
Elijah mate

What happens when Renee comes to Forks to tell Anastasia a life changing secret that leads her to Mystic Falls for answers. Elijah has been unlucky in love and just gave up hope of finding the woman that would make him happy. Just as he was in Mystic Falls to find the doppelgänger he ran into the woman that was meant for him. Will he finally be lucky in love or not.

maddylysaght · Adolescente
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1 Chs

chapter 1 new beginning

Today marks my 18th birthday and I'm guessing that it's the worst birthday in the history of birthdays. My boyfriend Edward Cullen is a vampire but if you ask my friend Jacob or better yet Jacob's family legends the Cullen's are cold ones because they only drink animal blood and they aren't really supposed to be a danger to any one because of their diet. Though tonight that almost changed when Edward's brother for all intents and purposes almost took a bite out of me.

Edward has an annoying sister Alice who can see the future and she thought it would be a good idea to throw me a birthday party when everyone knows that I hate to be the center of attention. Lately I've been getting very strange vibes around her when normally I feel the safest around her and the rest of the Cullen's besides Rosalie.

Every since all of that stuff that went down with James something just doesn't feel right about Alice but I just try to shake it off because she is my best friend after all. Tonight when I was opening the gifts that I got from all of the Cullen's I was opening the gift that Edward got me that I made him promise not to spend money on when I ended up getting a paper cut.

Normally getting a paper cut would not be dangerous but when you are bleeding even the slightest in a room full of vampires that don't drink human blood then you have a problem. Jasper is Alice husband and he is an empath so he can feel the emotions of everyone in a room and not only can he feel their emotions but he can also manipulate emotions as well. Once I started bleeding I was able to see everyone's thirst except Edward's father Carlisle because he is a doctor.

My guess is that Jasper felt not only his thirst but his family thirst as well and I don't blame him. I do however blame Alice and I plan to confront her tomorrow since Edward hurried and rushed me home after throwing me into a table and I had to get stitched up by his father. I asked Carlisle to tell Jasper that I wasn't mad at him because honestly I wasn't. He can't help who he is and he didn't have time to get his thirst and the others thirst under control, which it's not his responsibility.

Edward dropped me off with barely a goodnight kiss and frankly I'm tired of his attitude and his behavior around me lately. He basically tries to control everything about my life and if I do something that he doesn't approve of he gets angry and throws a fit until I see things his way or give in and I can't keep doing things to please him it's my life and I think that we should try to has things out tomorrow.

The next day

None of the Cullen's showed up to school today and it was cloudy and perfect for them to come. I figured they were trying to all help Jasper and support him. I felt really bad because even though Jasper and I weren't all that close I still love him just like I love Emmett. They are the big brothers that I always wanted and I didn't want him to feel bad or think that I was scared of him. When I got home Edward was there and wanted to talk and I told him that I wanted to talk to him to.

He wanted us to go for a walk in the woods and at first I thought nothing of it because when I learned that he was a vampire he took me to a clearing during a sunny day to show me why they couldn't go out when the sun was out. Once we reached an area that I figured he wanted to be far enough away in case the neighbours were watching but after he started talking I knew that he didn't want the neighbours to hear me in case I started yelling. Little did he know I wasn't upset.

I didn't get upset at the fact that he wanted to be done with our relationship because honestly I felt that we weren't going to last too much longer. I may not be the free spirit that my mom is but I will not continue to let someone tell me who I can be that's for me to decide. I didn't get mad until he tried to make it seem like he was better then me.

"Bella you're not good for me."

"You're kidding me right Edward? I'm not good for you? If anything I'm too good for you, I've let you rule my life and I got caught up with being in love. I may not speak up for myself when I should but I'll be damned if I will let you come into my life have me to fall in love with you only for you to tell me that I'm not good for you. You would have done better off saying it's not you it's me or we can still be friends would have worked better for me but don't you ever say something like that to me again." I couldn't help but be pissed.

I'm sorry that I've hurt your feelings Bella, but its honestly for the best that we aren't friends because I think a clean break would be easy for the both of us don't you think?"

I looked into his amber eyes that I used to get lost in and realized that I never once loved him and I knew that I would not be sad once he left if anything it felt like a weight was being lifted off of me.

"You know what Edward you are totally right a clean break is exactly what I need and I find it funny that the same guy that told me he thought about getting himself killed by the royal vampires or whatever they are because you thought I was going to die at James' hands. You said this not even a week ago and you are trying to pretend that I'm not good enough.

You can go on and spout your lies to someone who will listen to your crap but I will not stand here and continue to listen to it. Sure I may have thought myself in love with you Edward Cullen but at this moment you don't matter to me and you aren't important enough to think about. So while you busy yourself to forget about me I will actually no longer think about you and I will go on and live my life with someone that makes me happy and truly care about me as opposed to a forever 17 year old boy.

If you do decide to tell you family what I say then please let them know especially Jasper that I'm not mad at him and tell Rosalie thank you because she was then only one that didn't like me being with you and now I know why. Have a nice life Edward and stay away from my family and me. Don't worry about Victoria that you so easily forgot about I will find a way to deal with her. Oh and let me leave you with something to think about, you see I'm a smart girl and while no one else was thinking about this it finally hit be during school.

Alice is the psychic right so tell me how is it that she didn't see James, Laurent, and Victoria that day in the clearing I remember you telling me that there were some people like your kind around Forks but she decided on the baseball game the same day that they were coming into the clearing. Another thing if she saw that I would like the dress how is it she didn't see the events of the party play out.

Everyone knows I'm clumsy so how is it she didn't see the paper cut? Yeah the look on your face tells me that sister dearest has been hiding things from you the mind reader I'm shocked I thought I was the only person who's mind you couldn't read. I betting everything that I own that she saw all of these things play out and that it was reason she didn't say anything to warn me or better yet she could have told you what was about to happen am I correct. Yeah you go on with your life and keep your sister away from me as well as yourself."

With that I turned to walk back to my house and I heard leaves rustling letting me know that he left. The only problem now is which way do I go to get back. Seconds after thinking that Emmett, Rose, and Jasper came from another direction.

"So I'm guessing you guys heard all of that huh?" They all just nodded their heads and surprisingly Rosalie walked up to me and hugged me.

"Bella I know that I haven't always been nice to you and for that I'm sorry but I do want you to know that you have a friend in me. You made a decision that was taking from me and I won't explain it all right now but I promise you that one day I will tell you my story. We just wanted to come and tell you bye I knew that if Emmett left without telling you bye you would be hurt and I didn't want my family to cause you anymore pain then we already have. I've always been secretly in your corner and if you ever need anything just give one of us a call."

"Thanks Rosalie and I'm sad that you guys are leaving but I understand and I'm going to miss all of you, you included Rose. Jasper I know you heard me and I still want to tell you that it's ok. I understand completely and don't beat yourself up about everything ok. I love all of you guys and I'm going to miss my two big brothers that I always wanted and now it feels good to know that I have a big sister that I'm going to miss just as much. Don't worry I will call you and get on all of your nerves just be sure to call and visit me as often as you can. That's all I ask."

They all gave me hugs and told me that they would keep in touch and I promise them the same.

"Oh one more thing before you all leave. Can someone please help me get back to my house?"

Once I stepped out of the woods I knew that I had at least gained three siblings that would be in my life until the day I died and I was happy. Happier then I've been since I've been to Forks. I was surprised when I walked through the back door of the house because I heard my mom's voice.

When I got into the living room I was surprised to see my dad and Phil all sitting down talking but once they all saw me they stopped and I knew that whatever it was that it wasn't good or that it was very important. After I gave my mom and Phil hugs I asked what they were doing there.

My dad looked at me "Bells why don't you sit down your mom has something important to tell you."

I sat down beside my mom on the couch and she looked at me and asked "Bella do you remember when you were younger and your grandmother lived with us?"

I nodded my head because talking about my grandmother always made me a little sad because she was so nice and told me amazing stories of witches, vampires, werewolves and other mystical creatures that now that I think about it the vampire part is true except the Cullen's couldn't bleed and were made of marble and were extremely cold.

"I first want to say that I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you but since you just turned 18 it's important that you know the truth sweetie."

"Ok mom but what does grandma have to do with anything she died when I was 9?"

"Well Bella it's very important that you listen and not interrupt anything I'm about to tell you ok. Can you do that?" I nodded my head once again.

"Ok the day I told you that your grandma died I told you a lie. She isn't dead she has been living in our hometown Mystic Falls in Virginia."

She took a minute to see if I would say anything but I was honestly to shocked to say something. All I could think about is that I've spent 9 years missing my grandmother thinking that she died and here I find out that she is alive.

"I know that I told you that she died in a car accident and that her body was never found and that's why we didn't have a funeral. The reason I told you that is because our family is a powerful line of witches. When she was with us the last time you were using some of your powers and she wanted to teach you how to control them then but I was against it. I wanted you to grow up like a normal kid and so I decided to bind your powers until your 18th birthday that way I knew you would be more mature and would be able to handle the responsibility that comes with being a witch. I also used my powers when you weren't around are for emergences and I made sure to erase the memories from you mind so that you wouldn't remember magic.

I know that you may hate me and if had the opportunity I would do it all over again just so that you would be happy and come in with the smile that you did a little while ago and I'm happy that you have friends like the Cullen's even if they are cold ones." When she said this my mouth dropped open.

"You knew they were cold ones what, how, why? Wait a minute you said that I'm a witch?"

This is just crazy first I find out that my grandmother I thought died almost ten years ago is actually alive and now my mom tells me that I am a witch. What next is she going to tell me that I can fly?

"I know that it is a lot to deal with sweetheart but that's what I want to explain to you. I know that you missed your grandmother deeply and it was hard not having her around but I just wanted you to live a life without magic for a little while without all the pressures that come with it."

All I could see was red how could she keep something like this from me and to be so calm like everything is ok.

"Really mom that's all you have to say for yourself is I know you missed her deeply but I just want you to have a normal life without magic. Let's be real since the truth is coming out how about I let out some truth of my own. You wanted me to have a normal life right? So tell me why I was the adult in our relationship and not you. I was the one to cook and to pay the bills.

You were not that like a mother should have been and things only started to get better when you met Phil. I may have not always loved Forks, but at least with dad I don't have to do all the things for him that I had to for you. At least with dad all I have to do is cook and laundry or cleaning but that's the least I can do because as much as I love him I do not know how he survived all of this time and not be able to cook.

Then lets not forget the real reason I came to live here in the first place. Remember how whenever Phil would have to travel and you would always hate to stay home with me and you would much rather be wherever he was. So me being the parent in the relationship realized that you would keep being sad to stay with your own daughter. So I decided to set you free and come somewhere that I didn't want to be but eventually Forks turned out to be ok.

Do you remember all those time before you met Phil how when you were dating you would bring all types of guys home to meet me thinking that he would be my new stepdad. I've held a lot in to make sure you were happy but right now I am pissed off what right did you have to decide something like that without even thinking about how I might feel about it in the end. I can't believe that my grandmother would even let you do something like that.

At the end of the day I can't say that I'm to surprised because all you thought about was yourself. I remember you always telling me that I was more mature for my age then any kid you met so at the end of the day you think finding out that I was a witch would have changed that. I'm so mad at you right now that I can't even think straight and why wait to I was 18. What's so special about my 18th birthday?"

Charlie looked absolutely shocked and I don't know if it was because of my reaction or the things I revealed but I can't say that I blame him because I'm still in shock but I be damned if Renee thinks she can just breeze into town like this and not think that she can get away as easily.

"Bella please just calm down. You are more powerful then what I was and you could easily hurt someone."

My dad looked just as pissed as I was at that moment. "Really Renee that's all you have to say to her is calm down. She has every right to be pissed and I'm pissed myself. All this time I thought you were taking care of her like a mother should and if I had any idea that things were different I would have taken her away from you without blinking an eye. I knew you were selfish but I never knew to what degree."

"Oh cut the crap Charlie it's not like you would have been able to take care of her you were to busy always working or always fishing with your friends any excuse to leave the house you took it."

You know what mom he has every right to be just as mad as me but my head is starting to hurt and between breaking up with Edward and finding all of this out I cannot honestly take anymore. Why did I need to know all of this now what's the difference between finding out today as opposed to next week?"

"The reason you needed to know now is because you are so powerful people will seek you out to take advantage of you and the fact that you haven't trained will only make matters worse. You have to move back in with me and Phil so that I can help you get your magic under control so that it won't take over your life."

All I could do was look at her like she was crazy and I wasn't the only one Charlie and Phil were to.

"You know what mom I think that I would be better off training myself because I refuse to go anywhere with you."

"Bella I get that you are mad but you will just have to get over it. You are going to go upstairs and pack some of your things so that you can come back home with me and Phil and you are going to do it now without anymore back talk got it?"

I was already so mad that I know I had to be fuming but then I just felt a surge of rage and I actually wanted to hit my own mother. Then something happened that I will never forget all of the things on the mantel went flying off and crashed to the floor.

"Now see that right there is the reason you need to come live with us so go on upstairs and pack now."

"I told you already that I am not going with you if I need training that bad then I would rather go live with my grandmother so give me her number and I will call her but you might as well not hold your breathe for me to come with you."

She gave me the number and I used my cell phone to call the one woman that was more of a mother to me then my own mom.




"Yes nana how have you been?" By this time I had tears in my eyes it was so good to hear her voice.

"I'm good but how are you ? I'm guessing that since you are calling me your mom told you the truth?"

"Yes she told me and she wants me to come live with her so that she can help me control everything but I'm to mad at her to come live with her and was hoping that you could teach me to control it if you don't mind?"

Oh Bella you know you don't even have to ask I have missed you so much and would love more then anything for you to come. Just let me know what day you are flying in and I will come and pick you up from the airport."

"Since its Thursday I guess I will be there sometime Saturday that way I can say goodbye to my friends here and pack my things. I will call you when I book my flight and let you know what time I will be landing."

"Ok dear that will be perfect and I will enroll you into the high school here and you be sure to tell Charlie I said hey. I have always liked your father."

"Ok nana but before you hang up can I ask you why you went along with everything that my mom wanted?"

"I will tell you everything once you get her and get settled in because it's a long story."

"Ok just as long as you tell me and I will see you soon. Bye nana I love you."

"I love you to sweetheart and I can't wait to see you."

I looked over at my dad and knew that he would miss me and I would miss him as well.

"It's ok Bella yes I will miss you like crazy but I can see it in your eyes that you don't want to leave me. I will be fine as long as you call me often and tell me how things are going. It's probably for the best since I won't be able to help you like I want to and I know how much you missed her so I will come and visit you as soon as I can. Don't think that you will be able to run off from me and not see me."

"Yeah I know dad but who is going to cook for you while I'm away? I feel awful about leaving you to fend for yourself. Oh and nana told me to tell you hey."

"I've always liked her she is one of the sweetest people I have met in my entire life. Since you had to deal with all of this why don't we go out to eat and maybe that will take your mind off of things. Phil I would invite you guys but I think Bells just need time away from her mom right now."

"That's ok Charlie and don't worry I understand we can catch up another time. We are going to head on to the hotel and get dinner and we are leaving first thing in the morning. Good luck Bella and stay say ok." I've always liked Phil better then the other men my mom would bring around me because he would actually talk to me and ask how I'm doing sure he is a little young but he truly loves her and that's all that matters.

After he gave me a hug I told him I would call him when I made it to my grandmothers after I called Charlie. I also liked that he didn't try to take over Charlie's role in my life.

Saturday Plane Ride to Mystic Falls

Leaving Forks was a lot harder then I thought it would be. My last day of school I said goodbye to all of my friends and I promised Angela that I would keep in touch with her. I knew that she would be one of those rare friends for me but I was happy to find a true friend in her. I think Jessica was happy that I would no longer be there and maybe now she would have a shot at Mike since I was leaving. I don't know how I would feel to be a guy's second choice. I would not settle for second best though.

Once the plane landed and I was getting my luggage my grandmother was waiting right that for me and all I could do is run and give her a huge hug. I actually started crying and not some silent tears I was actually bawling like a newborn baby in the airport. After a few minutes of crying and I calmed down enough we grabbed my luggage and walk to her car chatting and catching up.

"Nana I am so happy to see you alive and well and I'm so happy to be here. One thing that I know I will love is the weather. I missed the sun so much it's crazy the things we take for granted."

"Well sweetheart there is plenty of sunshine. So how have things been going with you from what your mom told me you had a boyfriend named Edward and he was a cold one am I correct?"

"Yes he was but how did she know what he was I never told anyone."

"Well that's one of the things that comes with being a witch. We can tell the different types of supernatural that people are if they aren't human. When you meet them you can just know and then when you come across another witch you will be able to feel if they are really powerful or not. I will tell you that you will be going to school with a friend of mines granddaughter so you will be able to feel her power. She's new to all of this as well but you are a little more powerful then her because our family line is made up of a lot of powerful witches and her family didn't always practice magic.

I also guess I need to tell you about the vampires that live here in Mystic Falls."

"So they are cold ones here in Mystic Falls too?" I asked confused.

"No not cold ones Bella I'm talking about traditional vampires the kind that you drive a stake through the heart to kill. These vampires are more stronger, faster, and just all around better then the cold ones. Some of them can also take on the shape of animals and control the weather. I also have to explain to you about the originals of their kind because they will be looking for Elena Gilbert who is a doppelganger and she is needed for the original hybrid."

"Ok slow down what do you mean original vampires and original hybrid, and doppelganger?"

"Ok this is going to take a while so why don't we go to the grill and catch up on how you have been and then once we get you home and get you settled in we can talk vampires, werewolves, and doppelgangers alright?"

"Wait werewolves to? Oh God what have I gotten myself into?"

"It will all be alright after you learn everything ok?"

Elijah pov

I was sitting in the Mystic Grill when a beautiful girl arrived with Marie James the witch and from their features the young lady had to be Marie's granddaughter. My breath got stuck in my chest. In my 1000 years on the earth I have never seen someone so beautiful. Sure Katarina and Tatia were both beautiful but this girl could easily put them both to shame.

Not only is she stunning but she also has the confidence and aura about her. Her smile alone can draw anyone in. I don't know why but I decided to go introduce myself to her. As I was walking up I could hear her telling Marie about her grades in school and she started talking about some boy named Mike Newton that was always hitting on her.

They both stopped talking when I walked up to their table.

"Hi, I'm sorry to interrupt but my name is Elijah Mikaelson and I just wanted to introduce my self. How have you been Marie?"

" I've been good Elijah and this is my granddaughter Isabella but she goes by Bella. Bella this is Elijah an old friend of mine and he is also the second oldest original that I was telling you about."

"So I'm guessing that since she knows who and what I am does that mean she is like you as well Marie?"

"Yes she is but she has a little more kick to her then what I do."

"Well Bella let me be the first to welcome you to Mystic Falls. I do hope that you will let me show you around town one day maybe tomorrow if you aren't to busy?"

She gave me a beautiful smile before she responded. "It's nice to meet you Elijah and maybe we can meet here tomorrow around 4 if you aren't busy at that time."

"I'll be sure to be available at that time. It was nice meeting you Bella and it was good seeing you again Marie we should catch up one day next week."

"That sounds good Elijah maybe Wednesday around 11 while Bella is in school and we can meet for lunch here."

"That sounds wonderful and Bella I will see you tomorrow at 4. You ladies enjoy the rest of your evening."

As I walked out of the grill I felt a lightness in my body that I haven't felt in forever. Maybe it won't be so bad to hang out around here after all.