
Eliotrope in Danmachi (English)

Liam finds himself in Danmachi with a different body and is full of doubts about his future, but he has a clear goal. Explore the dungeon and the many wonders it has to offer, along with the dangers that abound on each floor. Join Liam on his adventures in the world of Danmachi. -The story will have a slow development, so don't expect the MC to have a skill geared towards getting Falna. -Furthermore, the story will begin many years before canon. Royal Road

ZackRPG · Cómic
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33 Chs


In a room, you could see a boy, who was sitting in front of a computer. He was very focused on what he was doing, any normal person who saw him would think that he is doing a job. but he was the complete opposite and he was just playing a game until suddenly.

"I finally did it!" the boy yelled with a smirk. He began to stretch out his arms a bit and after a moment he returned to his usual melancholic state.

Farming levels are very exhausting and stressful. Well, it can't be helped as soon as I reached level 125, after many hours of completing missions and farming many mobs.

Maybe I should take a break.

I closed the Wakfu tab and started looking for the latest season of Danmachi. I haven't had much free time lately, and if I do have some time I use it to farm mobs or mine.

When I was about to play the first episode of the fourth season. I started to notice a strange smell in the air, it took me a moment to recognize the smell, but it was too late.

I started to get nervous because I smelled Gas, I got up from the chair and started running to the source of the smell. But suddenly I felt a little dizzy and noticed that all the strength in my body was gone.

I try to get up, but my body doesn't respond and I started to feel very sleepy. I try to keep my eyes open, but for some reason, I started to close my eyes.

The only thing I got to hear was the sound of an explosion.

"Aaaah!" I yelled with all my might until I noticed something strange.

I opened my eyes and found myself standing on a street. I could feel the cold sweat covering my entire body and the rapid beating of my heart.

I saw that a small crowd surrounded me. It took me a short time to recognize the situation in which I find myself.

I felt a little embarrassed because many people were looking at me. After all, I yelled in the middle of a street. I wanted to get away from this place and started running because I don't like being the center of attention.

I don't know how long I ran, but when I felt like I got far enough away from the crowd, I turned into a narrow alley. I leaned my back against the wall and tried to catch some air.

Why is this happening to me? was the first thing I thought as I breathed heavily.

I rested for several minutes and when I felt that I had enough rest, I started to go out of the alley and observe the surroundings. To my surprise, I saw that there were races other than humans.

Did I die and get stuck in an isekai?

When I looked at the people who were crossing the street, I noticed that for some reason they were all quite tall. I kept watching for a bit and after looking closely, I realized that the people I saw were not tall, but that I was small.

I found a piece of glass that was on the floor of the alley, I used it to see my reflection. Although I couldn't see very well, at least I could see enough to see my face.

I was left with a stunned expression when I saw my reflection. I would recognize him anywhere because I've seen him a lot lately.

In front of me was the face of a boy who looked to be under 10 years old. He had pale skin with a blue lining to his eyes, white hair with a little light blue tint, and instead of black pupils, he had light blue pupils just a little dark. My eyes were light blue only a little lighter than my pupils, and the rest of my eyes were light blue instead of the normal white.

Also notice that he was wearing a hoodie that had horns or some type of ears. I put my hand under the hood, I felt that I was blowing some kind of horn.

It was clear that it was the appearance of a Eliotrope.

My head began to fill with irrelevant questions. What happened to me? Will I be able to return to my house? Will I no longer be able to enjoy the wonders of technology?

I stopped thinking about those kinds of questions before I started getting anxious because I am someone who only stays locked in my room when I have free time and the rest of the time I spend studying and preparing for the hard life that awaited me ahead.

I better reassess the situation. The most important thing now is that I don't know if I can survive in this unknown place, right now I'm alone and I don't know if I have someone who knows me.

I should prioritize finding a place to stay right now and I'll figure out what to do next.

I looked at the place where I am and apart from the many houses made of stone and wood, I saw a skyscraper or rather a tower.

It looked familiar and I tried to remember where I had seen it. The first thing that came to mind was the babel tower.

It just can't be. 'Am I in the world of Danmachi?'

I tried to deny that thought, but I heard a man's voice saying something to his friend with a melancholic expression.

"I was one step away from earning 1,000,000 valis if only I had caught up with <Jack Bird>."

"Stop joking, even if you were one step away from the <Jack Bird>, there's no way you'd catch him with your poor <status>. At least you were lucky enough to see him, some adventurers didn't see him in their entire adventuring career." The other adventurer explained to his friend as he laughed at his misery.

After listening to them, I was very excited to know that he was in the world of Danmachi. But that excitement didn't last long, because I remembered how Bell was treated before he joined the Hestia familia.

'I'm screwed' I have nothing to eat, a place to stay, someone to help me, or a way to earn valis.

Should I go to the guild? I don't have many options right now.

I started walking in the direction of the guild until I remembered something important. I don't know where I am and I don't know where the guild is either.