
[153] "The problems continue"

[In Illuminati]

Edward Whitehead was in a windowless room, surrounded by varied shades of green, with his right arm completely purple and a part of his neck up to his chest in the same condition.

He was breathing hard, his face showing an expression of pain.

He opened his eyes with effort and, with a pained look, stood up, leaving the room with difficulty.

Outside, Harold, with his hands inside his medical apron, watched him and said. "Everything is ready."

Edward nodded, and Harold carefully led him to a medical room.

In the room, there were many empty cylinders three meters high. Harold pressed one, and the lid opened as he introduced Edward, commenting. "Don't stop circulating your force control, and you will recover soon."

Edward nodded, pain showing on his face.

Harold closed the door and headed to the center, where there were several computers. He activated a lever, and the cylinder where Edward was beginning to fill with a greenish-yellow liquid.

Upon coming into contact with Edward, he felt pleasure and relaxation, until he was completely covered.

On the monitor, Harold checked Edward's vital signs and sat up. Then, he turned the chair 360 degrees, looking at Edward.

"I will take revenge on you, Edward," Harold thought with a cold face and eyes full of murderous intent.


[The next day]

[At WAA]

Jiwoo entered the room and saw Jisuk and Subin fighting, while Wooin was lying down similar to Gangseok and Sucheon.

Seongha and Inhyuk were standing, looking out the window.

Seeing Jiwoo, Jisuk, Subin, and Wooin ran towards him, and Jisuk commented. "You finally deign to come see us."

Jiwoo smiled warmly and responded. "Was occupied". Then, he looked at Seongha and Inhyuk and asked worriedly. "How are they?"

"Much better," Inhyuk replied, while Seongha nodded with a smile.

Jiwoo smiled.

"How are things outside?" Inhyuk asked seriously.

"People came to protect this place, and the atmosphere seems a little strange. "I haven't had an opportunity to interact with anyone other than you," Jiwoo commented.

Jisuk nodded and said. "It was obvious, that there if a traitor is surprising."

Jiwoo nodded, as did the others.

"I don't know what will happen now," Subin expressed doubts.

The place was silent until someone opened the door and a young man dressed formally entered. He bowed in greeting to Jiwoo and said. "Mr. Jiwoo, the director wants to see you."

Jiwoo was surprised, then nodded and looked at the others. "I have to go, I will come see you soon."

Everyone smiled except Sucheon.

Jiwoo and the young man left, and the warm atmosphere turned serious.

"Things are getting complicated," Jisuk commented.

"A traitor being a member of the top 10 of this academy is an important development," Gangseok added.

"That's not all. The principal eliminated the vice principal. It is possible that there are even traitors among the teachers" Inhyuk said.

"But they were all killed because they could not resist the consequences of those fights," Seongha added.

The youths frowned, and Inhyuk said. "Many died."


At the main gate, two very attentive guards saw a luxurious car approaching. A young-looking woman got out of the car, about 170 cm tall, with long black hair and golden eyes. She was wearing an elegant black dress.

Next to her, a man of similar height, athletic build, dressed in casual and modern clothing, with dark hair and hazel eyes.

Seeing the two people, the guards bowed and said. "Mr. Mitchell and Mrs. Priya, it's my pleasure."

[Alex Mitchell]

[World Ranking: Top 50]

[Awakened Power: Energy Manipulation]

[Priya Patel]

[World Ranking: Top 50]

[Power Awakened: Wind Weapon Creation]

The two people nodded and took a step, entering the academy.

A few moments later, three more figures approached the door, causing the guards to worry and frown.

As they approached, they were seen to be two men and a woman dressed similarly, and two of them had a similar tattoo on their left shoulders.

Recognizing them, the guards raised their hands, stopping them and asked cautiously. "What are you doing here?"

Tanji smiled and answered. "Because we have to respond to someone as weak as you."

The guard frowned, and both guards got into a fighting stance.

Tanji became angry and sought approval from Muras and Gah-In.

"Stop" came the imposing voice of a woman.

Muras, Gah-In and Tanji looked behind the guards, where Priya came walking calmly from the academy.

"Let them pass, we don't have time to waste on them," Priya said indifferently, showing no respect. She turned and left the place.

Muras, who had a sleepy attitude, woke up immediately, his face became serious, and in his mind he said a name. 'Priya Patel... a very powerful awakener.'

Gah-In and Tanji frowned, showing unpleasant faces.

The two guards step aside, allowing them to pass.

The two guards stood aside, allowing them to pass.

Muras signaled and advanced, quickly followed by Gah-In and Tanji.


[Garrith Office]

Jiwoo was sitting across from Garrith and Mauricio.

Mauricio took an appraising and analytical look at Jiwoo and said. "If I didn't know that you were that man's disciple, I would think they were lying to me."

Jiwoo smiled as he scratched his head innocently, then his face turned serious and he asked. "Why did they call me?"

Mauricio smiled and answered. "Straight, I like it."

"We want to ask you when you're leaving here," Garrith asked calmly.

Jiwoo was surprised and responded. "I don't know, when the others leave, I guess."

Garrith frowned, as did Mauricio.

"The Academy is going to close for a while, this news has not yet been transmitted, but during the day everyone will be notified," Garrith commented calmly.

Jiwoo was surprised and asked. 'Because?"

Jiwoo was surprised and asked. "Because?"

"Like why?" Mauricio said, a little annoyed.

Jiwoo frowned upon seeing the latter's bad attitude and did not answer his question.

"We want to prevent a possible second attack from Frame. Nobody knows what may happen. Better safe than sorry. When we have a good protection plan for young people, the academy will return to its normal operation" Garrith answered.

Jiwoo was surprised and understood their concern.

"I'll ask when we will leave" Jiwoo replied.

Suddenly, the office door opened and five people entered.

Garrith immediately recognized the five figures, but his attention was focused on Muras, Gah-In, and Tanji.

Mauricio frowned as he saw Muras, Gah-In and Tanji and then looked at Alex and Priya.

Muras, Gah-In, Tanji, Alex, and Priya looked at Garrith and Mauricio, and their gazes remained focused on Jiwoo.

Muras stopped looking at Jiwoo and looked at Mauricio, frowning at seeing him here.

Gah-In and Tanji did not take their eyes off the young man, and immediately recognized him as Kayden Break's disciple.

'I'm here because of him. ' Priya thought when she saw the young man and then added. 'I hope you don't cause me trouble, child.'


If you want to access early chapters, join my P atreon. (More than 25 chapters ahead)

I'm currently on chapter 179.

