
Embracing Darkness

When you turn twenty five a choice must be made, become a Vampire or become a Werewolf. A slave to the hunger or a slave to the moon. Elisa Irina has avoided this choice by pretending to be dimwitted. After all her secret could get her killed. What choice will she make when the only family she's ever known is slaughtered and all turn a blind eye. Or will the choice be made for her?

EvaPeony · Fantasía
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10 Chs

Owls Nest

Master Horn looks at me shaking his head when I take too long to answer, "see you don't know, all you know is what others have told you," he starts pacing, "before you leave the Isle you will have an answer. Now, where did I live your papers," he stops before the oak desk and pears down at it, "here it is," he says after several minutes of searching.

When he holds out the papers, I walk towards him careful not to step on anything. The folder he hands me has my name and a number under it.

"It's your room number," Master Horn opens a drawer and digs out a silver key, "you will stay in Owls Nest until your test in two weeks."

"Test?" I take the key.

"Why yes, yes all students must be tested to see which house they belong to. Use these two weeks to get acquainted with things," he jumps out of his seat and yanks several books out of one of his many piles. Tossing them into a basket he points at it.

It's quite heavy for books before I can speak, he says, "oh yes, I almost forgot," he heads to a shelf and pulls out several scrolls. Tossing them into the basket with a satisfied look, "that should do it, go on now," for an older person Master Horn moves quite quickly one minute his standing next to me the next his holding the door open, "hurry on now."

"Thank you," I scurry out of his office, feeling slightly perplexed. Has everyone gone mad and how can creatures I've only ever read about exist in this world? Wait, am I still in my world? I set my things down and take a seat on one of the wooden benches outside Master Horn's office. Careful not to drop any of the contents of the folder I open it. Inside is a map that says you are here with a tiny figure looking up at me.

"Its magic," someone says. I look around but I'm alone except for a rabbit that sits by my feet. Where did it come from?

"When you start moving the figure will move," the rabbit says.

"You can talk," I say, feeling the onsets of a migraine.

"So, can you," the rabbit stands on his hind legs and runs a paw over one of his ears flicking it forward.

"Right, who are you?"

"The names Snowy, and yours?"

"Elisa," I feel like I've truly gone mad talking to a rabbit.

"What are you doing Elisa?" Snowy sniffs the air.

"Trying to figure out where Owls Nest is."

"I can take you there," Snowy stands with his front paws in a little prayer.

"That's alright I'll follow the map."

"But I'm a guide," he's brown eyes look me over, "you'll need help."

"You're a guide?" I ask picking my things up and tucking the folder into my duffle.

"Yes," Snowy goes back to all fours, "there are many guides, but none are as cute as me."

"I don't doubt that," I say, earning a smile from him.

Snowy leads me out of the building we pass several animals all of which he informs me are guides not pets. A cat joins us for a bit trying to convince me she the better guide, "of with you," Snowy says, "don't listen to Spinxy, she's stuck up."

"Got it," I find it easier to just go along with everything he says. My head hurts too much to argue. We stop before an oak building an Owl swoops down changing midway. The Owl is now a young man with white and brown hair, "can you do that?" I ask, Snowy.

"Not yet," Snowy says, "Owl cultivated long and hard."

Owl's black eyes study me before turning to Snowy, "who is she?"

"This is Elisa, Master Horn sent her," Snowy says.

"You may leave," Owl turns and unlocks the oak door, "in you go."

"Thank you," I tell Snowy and step inside.

"See you Elisa," Snowy chimes as he hopes away.

"Your room his on the fourth landing," Owl says closing the door behind me.

Before I can thank him, he's gone. I walk past the warmly decorated foyer and up the steps until I reach the fourth landing. Voices can be heard here and there, thankfully I don't encounter anyone. There is a glass wall in front of me and a few doors to either side. I pull out the folder and start looking for room 4A. There are literally four rooms, two on either side of the stairs, mines at the very end.

I nock just in case after no one answers I unlock the door and step inside. There's a bed with a night table on either side and a trunk at the end of the bed. A desk to my left a bay window to the corner facing the side of the bed next to an open door. Good, I don't have to share, and I have my own bathroom. I set my things down and lock my door. Amethyst stones protrude from either side of the door bathing the room in lavender light.

The bathroom has glowing moonstones and rose quartz. I remember reading about this in one of Uncle's books. The stones are powered by magic absorbed by the earth. They are native to the Fay lands. It seems I'm no longer home. I take a quick shower and change into my pajamas.

When I try to use my phone, I find there is no signal, so much for that. I turn it off no use wasting the battery and toss it onto the desk. The books surprisingly aren't dusty and appear to be new or at least in good condition. History of Immortality one reads while others are in languages I've never seen. Rules and Regulations is a thin book that literally says, don't kill each other the Academy is not a battlefield.

I set the books and scrolls on the study desk and open the trunk inside is a set of clothes and shoes with a note. Novice must wear until assigned a House. That's right Yuria had worn crimson robes with a star pattern on them. I pull out the white robes not a pattern on them, there's another set folded underneath. Luckily, there's a washer and dryer in the bathroom along with colorful looking glass vials.

Setting the clothes back in the trunk I walk over to the bed and climb in, my stomach growls but I'm too exhausted to care. I close my eyes and pray this all be a dream.

My dreams consist of crimson eyes and flames followed by images of Zack being torn apart. I wake with a scream and yank my nightshirt off. I'm covered in sweat and my headaches worst now. I dig out one of the bottles of water I bought before coming here and drink half of the twelve-ounce bottle. Why didn't I buy pain killers? I fall asleep while rubbing my temples, hoping I wake to a headache-free day with Uncle cooking bacon while Aunt makes her double chocolate coffee and Zack and Max work in the bakery.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

EvaPeonycreators' thoughts