
Embrace of Starlight

In this heartwarming tale, two lifelong friends embark on a journey together, having known each other since they were little. Raffy and James share a bond that runs deep, filled with inside jokes, shared memories, and unwavering support for each other's dreams. As they grow older, their dreams align, and they decide to face life's challenges hand in hand. Their friendship blossoms with every shared moment, and they become each other's pillars of strength through thick and thin. However, as they navigate through life's ups and downs, they start to see each other in a different light. A subtle shift in their feelings begins to take place, though both are hesitant to acknowledge it, fearing that it might jeopardize the beautiful friendship they've built. As they continue their adventure side by side, they cherish every moment spent together, not realizing that the very thing they seek may be right in front of them all along-a profound connection that has been quietly flourishing since their childhood days. Will their dreams and this unbreakable bond converge, leading them to a future they never imagined? Dive into their captivating journey and uncover the secrets that destiny has in store for Raffy and James in this heartwarming and mysterious tale.

JamesSilver · Real
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16 Chs

CHAPTER 1 | Destined Pursuits: Unbreakable

At precisely three in the afternoon, Raffy and I were still navigating the bustling streets, scavenging for hidden treasures like modern-day pirates on a mission. Our quest? To unearth recyclables - paper, plastic, bottles, metal - anything we could transform into the almighty peso. This had become our daily adventure, our means of survival in a world where opportunities felt scarce. Our parents couldn't afford to send us to fancy schools, so we mastered the art of street smarts instead. Whatever meager earnings we managed to stash away; we spent it on life's simplest pleasure - food. But here's the kicker - I'm not one to wallow in self-pity. You see, life deals a deck of cards to each of us, some handed the aces, others left with jokers. Yet, I'm holding onto hope like a lifebuoy in stormy waters. I believe in that day when we'll rise above adversity like mighty phoenixes. So, rather than playing the blame game, I focus on making the most out of every hand I'm dealt. It's my adventure, a journey of turning trash into treasure, step by step, as I build a brighter tomorrow.

I'm James, sixteen years of age, residing in Tandang Sora, a hustler with a tan complexion, eyes that gleam with determination, and a nose that deserves its own spotlight. My partner-in-crime, Raffy, stands by my side, matching my height at around 5'8", fair-skinned with eyes that hold a world of dreams, and a nose that stands proud on his face. Together, we're a duo forged by fate, navigating life's unpredictable seas.

As we strolled along the busy streets, we stumbled upon a gas station, and there, gleaming like a diamond, stood a luxurious car, leaving us mesmerized like kids in a candy store.

"No doubt, that ride must be chauffeuring someone sipping champagne while we're here drinking cola," Raffy said, his jaw dropped in awe.

"Pffft, 'must be'? Trust me, only a high roller could afford that masterpiece. Can you imagine a pauper cruising in that wonder on wheels? Tsk! It's a work of art; mark my words, one day, I'll ride in a ride just like it," he continued, full of starry-eyed ambition.

"Hahaha! Keep on dreaming, my friend. Even if we hit the recycling jackpot, we'd need a gazillion coins to consider that ride," I teased.

"Watch me work my magic; I'll make it rain cash. I'll save every cent, study as if my life depends on it, and land a job that's out of this world. We won't be trapped in this rock-bottom rut forever. And you, my buddy, better bring your A-game too," Raffy said, gazing into my eyes with a serious expression.

"Oh, no worries, amigo, I'm all in too. But mark my words, I won't let you beat me to that car," I replied, determined to match his ambition.

"Game on, my friend, but here's the deal: if one of us makes it, we'll cruise together like kings on wheels. 'Cause you're stuck with me, in my wildest dreams and beyond," Raffy said, sealing our pact.

"And you, my amigo, are stuck with me too. But enough with the theatrics; I might shed a tear. Hahaha!" I chuckled, playfully punching him as we both roared with laughter.

This is how we roll, keeping each other grounded and lifted in this topsy-turvy ride called life. After sharing countless laughs and tears, we're bound by something deeper than blood - our dreams.

After a day of hustling, we headed to Mang Bert, the quirky old man who buys our treasure - or tries to swindle us, rather. But guess what? We've cracked his code, and he's no match for our street smarts. We spread out our finds like master strategists, ready to strike a deal.

"Looks like you've hit the motherlode today, huh?" Mang Bert remarked.

"Oh, you betcha, Mang Bert. Lady Luck smiled upon us, and we struck gold. We stumbled upon a plastic and bottle bonanza earlier," Raffy responded confidently.

"Alright, alright. Let's see, 5 kilos of metal, 3 kilos of paper (not brown ones, just white), 23 kilos of plastic, and 33 bottles. So, that'll be a cool 200 pesos," Mang Bert calculated.

"Hold your horses, Mang Bert. Let's run the numbers again. 5 kilos of metal, that's a cool 36 pesos; 3 kilos of paper, a sweet 27 pesos; 23 kilos of plastic, a smashing 138 pesos! And the bottles? A crisp 22 pesos each when we got three. So, the grand total: 223 pesos, my friend. And you're short by 23 pesos. Tough luck, huh?" Raffy cleverly pointed out.

"Thanks a million, Mang Bert," I chimed in with a cheeky grin.

So, this is what we do, day in and day out. As we walk home, we cross paths with Rhoda, the lively owner of the local beauty parlor.

"Oh, my fabulous stars! Look who it is - the dynamic duo of bottle collectors! How's it going, you two? By the way, come join us later; my fierce friends and I are having a little shindig. I told them all about you, and they're absolutely dying to meet you. You never know, they might even fall head over heels for you both. Hehe, extra cash, darlings! Alright, freshen up, and look your best, okay?" Rhoda exclaimed with excitement.

"What if they're all talk and no cash?" Raffy asked, skeptical but intrigued.

"Oh, trust me, those gals are gold mines. No worries, I'll handle the dough. If they don't pay up, I'll unleash the sass," Rhoda replied confidently.

"Alright, we'll grab a quick bite and get dapper. We'll catch up with you later," Raffy said, accepting the invitation.

"Alrighty, make sure to sparkle, my stars!" Rhoda beamed.

We made our way home, and as usual, Raffy took the lead. He never allowed me to get involved in these little adventures. He wouldn't let me do things that went against my principles. I'd accompany him just to keep him company on the way back. But truth be told, I didn't like these escapades. First, we had no vices to indulge in, and second, I felt a weird mix of emotions whenever I see him flirting with the gay guys. But I never stopped him because I knew it would be additional earnings. "He needs this," I convinced myself. Even if I tried to stop him, he'd find a way to win the argument. Just like with Mang Bert, I couldn't outsmart Raffy in a discussion. He always had a bunch of reasons up his sleeves.

We dropped by Aleng Tale's store to buy some food and rice. We divided our earnings before making any purchases. Once we got our purchases, we headed to our respective homes. When I reached home:

"Mom, I'm here," I announced my arrival.

"Oh, my child, you've arrived. Lezel is starving, she said she's famished. Give me your stuff, and I'll start cooking," my mom greeted me warmly.

I rested for a bit and took a quick shower to freshen up before heading out again. While Mom was cooking, she told me about a program the barangay had, offering free education for those who never finished elementary school.

"There's a program at the barangay offering free education for people like you who have never finished elementary. Maybe you'd like to study now that you have the chance," my mom suggested.

"Mom, I want to study, but what about us? Who will support us financially?" I expressed my concerns.

"Don't worry about us. I'll find more work to increase our income and make sure you can study. It's about time you got an education anyway," my mom assured me.

"I'm not sure, Mom. I'm hesitant. I'm afraid it will be hard for you," I hesitated.

"Don't worry about me. I can still work, and I'll be fine. Besides, it's for your future," my mom replied with determination.

"Okay, Mom, I'll think about it," I agreed, still unsure.

After I finished showering, I noticed Dad in one corner, crying, probably hurt by our conversation earlier. As he sobbed, he spoke:

"Study, that's the best thing you can do. So, you won't end up like me, useless," my dad confessed, trying to hold back his tears.

"Don't say that Dad. If not for you, we wouldn't have grown up like this. You don't know how grateful I am that you're my father," I said, trying to comfort him.

"I'm embarrassed by you. Even when I had a job, I couldn't afford to send you to school, and now that I can't use my legs anymore..." my dad trailed off, his voice breaking.

Dad used to be a garbage truck helper. He was one of those who collected trash. Unexpectedly, he fell while the truck was moving at a fast pace. He was immediately rushed to the hospital, saving his life, but he sustained severe spinal cord injuries that left him crippled. The company paid for his medical treatment, but he didn't receive any compensation when they let him go. He became sad, and here we are, doing this drama now.

"Your dad is right, my child. Study, so you won't end up like us," my mom chimed in "And Rene, don't degrade yourself. Even when you were still working, you did a lot for us, your family. I'll be forever grateful to God for giving you to us. I don't know what I would do if you were taken away from us. So, don't be sad, we'll be alright as long as our family is complete," my mom added, trying to uplift our spirits.

I smiled at what Mom said, so I went to them and gave them a tight hug. I called my siblings, and we ate inside the room so that Dad could join us. This scene had happened countless times in our home, so whenever it occurred, I knew what to do. I was happy to have been part of this kind of family - we may be poor in terms of wealth, but we're rich in love. As I thought about this, Raf entered the house.

"Good evening, Nay (Mom)," Raffy greeted warmly.

"Oh, Raffy, my son, come here and join us," my mom welcomed him with open arms.

"I'm good, Mom, I just finished eating," Raffy declined politely.

"Where are you kids heading off to again?" my mom asked curiously.

"It's our friend's birthday, and we were invited, so we feel bad declining," Raffy explained, accepting the invitation.

"Oh, I see. Just make sure not to stay out too late. It's dangerous on the streets at night. And James, hurry up and leave early so you can come back early," my mom reminded us with concern.

Raffy and I said our goodbyes and made our way to Rhoda's house, completely unaware of the life-changing realization that awaits us.