
Emanation of Divinity: Cursed as the Werewolf

story with elements of mythology, romance, and action. The story explores the idea of love and hate being necessary components of human existence and the potential consequences of disrupting this balance. The characters also face difficult choices and challenges as they navigate the world of gods and demi-gods, and their own relationships with one another.

TheOrignalsNovels · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Emanation Of Divinity

At 6:00 PM, Ava was waiting outside the museum and getting increasingly frustrated with Soren's tardiness. She called him again, and Soren finally answered.

"This is my sixth missed call," Ava angrily shouted at Soren.

"Why are you calling me so much? Don't you know that I'm at the gym at this time?" Soren replied.

"At the gym?! What! Are you out of your mind?!" Ava exclaimed.

"Huh? What do you mean? And why are you angry?" Soren asked.

"You promised to meet me at the museum, did you forget?" Ava asked, seething with anger.

"But weren't we supposed to meet at 7:00 PM?" Soren asked.

Suddenly, Ava remembered that they had agreed to meet at 7:00 PM, not 6:00 PM. Her excitement had caused her to forget the actual meeting time.

"Ohhh! You're right. Sorry for scolding you!" Ava apologized.

"Haha, no worries, my queen," Soren replied with a touch of attitude.

"But you should be here in the next 20-30 minutes," Ava scolded Soren again, still feeling a bit annoyed.

Ava ended the call with Soren and placed her phone down, still feeling a bit agitated. As she tried to gather her composure, a random man standing on her left caught her attention. He spoke up, breaking the silence.

"You look even more beautiful when you're angry," the man remarked casually.

Ava was taken aback by the unexpected comment, her expression shifting from anger to surprise. She turned to face the man, her eyes filled with a mix of caution and curiosity.

"Pardon me?" Ava responded, seeking clarification.

Realizing that his words had startled her, the man quickly attempted to reassure her.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I startled you. That was not my intention at all," he said, his tone apologetic.

Ava examined the man standing before her, noting his impressive height of 6'1" and well-built physique. He appeared to be around her age.

"It's alright, no harm done. And thank you for the compliment," Ava replied, her demeanor softening slightly as she acknowledged his kind words.

"Ahhh, thanks! By the way, my name is Jackson, Jackson Henry," he introduced himself to Ava.

"Great, nice name," Ava replied curtly, her lack of interest in Jackson evident.

"And what is your name?" Jackson inquired, trying to engage in conversation.

"That's none of your business," Ava responded, her tone firm and dismissive.

"Oh, yes, you're right. I'm sorry," Jackson replied, realizing he had overstepped.

Just then, Jackson's phone began to ring, capturing Ava's attention. He swiftly answered the call and engaged in a conversation with the person on the other end.

"Oh yeah, yeah, I'm at the museum as expected."

"Oh, yes, yes, I'll be there at the funeral before they bury him."

"Nah, I'm currently outside the museum. Just saw a beautiful lady and trying to impress her."

"HAHAHAHAH, right! See ya, talk to you later."

Jackson casually conversed on the phone, seemingly unfazed by Ava's presence. After concluding the call, he nonchalantly returned his phone to his pocket.

"Is that 'I'm Zeus' by Michael Haxon on your ringtone?" Ava asked Jackson, her surprise evident in her voice.

"Umm, what if I say that you're right?" Jackson replied with a hint of amusement.

"Oh my god, oh my god! So you're a Michael Haxon fan too?" Ava exclaimed.

"Yeah, obviously! He mostly creates songs based on old mythologies and their gods. That's why he's my favorite," Jackson explained to Ava.

As Ava listened to his response, excitement washed over her, and Jackson noticed the surprise on her face.

"Don't tell me that you're his fan too!" Jackson asked Ava.

"His fan?! I'm his diehard fan! And the reason why I'm his fan is the same as yours!" Ava replied enthusiastically.

They both began conversing, realizing they shared a common interest in mythologies and their gods. It turned out that both of them had come to the museum for that very reason. They decided to continue their discussion at the newly opened 'ToT Restaurant' (Thunder Of Thor Restaurant) near the museum. They ordered their coffees and engaged in a lively conversation about Norse and Greek mythology.

They were engrossed in a lively conversation, sharing details about themselves and their interests. Suddenly, Ava's phone rang, indicating an incoming call from Soren.

"Hey, where are you? I'm outside the museum," Soren said to Ava.

"I'm at the ToT Restaurant," Ava replied.

"ToT what?" Soren asked, his confusion evident.

"Thunder Of Thor Restaurant! You're so clueless, Soren!" Ava teased him.

"Hehehe, my apologies! I'm on my way," Soren replied.

After ending the call, Soren made his way to the restaurant. As he entered, he scanned the area to find Ava. Spotting her, he waved his hand, and Ava gestured for him to join her. However, as Soren approached, he noticed a guy sitting with Ava at her table. He stood behind the guy, silently questioning Ava with his expression, "Who is this guy?" As the stranger moved slightly, Soren's shock intensified.

"What the hell! It's you!" Soren exclaimed, directed at Jackson.

"What a coincidence, bro! It's crazy!" Jackson replied to Soren, trying to ease the tension.

"What are you doing here, simp?" Soren asked Jackson, his frustration apparent.

"Please calm down, Soren," Jackson interjected, attempting to defuse the situation. Ava looked at both of them, perplexed by their existing acquaintance. "You two already know each other?" she inquired.

Jackson nodded. "Indeed, we're friends and happen to be members of the same gym," he explained to Ava.

Soren's anger flared up, rejecting the notion. "Friends? We're merely acquaintances at the gym, nothing more," he retorted with frustration evident in his voice.

Ava turned her attention back to Soren. "Why are you being so harsh on him?" she asked, genuinely curious.

Soren's anger was palpable as he responded, "He's nothing but a 'simp.' One of our fellow gym partners committed suicide because Jackson slept with his girlfriend. He always do that, He sleeps with his friend's girlfriends and now looks like he is after my girl"

Soren's accusation had struck a nerve with Ava, and she glared at him, her eyes filled with confusion when he referred to her as "my girl."

"Wait a minute," Ava interjected, trying to diffuse the escalating tension between Soren and Jackson. "Let's take a step back and listen to each other's side of the story."

Both Soren and Jackson glared at each other, their animosity still evident, but they reluctantly agreed to hear each other out.

"Soren, you mentioned that a fellow gym partner committed suicide because of Jackson's involvement with his girlfriend," Ava addressed Soren, seeking clarification.

Soren nodded with frustration. "Yes, that's what happened. Jeremy was my friend, and he found out that Jackson had slept with his girlfriend behind his back. It devastated him, and he couldn't handle the betrayal."

Ava turned to Jackson, her expression indicating that it was his turn to share his perspective. "Jackson, Soren claims that you have a pattern of pursuing the girls of your friends and acquaintances. Is there any truth to that?"

Jackson's face hardened, and he let out a sigh before responding. "It's true that I was involved with Jeremy's girlfriend, but it wasn't as simple as Soren portrays it. I had no idea they were together, and when I found out, I immediately broke things off. Jeremy was my best friend, and I would never intentionally hurt him."

Ava pondered their conflicting accounts, trying to piece together the truth. "So, Jackson, you're saying that Jeremy's death had nothing to do with your involvement with his girlfriend?"

Jackson felt compelled to share his side of the story. 'Yes, sleeping with his girl wasn't the reason for Jeremy's death. He was murdered for reasons unrelated to our involvement. Some of his adversaries took his life. Soren doesn't know the full story and is simply fabricating tales about me out of jealousy, particularly regarding my physique."

As Jackson finished explaining, a tense silence hung in the air, each person grappling with the complexities of the situation.

"You know what, I'm already saddened by my friend's death, and now Soren is wasting my time with false allegations simply because he dislikes me," Jason expressed to Ava, his frustration evident in his tone. "I'm heading to the museum. Are you coming, Ava?"

Soren, unable to contain his anger, retorted, "Why would I hate a 'simp' like you?" His voice carried a mix of indignation and fury.

Chuckling lightly, Jackson responded, ""Hatred is not merely a part of being human; it is a reflection of our own humanity, reminding us of our capacity for both darkness and light.", perhaps it's because of my physique. I happen to be more muscular than you, You are weak in front of me, my friend."

"How dare you say that! Let me show you who is weak here!" Soren shouted, attempting to launch an attack on Jackson.

Just as the tension escalated, Ava swiftly positioned herself between the two, preventing any physical altercation. Her voice carried a firm tone as she addressed them both.

"Listen to me, both of you. You have already wasted a significant amount of my time. I will not tolerate this any longer. We are going to the museum, and if either of you tries to ruin my most awaited day, you will witness my anger. Soren, you need to show respect to Jackson, as he is our guest," Ava sternly admonished them, her anger palpable in her words.

The atmosphere grew tense as Ava asserted her authority, demanding their cooperation and respect. Both Jackson and Soren gazed at each other angrily. Jackson's decision to comply with Ava's request was driven by an undeniable infatuation he harbored for her.

Soren, observing the scene from a distance, engaged in a silent dialogue with himself. "Don't ruin her day, Soren. You must also protect her from that Simp. I will not allow any malevolence or hatred to approach Ava," Soren muttered under his breath, his concern evident.

Reluctantly, Soren addressed Ava, his voice filled with a mix of emotions. "Alright, Ava, I agree, but only for your sake," he said, acknowledging her request.

"Arigato, Soren," Ava replied, expressing her gratitude as she embraced him in a warm hug.

The trio then made their way toward the museum, with Ava taking the initiative to purchase tickets for all of them. As they ventured inside, Soren seized a moment to whisper a cautionary message into Jackson's ear, his tone laced with a veiled threat. "Do not pursue her," Soren warned.

In response, Jackson's frustration boiled over, and he retorted sharply, "Fu*k off."

Undeterred by the tension, Ava returned with the tickets, and they all proceeded to enter the museum. Jackson and Ava's faces radiated excitement as they immersed themselves in the exhibits that aligned perfectly with their shared interests. Ancient artifacts, fossils, and relics from various mythologies such as Greek, Norse, and Hindu fascinated them.

However, Soren grew increasingly bored and jealous as he observed Jackson and Ava's deepening connection. Their similar interests only intensified his envy, as Jackson's knowledge surpassed his own. Amidst this internal turmoil, their attention was abruptly captivated by a particular cardboard display.

They approached the cardboard, its title proclaiming "Emanation of Divinity." Yet, it was not the mere name that intrigued them. It was the writing adorning the surface, beckoning them to unravel its mysteries, which truly seized their attention.

As Jackson and Ava examined the writing written on the "Emanation of Divinity" cardboard, they discovered that it was divided into two parts, one in Greek and the other in Norse. The significance of the words began to unravel before their eyes.

The Greek portion read, "Καλώ την θεία ουσία μου, ας εμποτιστεί αυτό το δοχείο και ας γεννηθεί ο άβατάρ μου." Translated into English, it meant, "I call forth my divine essence, let it be infused with this vessel, and let my avatar be born."

The Norse part stated, "Með aflinu frá jörðunni og vilja mínum, byrjið Hamingjuútgönguminn!" When translated, it conveyed the message, "By the power of the earth and my will, let the Emanation of Divinity begin!"

"I can read that! It is half written in Greek," Ava exclaimed, eager to share her discovery. However, before she could complete her sentence, Jackson interjected, "And half written in Norse! I can read that too, damn!" His excitement matched Ava's as they realized they could decipher the ancient inscriptions together.

Meanwhile, Soren stood nearby, idly twirling a toothpick in his mouth, clearly unimpressed by their linguistic abilities. With a hint of sarcasm, he mockingly commented, "Wow, that's very cool of you." His words were dripping with irony, subtly taunting Ava and Jackson.

Undeterred by Soren's cynicism, Ava and Jackson continued reading the writing aloud in unison. Their voices harmonized as they uttered the words, "I call forth my divine essence, let it be infused with this vessel and let my avatar be born. By the power of the earth and my will, let the Emanation of Divinity begin!"

As the words resonated in the air, a strange sensation filled the room. Ava's eyes widened with surprise, but before anyone could react, she suddenly collapsed.

Ava jolted awake, her heart racing as she gasped,

"What just happened to me?"

Her eyes darted around the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in the sight of her body covered in wolf fur. She had transformed into a complete werewolf, but this wasn't where she was supposed to be. Panic set in as she sensed someone or something behind her, the low growl making her hair stand on end. Slowly turning around with a trembling hand, she saw a wolf standing there, its eyes locked onto hers. Fearing for her life, Ava tried to back away, shouting at the wolf to keep its distance. But the wolf seemed to be just as afraid of her, stepping back as she did.

"Who are you?" Ava asked, her voice shaking as she tried to make sense of what was happening.

The wolf tilted its head, studying Ava for a moment before answering, "What are you!?"

Ava was stunned, her mind struggling to comprehend the fact that the wolf was talking to her.

"You can talk?" she exclaimed in disbelief.

The wolf rolled its eyes. "Yes, obviously I can. What do you mean? And what are you, by the way?"

"Leave me! What are you? And how the hell are you able to speak the same language as I do?"

Ava demanded, her fear turning into anger as she tried to take control of the situation. The wolf sighed.

"Leave it, let's start from scratch. I'm Jackson, Jackson Henry".