

The room was familiar, although now he felt different, he was in charge on the royal council. He had always enjoyed participating in council meetings, his opinions were valued, but first came those of his father and those of Qadeer and some other senior leaders. The time had finally come where his word was the final law, even when it came from the mouth of his sister.

Finally, I'm free - Bador thought as he walked to the main chair at the large solid wood table to sit on, the chair was large and made of dark wood, carved creating curves and figures with claws, the backrest was high and at the top was carved the image of a manticore, with the head of a roaring lion, emblem of the royal family of Esra.

It's time to call Romen - Bador thought, and he began to cast a spell, it was a simple one, one of the first he had learned as a child. He began to move his hands, as if he were holding a ball of air that was slowly burning until it created ashes, which he then blew out with the message he wanted to deliver.

After a few minutes, Bador hears the door open, and sees Romen enter the room. Romen had been the royal advisor since his father's reign. He was tall and of slim build, he had long arms, and his thin hands were always covered by long sleeves that reached to the middle of his fingers, although at times they were raised and left to see what looked like letter marks tattooed on his fingers, although they were not from any language known to Bador.

Your highness, I'm glad you called me, I already missed your presence - said Romen, bowing his head slightly - you must be thirsty, let me prepare you something to drink, he commented as he walked to the small side table where there were jugs with water, soft drinks, and various liquors. Thank you for answering my call – Bador said – there are very important issues that we must talk about.

Of course – answered Romen – I was eager to have a meeting with you, here you go, I made you some tea, I hope you enjoy it.

Romen placed a white earthenware cup on the table in front of Bador, the fragrance it gave off was pleasant and soft. Bador lifted the cup and took a small sip, the tea was hot, sweet and sour at the same time. After taking it he felt calm, as if several thoughts were removed from his head.

Is his highness feeling better? – Romen asked – I imagine that having another voice inside your head can be exhausting – he continued, staring at Bador.

Bador took a deep breath, feeling that the thoughts were now his alone. He looked in the mirror and did not see the reflection of his sister, but his own, like before he died. What happened to Addae, did she disappear forever? -He asked, touching his face, which was still that of his sister.

No, your highness, she will only sleep for a moment, her spirit is still stronger than yours, but for now we will have the necessary privacy – Romen responded, taking a seat on Bador's right side.

The spell you gave me worked perfectly, thanks to you I am still alive, you have proven to be an important advisor – said Bador, resting his hands on the table.

Thank you, your highness, but remember that no one should know what happened, the magic used was very ancient, some would consider it dark, it is better to keep it a secret and act with caution and discretion to achieve our plans - Romen whispered.

Of course – commented Bador – for that we need to convince Qadeer that war is imminent, he needed spy reports, information, and evidence to attack Druikstall and destroy the druids who for so long have considered themselves superior to us, it is time for them to learn. who are the most powerful.

Of course, your highness, I am working on it. Soon we will have the necessary evidence for Qadeer to change his mind and support the war.

Perfect Romen, and what do we do with Eskol? Do you think he is a problem? –Bador asked.

The druid prince? No, his feelings interfere with his judgment, he won't realize what's happening until it's too late – answered Romen.

If he becomes a problem, eliminate him, I have never liked the relationship he has with my sister, as if he were her equal, as if he deserved to be next to her – Bador said, leaning back on the chair.

Of course, your highness, that will not be a problem – Romen responded.

How tired I feel – said Bador.

It's just that your spirit is running out, your sister's spirit is still very strong, but little by little it will weaken, until there is nothing left of her and you can take complete control. But for now your highness needs to rest and keep her out of your desires, it is best that she does not know about our plans until her spirit is about to fade – said Romen.

I think our meeting is over – Bador said, getting up and walking towards the door – I will call you again soon, and I hope to have good news about our plans.

Of course, your highness, leave it in my hands – Romen responded.