

Quinn is a young man whose roots run deep in Night City. He's seen enough of the world's darker side to understand how to survive. Yet, when a seemingly omnipotent being of power decides to give our young lad a system. Well, it seems even celestial beings of unfathomable power make mistakes. Suggestions and Questions are recommended. The picture is by @Lightwatchsaga. Also, I don't own anything besides my character Quinn.

bhparsons19 · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
6 Chs


Sorry, it's been a bit; I've been studying for college exams, spring break is around the corner, and most of my days have been filled up.

Anyway, expect a chapter or two this weekend.

PS: Some comments and info would be appreciated; tell me what you think, and if you have any ideas or questions, let me know.

PPS: First, I'm debating whether or not I should have Sasha live. I know there's not much to her character, but having her in the story would be interesting. Secondly, should I bring new characters, mainly other OCs or possibly different characters from alternate universes?

Who wouldn't want to see a cybernetic Black Widow in tight black leather?


Anyhoo! See ya all later!