

It's time – she heard Maeve say who was finishing doing her hair.

Sighing Addae she stood up, her wedding dress weighing more than she expected.

I didn't think this day would come so quickly – Addae said, turning to see Maeve, who was holding a diamond and sapphire tiara in her hands.

It's normal to feel that way, after everything that's happened – said Maeve as she carefully placed the tiara on Addae's head.

Will I ever love him? – She asked whispering.

I don't know, love is not easy, you will have to strive to see the best in it. Maybe it will not be the ideal type of love that you once dreamed of, but there will be happy moments and rest assured that you will love the children you will have with him like you have never loved anyone – said Maeve, looking tenderly into her eyes.