


He threw the rope and climbed up the ship silently, looking around him with cold eyes. He saw a fat man who seemed to be smearing something on the board and he smelled a horrible stench of alcohol and so on. He also felt blood, guessing someone had killed a human right before his arrival.

" You. Tell me, are you a merchant or a pirate?"

He went behind John who trembled from his cold voice that sent shivers to his back. His cold sweat covered his whole body, thought it wasn't a crew member, so that was left was an ocean creature or a ghost.

Especially the cold breath that separated the owner of the voice from living creatures that lived on the land. He turned his body around, gasping with horror in his eyes because he saw the inhuman face of the man that was standing behind him.

Gills protruded outside his neck and his eyes were shining blue under the moonlight. He saw two giant knives in his belt along with a spear behind his back.

" Hiik* Who the fuck are you? What do you want from me?"

John shrieked with fear, believing this man was a messenger of the ocean since there was no other explanation. The ocean messengers hunt down those who polluted the ocean and destroyed its balance, hence many captains feared them and avoided them.

" I am not one of those fanatics. Although I have my mission, I don't kill innocent."

The hunter replied, putting his knives on his neck. He observed John's expression closely, knowing this man had lavish life before, but now he was just a slave who was working under a cruel man.

" You will live, John. The ocean doesn't want your blood in it."

He said lightly, pulling his knife back to their sheath. He decided his time wasn't yet and he had other things to do.


He saw the light coming out from one of the rooms as a young man walked out with a bloody knife in his hand. He was looking at him with eyes filled with hope and despair, but he didn't step away from him because he had done something irreversible.

" I see. You two can leave from here. Go north far from here and you will find a human settlement. Don't go south unless you want to face the death itself."

The hunter spoke lightly, ignoring their next moves. His objective was met and he didn't see any more value to stay in this ship. The slaves and prisoners of this boat were already beyond salvation. Therefore, he showed mercy to those who truly deserved it.

For your information, I couldn't write another one because I am dead tired.

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