
Elegy of White

Ever since she was born, Princess Tundjung was said to be the cause of calamity which would occur in the future. There was a curse in her cursed eyes, and so, the Princess as people said, went blind. The Princess was kept in the palace, without anyone that wanted to be friends with her. Her brother and her servant that cared were the source of strenght. And the Young Master from that eastern kingdom somehow could feel her loneliness covered by that smile. *** !!!This novel is just a fiction!!! This Indonesian version was published in Kwikku under the name Elegi Nirmala by Snow (another Mmishz's pen name)

mmishz · Historia
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1 Chs


"With the demon! The Sultan Family must have made pledge with demon!"

"Are you sure? I heard that the Princess was cursed. But it's hard to believe. The Sultan family is humble, they love their people, and close with other kingdoms. There's no way someone would hate them,"

"What are you talking about? Making a pledge with demon will be followed by curse. Sultan or Queen Consort probably did it. What if...the newborn Princess is actually... the demon's child!"

"Shh! Don't speak non-sense! What if someone heard you?! There's also possibility that she indeed got cursed by someone that doesn't like Sultan family!"

"I can't help it! Have you seen the newborn Princess' eyes? What she have done? Her eyes are blood red! The servants got mysterious illness after they carried her that they don't want to take care of her anymore! What kind of power is that?"

"Goodness, I hope this is not a bad sign for the Sultanate. Thank God the heir of the throne is Prince Tasin. I hope he'd always be in good path and would become a wise Sultan in the future,"

When the newborn Princess Tundjung opened her eyes for the first time, the happiness in *Mahligai Rawi Timur turned into terror. The reason was the Princess was born in "unusual" condition which made everyone who took care of her got mysterious illness. It wasn't obvious at first, but slowly they'd get blue-ish bruises that would started to get black on their hands or they'd got sick suddenly. After medical treatment didn't work, the Sultan family had to call shaman that would successfully treated the servants, which made the palace immediately sure that the newborn Princess indeed bringing calamity with her and this was the begining of speculations started.

*Mahligai Rawi Timur: Palace of the East Sun

Then the speculations were spiced up, made it become an amusing gossip to talked about among the servants before and after daily worshiping*. The the gossips spread among the merchants, got spiced up again, spread among the buyers, got spiced up again, until they reached out the commoners.

Queen Consort Salma's happiness as the wife of Sultan got the most effect of it. Not only she got birth to an "unusual" human, she also got accused by the Sultan that she made a pledge with the demon, which made the servants even more believed in the story that was spread among the Sultanate.

Glares and whispers followed the Queen Consort everywhere she went, all wifes of the nobles would avoided her in every social gathering and talked about her.

The Queen Consort then never seen again.

She would stay in her residence, stared at the blue sky outside her bed room window blankly, not touching her food even thought it was her favourite. The servants would try to persuade her to eat and walk outside the residence, sometimes it worked and sometimes didn't.

That night, as per usual, the Queen sat on her chair, stared at the night sky blankly. The cold air came through the window that was opened by her servant brushed her tan skin softly.

It was as if she was possessed, her dead eyes darkened. She stood and walked to the table, took a knife that was lied near pile of fruits. She came closer to the baby that was sleeping peacefully.

"It's all because of you,"

"Your Grace?" her servant heard.

"Because of your eyes...,"


She raised her hand which held the knife. Her voice was piercing cold, her dead eyes were glowing in rage.

"You would not need to see, my daughter."