
Elementals of Earth

Ana_de_Luca · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Weird introduction

"Where am I?" Alyssa wondered to herself while looking around the black void surrounding her frantically

"Aaraghaggh" A dark shadow monster emerges from the darkness and snarls at Her

Alyssa while looking around frantically for a place of escape but to no luck "Ahhh, what's that ? I think it's coming after me!!"

"Hssssss" The shadow monster came narrowing down at her from the sky


"What sort of dream was that? It felt so real!" Alyssa said while rubbing her forehead in an attempt to calm herself

She gets suddenly aware of her surroundings as the sound of a phone ringing broke her from her terrified trance

"Hello mum" Alyssa answered the ringing device with a yet trembling tone

"Is everything okay? Don't tell me you are just waking up now?" A screeching voice responded over the phone

"Huh, no mum, I'm getting ready for school now" Alyssa replied in a tone clearly terrified of her mother's voice

"Okay darling, have fun at school today" The woman said over the phone before hanging up

A loud sound was then heard over the phone signifying that the woman had hung up the phone

"I better go get ready then" Alyssa said to herself while making her way to the bathroom

While she was checking her face in the bathroom mirror, she suddenly sees a similar face but with a different haircut

"Ahh! Why is my reflection looking different?" Alyssa asked while looking at the different reflection

Then Alyssa decided to move her hand but the reflection didn't move, it just kept staring at her

"What's the meaning of this?" Alyssa asked herself in wonder

Alyssa then stretched her hand to touch the mirror and found herself entering the mirror

"Ahhh!" Alyssa shouted in fear as she found half of her body inside the mirror

Soon, the whole of her body had appeared in another place

"What is this place?" Alyssa asked in wonder as she took in every bit of her new surroundings

She found herself in a colourful looking area with brooms flying and different sorts of exquisite new creatures

"Hey, are you new here?" A voice suddenly broke Alyssa from her trance

"Yess, what is this place?" Alyssa asked the boy inquisitively

"Welcome to the school of elementals"