
Elizalde Brothers Series: Heartless

Elevators. Airplanes. Sandwich Stuffing. The feeling that you're just on your way and you're excited about where you're going. The feeling that your birthday is just around the corner. The feeling that another special day is near. The feeling that Christmas is just a few hours away. The feeling that it's only three days before school starts again. The feeling that you're only in the middle and you haven't gotten there yet. The feeling that it's close but not yet. That's what I always wanted. The one in the middle. You are in the middle of two things. Middle of a building. Between heaven and earth. Between two fat loaves. Mid-flight to disneyland. I like the feeling when traveling more than when you have already arrived. I prefer the feeling that you are waiting for something rather than the one that is already there. I always like the things in between. "You only like things in between, Coreen. You only like the chase... You only want me chasing after you. You don't want to decide... But please, make up your mind, because I'm human too, I'm hurt. And you? I don't think you feel the pain I feel... You are just too heartless."

MsAJ · Adolescente
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8 Chs

Why so Heartless

"What happened on your date with Noah, Coreen?" Reina asked as she watched Miguel walk down the corridor.

"Nothing." I said and looked at her.

Reina stares hard at her crushes. Tomorrow, it will be another man for sure.

"I heard that Rozen was your date?" She asked.

I continued to write on her autograph

"Nope." I said.

"Yes. But that's because Noah has another date, right? That's why Kuya Rozen went with you?" Reina said.

Is that really the reason? Rozen came with me because Noah already has a date?

I looked at the other corridor. I immediately saw Noah in the distance. Stan, Warren and Joey surrounded him again. There was a guitar hanging behind him and the four of them were laughing. I saw women looking hot at them.

I closed my mouth tightly to stop myself.

Since prom, I thought about confessing to Noah. I don't want to hang around anymore. I thought that he was the one who asked me out, so when I found out that he wasn't, I thought it was right to fantasize about him from afar. I need to approach him. I need to let him know that I love him.

I closed Reina's autograph and immediately stood up from my seat.

"Coreen?" Reina said suddenly.

"Just a moment, Reina." I said while walking to Noah's side.

He gave me a second look when he saw me coming. I saw his smile gradually disappear as I got closer to him.

They stopped when I blocked their path. I pulled all my strength from my heart. I've been waiting for this for a long time so I'm going to do it now.

"Noah, can I talk to you?"

He frowned and looked at his friends.

"Alright, what is it?" he asked.

I looked at Warren who expected me to say something in front of them.

"Can it be just the two of us?" I asked.

Noah shrugged and looked at Warren. I turned and went straight to the locker room. There was no one there, so I chose to bring Noah there so we could talk.

My heart was beating fast and loud. I can't walk properly because I'm so nervous. I felt him behind me following

"Is that important, Coreen?" he asked gruffly.

I got more and more nervous.

N-Noah." Well, I stammered.

Only him can make me feel too much.

I stuck the loose hair in my ear and looked at him directly. He's a meter away from me. His mouth fell open as he watched me in front of him.

I looked carefully at his whole face. His deep eyes, the sharp nose, the thin and pink lips, I think he will be the only one in my heart for the rest of my life.

"Noah, because, at the prom, I thought you were the one who asked me out." I started.

He shook his head, "Trisha was the one I went with. Why would it be you?"

My throat went dry at his line. But still, I insisted on speaking

Because someone dropped a letter... Then you looked at me. Elizalde was written there so I immediately thought it was you.

"I'm not like that, Coreen. Tsss." He answered grumpily.

I-I know... But... I hoped." I bowed.

An intense silence enveloped us. All I heard was him moving his guitar to his left shoulder.

"Noah, I like you..." I immediately swallowed when I said this.

I didn't look at him. I can not do it. I'm about to pass out here in front of him, if I keep looking at him I might be able to die.

"No, Coreen. You don't like me."

Then I raised my face to look at him slowly. I'm not a crying person, but I really felt a pinch in my heart, which is why I shed a few tears.

"I like you, Noah. Always." I said.

I struggled for more words. I want to describe my love for him using speech. I want him to know how I loved him all along.

"I love you." But this was all that came out of my mouth.

"We're still kids, Coreen. You're still in high school. I'm just in high school too. You can't love me right away."

I know where this is going... but I didn't budge. I continued it.

"Love doesn't choose, Noah. If you feel it this early-"

"How do you know you love me? Did someone tell you what you feel is 'love'? Nothing, right?"

Noah avoided looking at me. I can't understand what he says. I just clenched my hand.

"You will know that if you feel it."

"You like Rozen." He said.

My jaw dropped.

"I-I don't!" I said immediately.

"You like him. He is always proud of how much you like him. I know that. We are brothers."


"That's not true! I don't know what's on Rozen's mind and he's telling you that, I'm out of there. You know your brother has a problem, right? Rozen will always be Rozen."

"Yes, and I hate Rozen's girls. You are one of them. So I'm sorry, Coreen. You are not my type." He shook his head as if he was very disappointed in m

He turned his back on me and was about to leave but I grabbed his arm.

OH MY GOD, NOAH! He's not what I want!" I said.

He shook his head at me, "I already said no, Coreen. Sorry.

And he left. As I watched him leave, my tears immediately began to flow. My tears did not stop. I immediately wiped them away.

I am very angry now. Not Noah's. Not because he doesn't like me. But because of that man! Rozen Gaiser Elizalde!

I quickly walked every corridor and floor of our school. Rozen is in grade 12 so they are on the last floor.

I found the entire corridors of the last floor chaotic. I also saw Rozen being worshiped like a king. He is a fool and is surrounded by women who crave his attention. When he saw me approaching he jumped and grinned. He immediately extended his arm as if waiting to embrace me.

He stood up to meet me but when we met, my fist immediately flew to his cheek.

"WHAT THE FVCK?" He shouted.

I was immediately held by the arms of those there. Whether male or female is on his side.

I struggled against their grip but they were too many and strong.

He held his bleeding lip. His red lips are even redder now. He wiped the blood on the side of his lips with his thumb and stared at the one on my side.

"Don't touch her." He then said staring intently at everyone around me.

"But Rozen, she attacked you!" Said the woman who was flirting with him earlier.

He shook his head and I saw his face darken, "I SAID DON'T TOUCH HER!"

They were all shocked by his scream so they let me go. When I finally broke free I rushed at him again and now slapped him. Immediately after that slap, someone grabbed my hand.


"What's wrong with you?" He asked staring at me while looking at those holding my arms.

They immediately let me go. With just one look, he can immediately get his henchmen to follow.

"Who said you're the one I like, huh?" I laughed at the truth. "You know very well how annoyed I am with you and then you spread the word that I like you?"

"Hey, miss, be careful what you say. You think who you are to make Rozen like you."

"DID I SAY HE LIKED ME? I SAID HE WAS SPREADING THAT I LIKE HIM!" I yelled at the woman who answered.

I heard Rozen chuckle. Crazy! I turned sharply to him and saw him still laughing and shaking his head at me.


"WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?" I asked him annoyed.

He shook his head even more.

"You're really crazy! I don't know what's going on with your cock! I hope you'll just die! You're so evil! You even included me with your cheap girls? JESUS! I'll just like the ugliest guy but not YOU!" I shouted.!" I


"Fvck." He said while laughing again.

I really think he's crazy. It seems that in a dozen quail eggs, there is one lump. For every coconut that is harvested, there is an empty one. For every Elizalde in the world, there is a shameless one.

My blood pressure increased with his tricks. So instead of staying there I decided to leave him. After all, his lips cracked again, I'm okay. But it still doesn't change the pain I feel.

"This is really messed up, Coreen. Even if you're angry, as long as you feel something for me, I'm happy."

I looked at him and pointed.

"It's a good thing you're in Grade 12 now! I hope you don't show your face to me again! I curse you, Rozen! Your behavior is worse than dog poop!"

His eyes widened and he grabbed my pointing hand.

"Why so heartless, Coreen?"

He pulled my whole body close to him. I immediately realized how many people were watching the two of us. I even heard sniffing and people talking bad to me but I couldn't pay attention to them. If Rozen wants your attention, he totally gets it. That's how he really is, always has been.

He brought his mouth to my ear.

"Did you hear what I said earlier? Whatever... Even if you're just angry, I'll accept it. I'm in love with you, Coreen. You're name is embedded in my soul. The big problem, isn't it? So I hope you'll just go crazy with me so we won't have any more problems. So, I'm sorry, I won't avoid you. I will not leave you. I will forever be the pest in your life until you decide to love me back."