
Emperor's Holiday - Reincarnation of the Overpowered Overlord

The great Emperor, Zahar, decides to go on a holiday to the lower cultivation realms. He reincarnates into the body of a young boy, goes on and have some fun, sire some children, make some wives and just deliver some naturally awesome beatdowns. Tags and warnings : Some nudity, harem and references, but no smut scenes. Passing references about the act/fade to black for those intimate events. This will also be posted on RR under the pen name HSR

Daoistpwhvf9 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
18 Chs

Chapter 13 - Reinforcement

The City Lord was in a great mood. He didn't care what pill it was called, but any pill that could improve his physique and grant strength of two minor realms was a miracle pill.

Unlike her father, who could absorb the pill within a single day, Sana needed almost three days, and Zahar had to help her with it. For three days, Zahar had to guide the essence of the Firestone Monkey into her bones and muscles, and help ensure they didn't deal damage to her body.

Zahar's qi essentially had to enter her body and control almost every part, while she focused on absorbing the relevant segments. It did somewhat frustrate her that it was such a hard process, when her father did it so easily.

But when it was done, she felt the flames around her instinctively, as if she resonated with them. It was surreal.

She felt his arms and fingers on her waist. "Quite a good feeling, isn't it?"

She looked back at her supposed lover, and nodded. The carpeted floor was soaked with sweat from her three days of constant cultivation, and then she felt so hungry.

Zahar snapped a finger, and two maids came in with food. He draped a robe around her, covering her body, and she began to eat. The three days felt hazy, because of all the time she spent absorbing the energies from that damned pill.

It was preparation, Zahar said. She'll need it because the kind of heaven defying talents that congregated at places like these great sects, and he wouldn't be there all the time to protect her.

A part of Sana cursed that her mother was right. By endearing herself to this man, she managed to get some additional benefits for herself and her family. Were men all so easily manipulated?

Even powerful ones?

Her mother said that beauty was a weapon, and she had to use it. Since men desired beauty, and desired to possess it, she should not shy away from trading her beauty away for benefits. A part of her was a little revolted, since it wasn't that far removed from prostitution in principle, but her mother had the exact response. "Everyone trades something for another, my dear. As long as he is willing to give it, then you should take it. It is what we are wired to do, to give better chances to our offspring."

She ate the food, and remembered the other advice her mother gave.

"We can fall in love with the one we spend time with. Don't delude yourself with dreams of love with someone you just met. Love can be cultivated, like the sparks of Qi, it can bloom when you least expect it. All you need is effort."

She looked at Zahar, and wondered whether she would fall in love with a man who would go on to have many wives.

How did concubines of the Emperor feel?

Was it all a transaction in the end?


"Don't dwell too long in your thoughts, my daughter." Mother said to Sana, the words a little more than a whisper. "The fact that he beds you every other day is a good sign, and I am certain your father will be glad to know."

"Please don't tell father." Sana said. "It's so embarrassing when he speaks of it."

Mother laughed. "Oh, I made sure to let everyone know. Here's the thing, my dear. Men love the sensation of power, and they also love to have people know they are good in bed. It gives them a sense of power."

Sana stewed.

"Besides, all the maids know you and Zahar are happily doing it. They could hear you as they walk past your chambers."

Her face was absolutely red.

"Don't worry, and don't be such a prude. I've never raised you to be so sensitive about such things. It is our duty, and it is our power. Embrace it like a weapon, and use it on your man."

Her mother laughed.

"I really need to better train your sisters, if this is your reaction."

"They're too young!"

"Not much younger than you, dear. In a few years they too will walk your path, and I hope they find a powerful man like you." Mother said. "Your father has sent a letter to the Roaring Dragon Sect, asking for shared accommodations for yourself and Zahar, as you two are a couple."

"-what." Sana couldn't believe it. "Does that happen? Is that allowed?"

"Very rare, actually. Most men find new partners in the Sect, as with the beautiful women. As you grow in cultivation, you will only grow more attractive to those around you. The impurities purged, the body enhanced."

Mother herself was a mediocre cultivator, at just the peak of the 3rd realm, and Sana was already on par with her mom in terms of strength. The two exchanged a glance, and mother smiled.

She leaned closer to her daughter, and then gave Sana a hug. "You'll be alright. What will be, will be. We can plan, but fate decides. Send letters."

Sana hugged her mother too. "Alright. I'll come home when I'm able."

"I hope when you come back, it's because you're pregnant, and need me to care, cook for you." Mother teased.

Sana shook her head. "Mother!"