
Chapter 1 - When nobody wants you

In the busy night inside a third rate coffee shop Niel who's qietly sipping his coffee while watching the people passes by was kissed by a very handsome guy. The man suddenly stopped by his table and looked at him with so much love. Then the man bent down and suddenly kissed him. The kiss was warn and gentle. He nimble his lips softly and slowly slid his warn tongue inside that made the inside of his mouth melt and his knees a jello. The man's hand slowly up to caress his face and then BAM! A hard blow to his head made Niel eyes wide open.

"Dude! Your day dreaming again. Look we still have a lot of things to do." Niel who just woken up from his beautiful dream looked at the man who smacked him back to reality.

"Man! What busy are you talking about? We barely have any customers here! This is the only time when someone falls for my charm and yet you can't even make your friend feel wanted?"

Niel complained. It was the only time when someone would want someone like him - in his dreams. He may be an omega but he realizes that even though he's an omega no one would want to mate with an ugly omega. The reality is far from truth, he's the living testament that Alpha assaulting an omega out of pure instinct because the omega is in heat is a total bullshit! He had his fair experience of having his heat in public and yet any alphas who gets enticed with his pheromones instantly snaps back to reality once they saw his face. That's why at the age of 29 he hasn't lost his V-card yet.

"You're day dreaming again. Dreaming of meeting someone or getting assaulted?" Cirus teased.

Niel glared at him. "I don't get it man, you're probably the only omega I know who dreams of getting assaulted by any alphas." Niel is now shooting daggers at Cirus.

"You don't get it. Unlike you who's beautiful—- no scratch that! Unlike all the omegas who are beautiful I'm probably the only one who's ugly. Have you seen an ugly Omega? No! I'm the only one! I thought that if I study hard things will be different. I got to the most prestigious school and graduated with honors and yet not one single company would want to hire an ugly omega like me——"

Niel immediately stopped after seeing Cirus smile suddenly dropped.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—-"

"It's ok, I know it was hard for you too. I think everyone is having a hard time in whatever circumstances they have in life. So there's no need to say sorry or compare. We are just not that lucky in life I think." Cirus said with a faint smile.

"But dreaming of getting assaulted is just too much. It is much better not to be wanted than to feel that feeling that someone forcedly stole something intangible from you. You came in this world alone so I'm sure you can also live alone. Don't seek your worth by the numbers of people who shows interest from you. For me, meeting you is already enough so cheer up! Whenever you feel you are not wanted just think of me. I love you though not romantically." Cirus laugh out loud.

"Yuuuhh yuuuhh, I get it. Two miserable and lonely omegas consoling each other." Niel said nonchalantly but deep inside he do feel deep feeling of importance for the only friend he has. The only one who didn't felt disgust by how he looks even though the later is very pretty.

Niel went to work throughout the night until his shift is over. Cirus on the other hand went out early, so it was just niel who was left to close the shop. When he was locking the door he felt like someone is pulling the hem of his jacket. He turned around and saw a dirty looking boy who's height is just below his waist.

"I'm hungwy." Said the child.

Niel doesn't have the heart to turn away the beautiful boy, so he sat in a squat position to face the child. He tried hard to show his sincerest smile hoping the kid wouldn't get scared of him.

"Where are your parents?" The child didn't asnwer.

"Are you lost?" The child didn't answer again.

"Are you alone?" The child didn't answer but this time he nodded.

"Come on, come with me." Niel held out his hand for the child to hold and the child look at Niel and without hesitation he reached out for it.

Niel took the child with him. He warmed up some water which he use to bath the kid. He let the kid borrowed one of his shirt for the mean time to wear. He cooked food for both of them and fed the kid he brought home. The kid dig in like there's no tomorrow.

As Niel watches the kid, he can now see how handsome the little kid is, now the he is cleaned up.

"What's your name?" The kid stoped eating and looked at Niel. He didn't answer and just looked at him.

"Don't you have a name?" The kid didn't answer again.

"What should I call you then?" Niel asked, but it was more on a question to himself. "Since I don't know your name then I'll just going to call you kid."

The two slept after they had their meals and in the morning. Niel dressed up the kid and took him to the nearest Police station to report a missing child but after the kid saw where they are going he immediately run away. Niel who was worried for the child chased after him but the kid was quick that he lost track of him.

"Why the long face?" Cirus asked.For days, Niel tried to look for the child who he helped but he couldn't find him. He tried to brush the thought off but still it bothers him. So after his every shift he goes out to look for the kid, hoping he could find him.

Many times Niel thought of just giving up. He doesn't know the child nor he shares any blood relation with it, but somehow he has this feeling that like him, the child is someone who is not wanted. So even after many times he thought of just giving up, he just can't. He still looks for him over and over again.

"Nothing," He answered as if life has drained out of him.

"Are you still looking for the child?" Cirus asked.

"He could be anywhere!" Niel snapped back, he was under extreme stress this past few days. "I'm sorry, its just, he could be starving to death. I don't know." He palmed his face due to the frustration he feels.

Niel went back to his station and focused to his job. Time went fast and it was then time to close the store. As soon as he got out of his shift he went straight to looking for the kid. By this time the Police men who were repulsive of him first became his friends. They admired his determination to look for the kid who he doesn't share any blood relation at all.

"Hey Niel! Chief has been calling you but your phone can't be reached!" Greated the man who was parking his motor cycle.

Niel took out his phone and saw that the battery had died which explains why he wasn't able to received the call that the man was talking about.

"I'm sorry, my battery died. Why's the Chief looking for me?" Niel asked.

"Go inside and find out for yourself." Niel's heart pound fast that he didn't let the man finished and went to run inside the Police station.

"Niel!" Greeted the Chief. His face shows so much proudness and happiness that Niel starts to feel hopefull.

"Have you found him?" Niel asked in between his breaths.

"He's in my office sleeping—-" Niel went straight to the man's office and therre in the couch he saw the kid peacefully sleeping. With his dirty face he can clearly identify that it was indeed the child.

He gently run his fingers to the kid's dirty face. This cause the child to open his eyes and looked at him.

"Hi." Niel said.

"Are you going to take me back?" The kid asked.

"Don't you want to go back? Back to your family?" Niel asked.

"I never had a family." The kid answered with a sad eyes.

For the first time Niel saw emotion to the child's eyes and this made him realized one thing and is that he wanted the child to be his.

"I can be your family, only if you wanted to." Niel said.

"Can I call you Mama?" Niel's eyes became teary. He doesn't know what kind of emotion got over him but one thing he can surely say is that at that moment he became a parent. He nodded as he tried to hold his tears back. He took the child and carried him.

He got out of the office and saw the Chief. "You crying?" The Chief asked.

"Tears of joy, or probably this is how mother's who just gave birth felt when they realized they are a mother now."

"I'm happy for you." The Chief gently pat his back. "But make sure to process all the legal papers if you want to adopt him. If you need help or connections just call us ok?"

Niel laugh, he did not expect to create friendship over the child he was jiust looking. "This is too much help already but I wouldn't say no to the offer."

The two went home. Niel cleaned the kid and feed him. After some time he tuck him in and there he asked the kid some questions.

"What's your name?" The kid just looked at him but he did not answer.

"OK sorry but Mama needs to know." Niel tried again.

"Can't Mama just give me a name?" The kid asked.

"Ok, I'll call you Nexus."

"Nexus? Does it mean anything?" The kid asked.

"It means connection that links two things. I like it because we are now linked to one another, even though we are not linked with blood at least with your name you are link to me. Though we have to find a cute nickname for a cute baby like you." Niel pinch the kid's cheeck.

"I'm not a baby. I'm four now!" The kid pout,

"Yes you certainly not. Don't pout now. I'll call you Nexie. You sleep now my child." The two slept that night peacefully.

The next morning, Niel took a day off and bought Nexus clothes. He took money from the little savings that he has to buy the child his basic needs and things to use.

Niel looked at his wallet with just a few bills left. "I never thought that kids stuff is hella expensive." He looked at the kid beside him who is now wearing one of the cloth he bought.

"Never mind that, I can earn it back." Niel went on to shop for his son.

Days turns to week and week turns to months and in those months. Niel did everything he could to make Nexus his legal child. All his hard work paid off when the legal papers were finally released that made him the official parent of the child.

"You look happy." Cirus asked.

"I am now Nexie's legal parent. Finally!" Niel said with so much enthusiam.

"Are you really that happy to be a mother of a child that is not yours?" Cirus asked again. "Parenting is not a light thing. You have to be responsible of a whole being." Cirus added.

"At 29 yes I am happy. ever since Nexus i felt contented. I found the love I have been looking for. Love that not even my own family can give me because of how I look. It may not be in form of romantic love that I have been looking for but it is still love regardless. I realized that maybe this is the kind of love that I'm destined for. And its ok, I'm at peace and I'm contented."

"Ok, let say that you are contented but what about your finances? How are you going to afford sending a dominant alpha like him to a privilage school?" Cirus asked.

Niel was surprised when the test of his son's secondary gender cameback. He was expecting the child to be a beta at least but not only he turned out to be an alpha but a domninant one at that.

"You know that it is mandated by the law to have alphas and dominant omegas be sent to prestigous schools, since they are the future of this country. How are you going to afford that?! In just few months he will be starting pre-school." Cirus asked.

"He won't be in pre-school. The kid was way more advance. I don't know but his knowledge is of grade school already but I insist in making him attend at least kinder. I still want him to meet kids of his age. As for the money I'll work even harder." Niel just smiled at him. He looked at his son who's quietly reading a book in the corner.

After the store closed, he picked up his son and both went home. He woke up his sone to clean him up before tucking him in. The kid fell asleep immidiately. He carress the hair of his child and whispered. "Mama will do everything to give you the best that you deserve. You just focus in being happy and experiencing what a child like you shoukd be experiencing. Create memories, try your best, stay healthy and most of all be happy. That's all I'm asking for in return. Be happy my son."

Niel kissed the kid to his forehead before he got up to prepare what they will be needing tomorrow morning.

When Niel was all gone, Nexus's eyes opened and he looked at to the direction where Niel went to and tears finally escaped his eyes.

Update will be every Monday once a week. I am busy, I have work and I have a baby to take care off. I’m only doing this as a hobby.

Encantadiacreators' thoughts