
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
257 Chs

CHAPTER 193(Dungeon Of Dragons)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

Discord: https://discord.gg/K7f8qGpvuk



"Just between the three of us, I really needed this," Yang confesses.

Standing at the entrance to floor eighty-seven, safe zone at their back, the Trifecta all share a nod.

"Yeah," Welf says. "No more getting stalled by bugs, not that I didn't appreciate the new drop items they gave, but next stop floor one-hundred."

"Nothing like making progress," Thalie says as she readies her spear.

Marching forward with their weapons ready, the trifecta leave the lush forest of the 86th floor behind and enter a massive grey tunnel.

The dull stone carrying no signs of fighting, they'd certainly been the first adventurers to venture this far, leaving the Zeus and Hera familia records back at around floor seventy.

With the tunnels being as wide as a football field and at least a hundred feet tall, it was obvious the dungeon didn't intend on throwing standard-sized enemies at them.

"Anyone else smell that?" Yang asks, bringing them to a halt with a simple raise of his hand.

"Hmm, sulfur?" Welf immediately deduces before taking another sniff of the air, "Lemons? Fruits?"

"Yeah," Thalie speaks up. "Smells like a citrus field... and a campfire, ash. Maybe a plant monster?" she asks.

"I doubt that," Yang raises the holographic map on his right hand and takes a massive scan of the tunnels. "They only get larger as we go down, but they have an obvious route, and I don't think this is the kind of ground for plants..." he gestures to the brittle grey stone with a thin layer of powder.

"Ok, so what's the bet?" Welf asks.

"Sulfur is probably fire, maybe a dragon or demon, like Balor."

"And the fruit market scent?"

"Acid, strong acid if I can smell it without it being anywhere nearby," Yang readies his axe as he points forward, "be ready. And I really hope you made this armor acid-proof."

"Acid-proof doesn't exist," Welf points out as he draws Mosoka and falls into step beside them, "I made it resistant but the only monster with acid is back on floor ten, not exactly the best material."

After a few more moments walking forward they stop again, this time they could see a flickering light around the massive corner of the tunnels. A bright orange light constantly moving.

Before they can even move further the sound of stone cracking is heard, massive weight shifting and shattering the floor with every move.

A low growl fills the chamber, no, two low growls. It had a friend.

The growl shifts from an exhale to a loud bellowing sound, as if trying to shake the air.

"What's it doing?" Welf asks as they slowly approach to get their eyes on the monster.

"It's smelling us," Yang says as they take cover at a large boulder.

When they take cover the bellowing stops, as Yang turns to his allies to make a plan, a massive roar shakes the tunnels.

The ground at their feet trembles and begins to crack before a torrent of Orange flames washes over them.

"Holy shit!" Welf cries out as he presses against the boulder to better take cover.

Joined by his friend they eventually see the stone all around and behind them melting into liquid rock.

As their cover is melted away the adventurers are left standing in the open staring down, or should I say staring up at their opponents.

Towering high above them are massive adult Red, Black, and White dragons. One of each color with the red dragon in the middle, flames in its mouth as it takes a breath for its next attack.

"Scatter!" Yang commands and the adventurers divide.

Thalie immediately rushes the black dragon while Welf deals with the White, leaving Yang standing in place staring down the red.

"Why are there three of them?!" Welf asks through his helmet as the dance begins.

With deft movements the adventurers begin cutting into their enemies, Thalie rushes forward and with some effort on her part slashes the tendons on one of the black dragon's legs, it cries out in pain as it flinches, allowing her to land a few follow up hits.

As she's becoming more confident in her rush-down attack some of the large gaps between the dragon scales begin leaking a bright green liquid.

Welf was currently dealing with a similar problem, after his first few cuts with Mosoka's flames the White Dragon was suddenly releasing a powerful aura of cold, dampening his flames and body, slowly taxing him more and more with each strike.

"Yang, what the hell is this?" Thalie asks as she leaps away from the growing pool of green liquid below the dragon.

"Same here, is this thing Ice?" Welf asks. Not a heartbeat later the White Dragon opens its maw and spews out a full-blown blizzard at the man. "SHIT!" he cries out and points Mosoka at the floor, rocketing himself up and into the ceiling, digging into the stone above to keep himself from falling as he observes the attack sweep across the battlefield.

"Yeah they're like me," Yang says without missing a beat. While Welf and Thalie were having their own problems he was currently working on his foe like a butcher to pork belly. With a smooth motion he channels Cold and Water into his Switch-Axe, the blade shifts and transforms into a white glowing greatsword as he rushes into the fire breath attack of his foe.

Raising his weapon up he finds himself having to push more and more magic into it the shield himself before he gets to the Dragon's head. Leaping up high he slashes downward only for the monster to see his attack coming.

As if the world slowed down he could see the eyes notice him then actively decide to track him, even at such great speeds. But just because it could see him doesn't mean it could dodge.

His sword still made enough contact, instead of splitting the head down the middle he only took off a chunk of its snout before it reels back in pain, releasing another ear-splitting roar.

Taking a moment he leaps back and makes space to glance around the battlefield. He sees Welf carefully flying around his prey, unlike Yang the smith's method wasn't as free-flowing. Welf's method was simple straight lines where he'd deactivate Mosoka, reposition then reactivate it to change direction. Using this he was constantly sending massive arcs of fire toward the White Dragon, leaving deep wounds all over the monster, all to avoid getting close to the Ice Aura.

Not that far away Thalie was playing a different game with the Black Dragon. To avoid the pool of acid it was standing in she was constantly leaping at it like golden arrows. Like a bull against the red cape of a matador, only this bull was a level-six adventurer, and this dragon wasn't that good at dodging, considering the holes it had it its hide.

Looking back to his opponent Yang sees the glowing red blood of the fire dragon burning its own wounds shut as it raises to its full height, intending to charge at him.

As he begins charging to end his fight he gives his allies a basic rundown of what they're up against, "Red is fire, White is ice, Green is poison, Black is acid, Blue is lightning. If it's any other color don't get hit until we know what it does!"

With the information shared he rushes forward with a massive blue flame behind him and pierces the heart of the Red Dragon, tearing through it the exiting out the back, barely missing the car-sized Monster Crystal in its chest as the carcass crumples to the floor.

Looking over to Thalie he sees her standing on the corpse of the Black dragon as the body seemingly releases an endless amount of Acid, walking on the back of it she avoids falling into the holes she made and deftly spears the crystal, shattering it and causing both the body and the acid to dissapear.

As Yang lands on the floor and she approaches they both turn to look toward Welf's fight. Eventually, with a refined slash, his flame construct shifts from a longsword blade to a full buster sword, allowing him to decapitate the dragon in one slash.

"So, five types of dragons?" Welf asks as she shatters the White Dragon Crystal.

"For now," Yang says.

"For now?" Thalie asks, "any more we should keep an eye out for? Maybe a pink or purple dragon?" she jokes.

"Hmm," Yang thinks it over for a moment causing both his teammates to get a bit uncomfortable. "Doubt it, they don't normally associate with the other chromatic dragons, but if the dungeon sends them just remember pink basically shoots a weird glue and purple is energy blasts," he says with a shrug.

"I-I can't tell if he's kidding or not..." Welf says.

"I'm serious, they're just dragons. Avoid the mouth stuff and you're fine, same thing for all of them."

"Well in that case can one of you fight the Black Dragon next time," Thalie says. "I can't fly and playing 'the floor is acid' is really annoying."

"Yeah that's fine, I'll take Red and Black," Yang says. "Welf takes White, and that leaves Blue and Green for whoever has some time to kill."

"Sounds good with me," Welf says, earning a nod from Thalie. "One question, I thought Black Dragons had fire, you know, like the One-Eyed-Black-Dragon."

"What, no don't be stupid that thing isn't a regular dungeon monster," Yang says as they begin to walk further into the dungeon.

"So that's not the boss for this area?" Thalie asks.

"Nah, I've got a pretty good guess as to who the boss is for here. Plus those monsters from the three great quests aren't made unless some 'special circumstances' happen," Yang says.

"More dungeon secrets you shouldn't be figuring out and discussing?" Thalie asks.

"Something like that, she won't just put something like that as a floor boss anywhere so we should be fine. Not that I'm particularly excited to fight who she did put, that monster is always a serious problem..."

"And how sure are you that you've guessed right?" Welf asks.

"One-hundred percent guaranteed," Yang says.

"Fuck it I'll bite, who is it?" Thalie asks, her curiosity finally getting the best of her.

"That's easy, the only person who could keep these dragons in line is---"

As he's about to reveal his guess a massive bolt of lightning races out from the end of the massive tunnel.

All the adventures raise their weapons to defend against the bolt, against their combined stats it easily dissipates without so much as scratching them.

"Talk later I guess," Thalie says as they lay eyes on a massive Blue Dragon, flanked by almost a dozen dragons of different colours.

"Maybe I'm crazy, but this is like a dream come true," Yang says excitedly.

"It's only a dream because you're stupidly strong," Welf points out. "As the only level five and sane person here...definitely never had this dream and been happy about it."

"Can't be sane and be an adventurer," Thalie says as they rush forward.

And so the Trifecta begin their siege against the ----


The boss is pretty obvious if you consider where I'm pulling these monster from :)

I'm still pretty sick but I'm trying, Merry Christmas everyone

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Monster Sources:

D&D 5e:-Adult Red,Blue,White,Black,Green Dragons

---Enter floor 87...

---Fighting Red,Blue,White,Black and Green dragons so far.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts