
Emmitter Of Doom

Brian Strider is supposed to be the heir to the powerful family that protects the Earth's royal family but unlike the others he is anything but strong.He goes through a lot to get acknowledged by his family and that's when he meets a mysterious man who gives him a mark that steers him back to the duties of his past life.can he overcome the obstacles that he may face and fulfill his duty to the multiverse as the emitter of doom.

Council_of_sages12 · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Chapter 21:Visit to Boosonawa

I slightly opened my eyes to take a look around my surroundings, that's when I saw something interesting, my blood is being sucked out of me and passed through a machine, it's pale blue colour changes to a bright red  after going through the machine and then it is reinjected into my body, while the purple substance that came out of my blood was sent away through another delivery tube.

From the process I am witnessing it's quite obvious that they are extracting the pulze in my blood, but was such a feat even possible, I had heard they there had been attempts to extract pulze from living organisms or transform the atmospheric matox into pulze but all of that had failed so far, it explains why I can feel my strength leaving me so quickly and why blood's colour has changed as well as this unbearable pain. The tears, snot and drool run down my face like rivulets as my screams were reduced to pleading and begging for mercy.

I tried shaking violently but I could not break free of my shackles and my strength was already gone. Thirty more minutes of this hell and I'd lost my energy to struggle or even scream anymore, I was getting closer to becoming a corpse, I was wet with sweat like I'd just swam in the Atlantic and I'd lost so much weight I became pale. Then finally my blood stopped going through the tubes, the pins disengaged from my body and the lab table went back down. I could still feel intense pain all over my body and my mind was in a state of confusion, still and silent I lay on the table barely breathing.

"We did it Dr Russel, we filtered four kilograms of pure pulze, this shimmering purple liquid"

"Yes!, yes!, Pure pulze, finally my research is complete" Dr Russel said with so much joy in her voice.

"But what about the patient, his life signs are dropping very quickly, at this rate he will be  dead in the next hour".

"Put him in an incubator, we can't have him dying on us now, we still have about five more kilograms of Pulze left in him, once the extraction device cools down we will continue".

"That wouldn't be possible Dr, if we put him in another extraction, he will die in less than five minutes"

"We can't have that happen, his cells will die when he dies and we will lose all our precious pulze"

"If we incubate him for at least a week to let him heal we can succeed in the next extraction per my calculations"

"Then I'll leave his life in your hands Dr Smith, I can't wait to run tests on this",Dr Russel said looking gleefully at the pulze she had just extracted from Brian.

     The representatives of the strider family, Lemuel and his four brothers, Martin,Finn,Gilbert and Dauglas made their way to the castle of 'Boosonawa', where the royal family resides. Though it is very hard to meet the world monarch even for very important people, the striders were allowed an audience with the king as soon as they arrived.

  Shortly after waiting in the secret meeting chamber which was created specially for the Strider family to meet with the king, the world monarch walked in dressed sharply in a creamed coloured tuxedo with the royal insignia printed largely on its back. For a monarch burdened with the affairs of the world, it was weird that he always had time for fashion, and nobody can blame a twenty seven year old young man who is literally king of the world for his behaviors.

"It's scary to see the Strider family heads gathered in one place like this, though I'm supposed to feel safe I'm rather frightened".

"Greetings to the king", the brothers said in sync as they stood to greet the king with a bow.

"What's this, it's unlike you proud Striders to act like this, drop the formalities".

"But we're here on a formal agenda".

"As your king I said drop it, I hate all this sucking up to the king thing", he smiled. "The way you're all here, is this a negotiation for more wages cause I just spent a lot on this tuxedo"

"Since we can be normal and drop the formalities you should keep those lame jokes under wraps, king Julien, we're here on very important matters", Finn retorted, he'd always disliked the king's playful nature when things were serious.

"Finny you meanie, I only wanted to lighten up the mood a little, that's all", king Julien said in a small cute voice, "besides I already know why you're here. It's because the military has taken Brian away". The facial expressions of the brothers changed and become even more serious, "wanna know how?, It's because I'm the world monarch".

"That does not really say how you know about it, we've kept this information confidential and the mansion has been under lockdown for three days now, h—"

" Actually that saves time for us big brother Lemuel, we can get straight to the point of our mission here", Finn chimed in, "we want you to order the military to release Brian to us or—"

"Unfortunately I can't do that, the monarch cannot interfere with the matters of the military, it's a check to prevent me from being vested with too much power, after all I'm just a constitutional monarch".

"We already know that, but you also have the power of the veto".

"That is for emergencies".

"Would you consider it an emergency if we told you we plan to wipe out zone six military if you can't help us?"

"Those are very big words Mr Dauglas, but I'm afraid I cannot help you in this situation, anyhow if you need me in any other way I'd be happy to help however I can, for example you happen to destroy the military power of zone six. Now if you would excuse me I have a function to attend".

   "Wait!, How did you get to know of Brian's kidnapping?, The reasoning you gave earlier was not enough, only members of the strider family know about it and we never reported to the royal family, unless you're in a way connected to the military", Lemuel spoke after being quiet for so long, the look in his eyes were sharp and they pierced through king Julien...