
Emoji Academy

Aoroi Kumar thought he had it all until his girlfriend, the daughter of one of the richest men in the world, publicly humiliates and dumps him during her graduation remarks. Fueled by revenge, Aoroi develops a virus to take down the anchor of his ex-girlfriend’s family fortune, The Emoji Telecommunications system, which rules the entire world. However, a glitch in his computer system sends him to the Emoji world where he is found guilty of creating demonic viruses that are ravaging the AI world known as Emoji land. The emoji AI system offers Aoroi two options: either go to Emoji Academy with a mission to stop the virus or have his soul erased within the void where he is being judged. Aoroi chooses to undertake the mission at Emoji Academy, but he quickly realizes that he's not prepared for the challenges ahead. He is mocked by his classmates and underestimated by his teachers. As he struggles to adapt and fit in, Aoroi makes friends with emojis named Mirrai, Bombshell, and Shin who become his closest companions. Despite his best efforts, Aoroi fails his first mission and falls into a deep depression. His friends are unable to reach him, and Aoroi begins to question why he even came to Emoji land in the first place. Just when he thinks things can't get any worse, a new threat emerges, and Aoroi finds himself facing even greater challenges. As he progresses through Emoji Academy, Aoroi uncovers shocking truths about the Council of Emoticon, the most powerful beings in the land who were in charge of Emoji Academy. He also discovers that the source of the virus is closer than he thought. With each obstacle he overcomes, Aoroi becomes stronger and more determined to complete his mission, but the odds are stacked against him. Finally, Aoroi confronts the source of the virus and engages in an epic battle. In the end, he emerges victorious, but at a great cost. Aoroi must say goodbye to his friends and Emoji land as he is transported back to his own world, forever changed by his experiences. Back in the real world, Aoroi realizes that revenge is not worth the price he paid and starts to rebuild his life. He also discovers that he has gained new skills and knowledge from his time at Emoji Academy, which he uses to make a positive impact in his world. The story ends with Aoroi reflecting on his journey and looking forward to a brighter future, but he knows that he will never forget the lessons he learned in Emoji land. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi there.... if you like what you are reading let me know in the comment section. Aside daily chapters, I will be releasing extra chapters every Sunday depending on the amount of support (reviews, comments, votes, power stones, etc) I get in that particular week. Thank you, bye.... Take care.

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30 Chs

Chapter 13: Exceeding All Expectations

Aoroi strode down the corridor, adrenaline still pumping through his veins after his swift defeat of the third year student Lucas Barfirion and his two minions. The third-year's shocked expression as he hit the cold stone floor replayed in Aoroi's mind, bringing a slight smile to his face. He was running late for the final training session, but the exhilaration of this newfound strength made him walk with purpose, not panic. This was his time to prove himself.

Fellow students jumped back as Aoroi passed, their eyes wide. Some glared at him with envy, scowling at his confidence, while others gazed with admiration, no doubt impressed by his skills. Aoroi kept his gaze fixed ahead, focusing his mind on the trial to come. He would show them, show everyone, the extent of his abilities. The training arena grew closer and his heart beat faster in anticipation. Whatever test lay ahead, he was ready. This time, he would not fail.

Aoroi strode with determination towards the training arena, the whispers and stares of the other students fading into the background. His focus was absolute. This final test would determine his future at the academy, and he refused to falter.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of flowing white hair and porcelain skin - Yue, a fairy and one of the academy's least admired beauty because of a scar on her face. His gaze locked with hers for a brief moment before she turned away, a rosy blush blooming on her cheeks. Aoroi could hear the envious whispers of the other girls surrounding her.

"Did you see that? He looked right at Yue!"

"Ugh, she's so lucky. Why would he notice plain old Yue and not us?"

Their petty jealousy brought a faint smirk to Aoroi's lips. Yue glanced back shyly, her blush deepening under his intense stare. With a final flick of his eyes, Aoroi turned and continued on his way, his mind focused once more on the training ahead. He had no time for distractions, no matter how alluring. The arena called to him, beckoning him to prove his worth. This time, he would not fail.

As Aoroi strode purposefully towards the training arena, Lucas Barfirion suddenly appeared, blocking his path. Aoroi tensed, prepared for another confrontation, but Lucas simply stood there, his eyes downcast and posture defeated.

"Tamari, please, you have to help me," Lucas pleaded to the tall, striking girl beside him. "That fight with this freshman has ruined my reputation."

Tamari glanced coldly at Lucas before turning her gaze to Aoroi, her stern expression transforming into an alluring smile.

"I'm afraid I cannot help you today, Lucas," she purred, sidling up to Aoroi. "It seems I have a new partner in mind."

Aoroi met her advances with an impassive stare. He had no time for these games. As Tamari reached out to caress his arm, he deftly avoided her touch and brushed past without a word, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.

Tamari huffed in indignation while Lucas stared after him bitterly. But Aoroi's mind was focused only on the trial to come. He quickened his pace, his boots echoing sharply on the stone floors. Up ahead, the elevator doors began to slide shut.

Aoroi dashed down the long corridor, his footsteps echoing off the cold metal walls.

"Hold the door!" Aoroi yelled, breaking into a sprint.

The elevator doors slid shut just as he rounded the corner. He cursed under his breath. No time to wait for the next one. He had to take the stairs.

Leaping down the steps two at a time, Aoroi's mind raced. This was his last chance to prove himself. All his training had led up to this moment. He felt the power thrumming in his veins, an electric current just waiting to be unleashed. Ever since he got a gimps of total concentration, he felt he had grown exponentially and he was no longer the weakling who first stepped foot in this academy.

Aoroi pictured the shocked faces of his fellow students when they witnessed the extent of his newfound skills. Ever since his arrival at the academy, he had been looked down upon, and ridiculed for his failures. After today, everything would change he hoped. They would finally see his true potential. Maybe respect him. Fear him, even.

The sound of his pounding footsteps reverberated through the stairwell. Faster. He had to move faster. With each step he drew closer to his destination. Closer to claiming his rightful place as the top student. Failure was not an option. Not anymore. The power was his to command. Today he would show them all. His grasp of total concentration made him feel invincible.

At the front of the arena stood Captain Ghost, hands clasped behind his back. Beside him was the infamous Doctor Pain, lips curled in a sinister smile. His reputation for ruthlessness was unmatched. Many students had met their end at his hands over the years and he was determined not to let anyone of the first year students pass his test.

"Today, you prove whether you are worthy of remaining at this academy," Captain Ghost intoned, voice echoing off the walls. "Doctor Pain shall assess your basic mastery over total concentration. Those found...lacking, shall be expelled immediately."

"I shall enjoy this immensely," Dr. Pain sneered, flexing his fingers. "Don't expect me to go easy on any of you this time around."

Just then Aoroi burst through the doors into the training arena, chest heaving from exertion. The cavernous room was deathly silent, filled with his fellow students lined up in perfect rows. Their expressions were grim, shoulders tense with apprehension. This was not just any test. Only the elite would survive this final trial, unworthy students would be expelled.

Aoroi's gaze was steely, jaw set with determination. Gone was the unsure boy who had arrived at the academy. In his place stood a warrior, ready for battle.

The students shuffled nervously, shooting each other apprehensive glances. Aoroi narrowed his eyes in determination. He would not falter, no matter what Pain threw at him. The time had come for him to succeed.

Dr. Pain's eyes narrowed as Aoroi joined the other students. "Cutting it a bit close, aren't we?" he purred. "Tardiness will not be tolerated here."

Aoroi met the doctor's icy stare unflinchingly. "My apologies. I prefer to arrive precisely when I intend to."

A cruel smile played on Dr. Pain's lips. "We shall see if you maintain that arrogance after I'm through with you."

In a blur of motion, Dr. Pain hurled a gleaming scalpel directly at Aoroi's head with blinding speed. The students gasped, sure Aoroi was about to meet a grisly end.

But quicker than their eyes could follow, Aoroi twisted out of the way. The scalpel embedded itself in the wall behind where he had stood just a moment before. A thin line of blood appeared on Aoroi's cheek where the blade had grazed him.

Dr. Pain's eyes widened briefly in surprise before his expression darkened once more. "So you've managed to dodge my attack..." he purred. "No matter. Before this day is through, you'll be bleeding far more than that."

Aoroi stood tall yet surprised, but ready to counter whatever sinister attacks Dr. Pain would unleash next. This was only the beginning.

Aoroi braced himself as Dr. Pain stalked towards him, scalpels glinting between each finger... What he need was a brief moment of total concentration and he would perhaps overpower the doctor like he did Lucas Barfirion.

With blinding speed, Dr. Pain slashed at Aoroi again and again, seeking to carve him to ribbons. All Aoroi could do was to avoid the razor-sharp blades, using every ounce of his devine sense and enhanced reflexes to sway and duck the attacks.

Dr. Pain gave him no chance to counter, pressing his assault relentlessly. Aoroi felt his muscles burning as he desperately dodged and weaved. Sweat beaded on his forehead as he looked for some opening, some momentary lapse to exploit.

But Dr. Pain was merciless, his strikes swift and precise. It was taking everything Aoroi had just to survive the onslaught. The other students watched wide-eyed, certain that at any moment their classmate would fall.

Yet Aoroi refused to yield. His body screamed in protest but his will remained unbroken. He would not give Dr. Pain the satisfaction of seeing him crumble. If this was to be his end, he would meet it with courage.

The clash of steel rang through the arena as Aoroi swayed yet another attack, the scalpel slicing through the air mere inches from his throat. Locking eyes with Dr. Pain, Aoroi let out a defiant roar. He would triumph, or die trying.

To Aoroi surprise Doctor Pain suddenly halted his attacks and started to scratch his head like he had forgotten something important that he was desperately trying to remember.

"This is my chance!" Aoroi said to himself as he quickly took a deep breath and allowed his body and soul to drift and become a part of his surrounding. He needed total concentration and the doctor gave him just the time he was desperately lacking. 

Aoroi begun to feel his connection to his inner self and could feel himself having access to the power that lay deep within him. "Emoji Art- god speed 10% capacity," he chanted as he begun to feel a tingle in his limbs. Godspeed power coursed through his veins at 10% capacity, time seeming to slow around him.

With clarity of focus, he could see the trajectories of Dr. Pain's strikes. The opening he had sought was before him. In the blink of an eye, Aoroi vanished. The students gasped as he reappeared behind Dr. Pain, having moved too swiftly for their eyes to track. Before the doctor could react, Aoroi launched a powerful kick, aiming for the small of his back.

Yet somehow, impossibly, Dr. Pain managed to twist aside, the blow only glancing off his side. He whirled to face Aoroi, scalpels glinting. "Not bad, boy. But it will take more than that to best me."

Aoroi grit his teeth, settling into a fighting stance. Dr. Pain rushed forward, his strikes even swifter than before. Godspeed or no, Aoroi was hard-pressed to evade them all. He focused his power, phasing in and out of view as he dodged and countered.

For nearly a minute the two dueled, moving almost too quickly to be seen. The other students watched in awe as the blurs collided again and again within the arena. It was clear both Aoroi and Dr. Pain were masters of their craft.

But Aoroi could feel himself tiring, the effort to maintain Godspeed taxing him greatly. He had to end this soon, before his strength gave out. Just a little more, he told himself. He only needed one clean strike.

Aoroi panted, sweat dripping down his face as he narrowly ducked under another of Dr. Pain's strikes. His reactions were slowing, each use of Godspeed more taxing than the last.

Dr. Pain pressed his advantage, lashing out with an unrelenting barrage of attacks. Aoroi blocked and deflected what he could, but felt the sting as several blows landed. This had gone on long enough.

With a shout, Aoroi surged forward, putting every last ounce of speed into the attempt. Dr. Pain's eyes widened in surprise as Aoroi slipped past his defenses. In that split second, Aoroi thought he had won. But quicker than thought, Dr. Pain's hand snapped out, catching Aoroi's wrist in an iron grip. With a savage twist he forced Aoroi to his knees, a scalpel coming to rest against his exposed throat. "A valiant effort," Dr. Pain said, "but not enough."

Aoroi froze, heartbeat thundering in his ears. The cold metal kissed his skin, just shy of drawing blood. Around them, the other students looked on in dismay and wonder. For all his newfound power, Aoroi had been bested. What hope did the rest of them have were they ever confronted with an opponent of the doctor's caliber?

Dr. Pain held the pose a moment longer before withdrawing the blade. "On your feet," he commanded. "You have proven yourself today, Aoroi. I daresay you've earned the right to wear that uniform, no one would have been able to avade my final attacks without mastery over total concentration. You still have a long way to go but you have taken the first step towards it."

Aoroi rose unsteadily, massaging his wrenched wrist. But despite the pain, he felt a flicker of pride. He had the chance to go toe to toe with the infamous Dr. Pain and lived to tell the tale. Next time, he knew he could land a strike.

Aoroi stood, regaining his composure as Dr. Pain stepped back. The other students continued to stare, still processing what they had witnessed.

Aoroi had moved with such blistering speed, his blows a blur. For a moment it had seemed he would triumph over their dreaded instructor. But in the end, Dr. Pain had prevailed through ruthless efficiency and cunning.

A heavy silence fell over the arena. The students were left to wonder - could any of them hope to match what Aoroi had accomplished? If he had failed, what chance did they have? Aoroi's display had shattered their confidence even as it filled them with awe.

Dr. Pain let the silence linger, his gaze sweeping across the assembled students. When he spoke, his voice was low but carried to every corner of the arena.

"Take this as a lesson. Raw talent alone is not enough here. You must hone your skills with discipline and determination if you hope to stand against any strong opponent you will face."

He turned to look each student in the eye before continuing. "I can teach you techniques. I can train your bodies and focus your minds. But the will to succeed must come from within you. Find that, and you may yet survive the obstacles."

With those ominous words hanging in the air, Dr. Pain strode in front of the arena, his footsteps echoing in the silence, training had just begun and the students were not yet in the clear until they passed.