
[48] "Light v/s Darkness"

[One week later]

[Atlas Organization]

In the luxurious mansion, an older man with long hair, a beard and red eyes was concentrating on a series of documents lying on his desk.

Suddenly, a woman calmly burst into his office.

"Father, we have received a letter accepting your challenge," the woman reported.

Craig cracked a smile and asked, "Really, where is it, Crystal?"

"He said he would send us the location shortly," the woman replied.

"Hmm... let me know when you know," Craig said as he leaned back in his chair.

"Father, are you sure you'll go to the location he chooses?", Crystal asked, surprised and concerned.

"Why do you say that?" replied Craig with a smile.

"What if it was a trap," Crystal insisted.

"He's always alone and has no organization? Nothing's going to happen," Craig reassured her calmly.

Crystal nodded reluctantly, though she still had some reservations about it. But before she could say anything else, Craig interrupted her.

"Let's not talk about it anymore. Nothing will happen," he sentenced firmly.

Crystal reluctantly accepted her father's stance and left the room with an expression of disgust.


[A few days later]

In a vast meadow surrounded by majestic mountains and wonderful greenery, two men faced each other in a dazzling dawn. Their gazes met relentlessly as the sun slowly appeared behind the mountains.

"Why did you decide to fight at this hour?" asked Ares observing Craig.

'The former president of the Atlas organization, the company that creates and supplies the most weapons in the entire world, had to accept my challenge by having his heir control his empire' Ares thought to himself.

'I guess you're afraid of others stepping in' Ares sneered.

Craig looked him deep in the eyes and said in a serious tone. "It's getting light, not many people are willing to get up at this hour and come to this place, since it's not well known."

"Well, that may be true," Ares acknowledged.

"Let's stop talking and let the fun begin," Craig challenged confidently, as he released a great deal of darkness mixed with a tyrannical and terrifying aura that attempted to engulf the entire battlefield.

"(Space Isolation)" released Ares.

"That's the way I like it, being direct," commented Ares with a smile as he dropped his cream colored coat to the ground.

"(Space Isolation)," replied Craig, preparing for the confrontation.

A blinding, shocking flash erupted from Ares' body, with a towering aura that extinguished all darkness touching the nearby light.

But right in the middle, the two powers collided, mixed with spatial isolation, dividing the battlefield in two: where Craig was, darkness reigned without end, and where Ares was, a golden light illuminated everything around him.

The incredible auras generated caused the earth to crack and collapse for dozens of meters around.

Craig raised his arm and a multitude of dark rays formed from the surrounding darkness, heading towards Ares.

Ares retaliated with hundreds of light beams, which seemed to take the surrounding light and aim them at Craig's attacks, resulting in hundreds of explosions as the attacks collided, leaving dozens of gaping holes and huge cracks in their wake.

"Not bad," Craig said, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"HAHAHAHA... this is what I've been waiting for, an amazing battle," Ares replied.

"(Darkness Descent)," Craig muttered, and a wave of darkness descended, appearing as an enveloping wave with the goal of enveloping Ares.

Ares responded with "(Lightning Wave)", and a multitude of light beams appeared from his body, forming a huge wave of light.

The impact produced by the two attacks resulted in a huge explosion that spread for tens of meters.

"Let's see what you're made of," Ares said with a crazed grin, as a magnificent and imposing spear of light formed in his right hand.

"This is what I'm talking about.... (Sword of Solitude)," Craig replied, as a black aura appeared in his right hand, forming the handle of a sword. Gradually, a sharp dark sword with a deep black hue appeared.

The two disappeared in an instant, reappearing in front of each other at high speed, clashing their powerful weapons.

The two warriors continued their exchange of blows with their destructive weapons, each covered by their awakened abilities.

The ground began to crack and split into two halves, leaving large gashes all over the meadow.

Ares looked at his body full of light cuts that were bleeding and said in amazement: "uff... uff..... This is better than I thought."

Craig also demonstrated his body full of minor cuts and burns dripping blood, and said. "cof...cof.... I agree. This is the best battle I've ever had."

With seriousness on his face, Craig could, "Let's decide the battle with the next technique.... If I go on like this, I won't be able to hold on much longer. It's no good wasting my energy like this."

Ares expressed indifferently and thought to himself, "Spending energy like that must not please him."

Craig opened both his hands and in his palm appeared two small black spheres spinning.

"(Double black hole)," he said as the spheres began to swallow a lot of darkness.

He placed one to his right and one to his left, and slowly two giant spheres formed, distorting light and space, attracting all the pieces of earth from the battle and growing in size in a terrifying way.

Ares released millions of light beams that appeared on both sides of him and formed two gigantic dragon heads that cracked everything around them and roared. "(Double divine punishment: Dragon of Calamity)," he said as he prepared his attack.

The four attacks advanced and collided, creating two explosions of hundreds of meters that shook and rumbled the battlefield, shattering and cracking everything for tens of meters.

Two huge craters hundreds of meters long appeared one on top of the other in the desolate and destroyed prairie.

The silence that followed was shocking as the great wave of dust disappeared, revealing the terrifying wreckage wrought on the site.

"You are finished. This is my victory, Ares," Craig screamed madly, directing the two black holes towards his opponent.

"JEJEJEJEJE... don't you believe it," Ares replied confidently as the two dragon heads began to move. They gave off many beams of light, forming their bodies and heading towards Craig.

The two warriors suffered serious injuries in the battle.

Ares coughed with difficulty, staggering and very pale. His body was full of blood and very serious cuts. "Coff... coff... coff... coff..." he said as he tried to catch his breath.

Craig was on the ground, breathing hard and in pain. He vomited blood, staggered and fell to his knees. His body was full of blood and he had terrifying burns and very bad cuts. "Argh... coff... argh..." he gasped.

"Not bad," Ares said with difficulty as he coughed.

"You have to die," Craig replied kneeling and barely breathing.

On the ground, Craig released a black aura and formed a sphere in his left hand, throwing it towards Ares.

The black sphere grew at an impressive speed, leaving a black trail.

Ares was pulled towards the sphere heading towards him.

"I have to destroy that black hole," Ares thought, launching a beam of light that tore through the attack and split it in two, exploding on the spot.

"But I have to finish," Ares decided.

"(Divine Punishment)" shouted Ares as he raised his arm with difficulty and pointed downward.

Craig raised his arms and formed a barrier as millions of beams of light appeared in the sky above him, descending rapidly and impacting full on, forming a huge shockwave.

Ares watched as the dust disappeared and Craig's body was nowhere to be seen, only a large crater and blood.

"I won't be able to stand for long," Ares complained as he vomited blood again and fell to his knees, shivering.

Desperate to suffer a mortal wound, Ares shouted "Bifröst", the clouds opened and a colorful lightning bolt descended, striking him and, a second later, disappeared.

On the battlefield, there was a deep silence as the entire meadow returned to its original state.


1359 words.

Next chapter "The world trembles"