
Elemental Hope

GP_Getting_to_work · Ciencia y ficción
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16 Chs


Wow, thats a long chapter title hehe, anyway, now that the little band of warriors have set their course to Hojasoma's army, they all decide to start on some combat practice in the combat arena un the ships hull.                                                            "Alright, now everyone, we all know the rules, do anything to get to the otherside of the shipe, whatever it takes, as long as nobody dies, and that the ship doesn't get a hole in it." says Blaze.                                                   

 "Finally, some real fun, besides smooching with Statica!" says Hydro(cause we all know how the smooching went, Terribly Shocking!)                                                                            

 "UNO, DOS, TRES, GO" says Rocoka.                           

 The battle is on, (by the way they are in teams, Girls VS Boys) Statica hits her first and only enemy, her loving friend, Hydro in the face with a paralyzingly high voltage of electricity in the stomach.                                     

 "There's a kiss for you!" says Statica with an excited giggle.                                                                

"Thats gotta hurt him, but hey, WHO CARES!" says Blaze as he blasts Crystal in the back, causing her to smack into Wonda and they roll on the floor tripping Statica on the way to the stairs.                                            

"Hey, you can't do that, that's my girlfriend!" says Hydro lunging in a useless attempt to tackled Blaze who sidesteps him and then give him an uppercut in the jaw.           

Frost gets to him next, starting off with a beautiful ice sledgehammer to the stomach.                 

"Hey, I thought we were all together, on the same side!" says Hydro as he makes a massive wave, engulfing Rocoka, Blaze, Frost, and all the rest, only he make another miny wave that catches Statica, and in her dilerious state, he kisses her for about 2 seconds before damage is ensued on his mouth.                                                               

 "OWWWWCHY" says Hydro as he  takes a few steps away from her.                                        

 "HYDRO stop the wave so that we can all go and try to relax by the pool while you cleanup your mess." says Statica as she helps the others upstairs.                                            

"Fine" says Hydro as he gets to work cleaning.                                              "Ah finally some peace and quiet babe" says Frost as Wonda and him snuggle closer together on the waterproof loveseat next to the pool.                                                                                "Alright now time for my famous cannonball!" says Rocoka as he and Crystal do a duet cannonball ending with them both kissing as the waves fly into the air.              

"Thats nothing, watch this Obsidian!"says Blaze and he does a double backflip while throwing fireballs at the same time.                 "Boys, they still try to inpress us even when they already have us haha" says Obsidian to  Statica as she takes a sip of her iced coffee.           

 "So true, but you have to admit, they are kinda cute"says Statica while trying to balance an electric bolt on her nose.              "Goodlooking has just returned!" yells Hydro as he sweeps Statica off her feet for a lingering kis that he never gets to make cause she kicks him in the nuts and then kicks him into the deep end of the pool.                

 "And don't ever try that again!" says Statica as she walks back to finish talking with Obsidian.

Also, Statica's feelings are perfectly portrayed in the video above.