
Chapter 8

“Right, you,” Sterling said to the shadow, green leaves and joyous oceans twining back into that voice, “I’m not leaving you, don’t worry, we’ll just do this first step together—” and put his own hand, shrouded in obsidian tatters, into his portal.

The entire universe let out a wordless shout, a cry of welcome, a hymn of care. Sterling’s eyes went wide and stunned and then fell shut.

Shadow-tatters swam along his arm, pooled upward, summoned more of themselves from the veil hanging mid-air. They poured into glory, and did not come back.

The rain, drumming and quick, drenched the world. Water and light, ozone and spices, commonplace and astonishing, mingled. Became entwined.

Weight lifted. Lead transmuted to gold: Dan’s living-room lamplight returned to normal, topaz and routine.