
Elven Encounter With A Blood Seeker

Tired of toxic ones and seeking a dotting male lead? Want to read about a budding romance between two mortal enemies? Looking for a strong female instead of a whiny one? Well, you are in right place, let's get started. ~Excerpt~ I watched as they kissed passionately, as he undressed her body, fondling her, and making her moan. I still watched as their bodies collided, melting together, moulding into each other, moving in rhythms. But why was he watching me? Not for a second, his eyes flickered or left mine. Not even when he bit into her neck and sucked her blood. He still watched me and I did him, unwavering and unmoving as if we had been frozen in time. Treia left as he asked her to, giving me another unpleasant look as she walked past me. But, I was too engrossed in watching him as he had instructed me, I wouldn't look away because that's what he had asked me to do. When did I become so benign? Well, it was all for my mission, that's what I kept telling myself. Was that true though? Did I not feel even a single bit of pull toward this gorgeous entity in front of me? "Did you enjoy the show?" He finally asked sitting up in his bed. ~Synopsis~ Aselia was an elf whose world was ridden with many problems and strewn with species of all kinds but none was more colossal than vermins called 'Vampires' who sought blood not only for survival but also for pleasure especially from "The Elven Race." Their blood was considered superior and was relished above all by vampires. As a result, Elves were mercilessly hunted and were driven to the brink of extinction. Aselia hated Vampires with a passion. Then she met a vampire whose existence was unknown to most people. Xiran smiled at her as no vampire had ever done before. She didn't scream rainbows and he was no angel either. She was not a damsel in distress and yet he wanted to be her saviour. The man's appearance was not of a vampire and yet he drank blood. What secrets did he hold? And who exactly was he? How will he react when he will discover Aselia's deepest darkest secrets? Because she had many too. Read on to find out... ---------------------------- Thank you everyone for choosing to read my book, I am a newbie writer and I am sure you will love reading my book as much as I enjoy writing it. Leave a comment and send a power stone to show your love. Support me. Read my new book "The CEO of My Dreams Returned To Me." Follow me on Instagram and Facebook: Sunny Shumail. ----------------------------- The cover is mine.

Sunny_Shumail · Fantasía
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483 Chs


Aselia's POV

I entered my room and was welcomed by a beautiful site. All the dresses and other accessories were tucked away and I could see loads and loads of art supplies piled up neatly on the table and floor. Canvases of all sizes, paints, brushes, a wooden easel, a pallet and other essentials. My face lit up, ahhh! I will finally be able to relax and think less about murdering someone.

I choose a corner and began arranging all my supplies. Propped the table right beside the easel and placed all the paints and brushes on it. The extra materials I tucked away in the cupboard. I choose a 2×2 canvas and arranged it on the easel. Before starting I needed a change of clothes, I opened the cupboard and took out a pair of black jeans and a black sweatshirt, changed and hung the clothes I removed dexterously on a hanger, placing them back in the cupboard.

Since I couldn't sleep as per his punishment so it was better to paint. The painting had always helped me relax, keeping the demons I battle every day at bay. I took out some greens and blues and began to paint the ocean. Stroke after stroke of my brush soothed the turmoils raging in my heart. I was so engrossed that I didn't realize it when he entered the room and came to stand behind me.

"Hey, that's a beautiful colour scheme," he whispered but that still startled me, pulling me out of my world of imagination. What? How long has he been here? Has he been observing me?

"Yes? Do you need another round of cooking?" I glanced at him.

"No, I think I will leave the cooking to Madam Marci for now." He smiled infectiously, why does he always have to smile at me?

"What do you need then? More blood?" His face fell slightly at my rigid question.

"No, I drank it in the morning, won't be taking any more from you today. I just want to talk about a few things."

"I am busy," I pointed at my painting.

"It won't take long, then you can go back to your painting. I promise." I sighed and put down my pallet and the brush.

"Sit," he pointed to the chair and I sat down while he kept standing in front of me, hands in his pockets, eyes fixed on me. He made me nervous, no one has ever made me nervous. I had nerves of steel and yet this male seemed to be bending them to his will.

"I don't want you to fight with Triea or Maxile. Both of them are my girls like you are. So I esteem all three of you. Triea and Maxile are friends and they always get along. They understand what I need from them other than their blood and they are not shy about it. I know this all is new to you but I don't condone fighting. Will you try and make an effort to be friendlier?" Suddenly his demeanour had become rather serious.

"You are lecturing me like it was my fault. Haven't you taught your girls any table manners? Is that acceptable that when three people are talking she can just come along and start making out? I understand you have your needs, fulfil them privately. I don't need to see that." That all came out angrier than I had wanted and it didn't go unnoticed by him.

"Are you already jealous of her?" He asked with an amused expression, tilting his head slightly to his right.

"Why would I be jealous? It's not like I offered you intimacy. It's not my problem where you seek it from." How dare he accuse me of being jealous of someone I saw for a few seconds?

"This is my hotel, Aselia and I do whatever I please here. If I want you to watch me copulate with someone, you would do it. Remember my place, my rules." The intensity oozing from his utterances was enough to smoulder me. I felt blood rushing to my cheeks and my heart speeding up. What a prick. For once in a long time, I was speechless and I was never speechless. I always had a witty response up my sleeve. Instead, I just glared at him and his bold expressions.

"You are disgusting," I finally spat out in anger.

"I know, thanks for the compliment."

"Just keep your shenanigans away from my room. I won't bear your girls here."

"Your room is yours, that will never happen. I won't stoop that low. But the rest of the place is my privilege."

"Fine," I got up to get back to my painting. He extended his hand taking control of my wrist and with one jerk he pulled me closer to his chest, jailing both my hands behind my back with an iron-clad grip. My body almost collided with his as his heat seeped into mine. My eyes flew wide open at his sudden action.

"Are you like that with all the men in your life or is it just me you loathe so much?" He asked with a tense expression.

"Let go of me, I am not obliged to answer you." I struggled to set my hands free.

"I won't until you answer me." He didn't budge, his lips, so close to mine. His hypnotic eyes trying to bore a hole in my soul.

"I am particularly not fond of your species. You people are ruthless, selfish and controlling. The absurd notion of thinking everything belongs to you makes me sick. You can have any girl you want and here you are attempting to make me submit because I refused you in the first place is presenting your ugly truth." His grip loosened instantly at my words and he took a step back from me. It was impossible to read him but my words seemed to have affected him. I steadied myself, trying to take deep breaths.

"You can sleep, your punishment is over." With that, he turned and left my room without a single glance at me.