
[128] "Arthur v/s Teresa"

Watching Teresa advance, Arthur decides to follow in her footsteps and stands a few meters away.

'She must possess the same strength as the other two. 'I can't afford to let my guard down,' Arthur muses, sharpening his senses to the utmost to be alert for any sign from outside.

The intense gazes of the people and the tension in the air do not go unnoticed by the two young men.

Teresa emanates an aura of greenish and dark hues. With a subtle wave of her hand, numerous green needles emerge in Arthur's direction, without waiting for the initial signal.

Arthur responds with alacrity, raising his hand in a swift motion. A burst of purple energy materializes and engulfs the needles, achieving a successful defense.

The collision triggers an explosion, transforming the typical white powder is a dark green color that gradually fades.

Garrith frowns as he turns his gaze to Teresa, his thoughts racing. 'That aura and sensation resembles Edward's. Somehow, this young woman is linked to him. I don't discount the possibility that she has inherited his control over the force.' Then, her eyes drift to Lisa. 'Will they have some kind of connection to Edward?'

Meanwhile, Arthur inhales the green powder without giving it much attention, as if it were a trivial gesture.

Teresa, for her part, smiles and her green eyes begin to radiate luminosity.

In response, Arthur unleashes a powerful blast of energy in Teresa's direction, launching it with determination.

Teresa squints, catching every opening and predicting the route of the attack. With an enigmatic smile, she triggers an explosion of green hues that radiates from her body, spreading around her.

The detonation disrupts Arthur's attack and follows the calculated trajectories.

The KAA instructors react quickly, reaching out their hands to shield the students in their care.

After the dust fades, Arthur is revealed wrapped in a glowing purple shield, seemingly unscathed.

However, Arthur senses that something is not right inside, although his expression does not denote harm.

"Something doesn't fit... My body feels heavier," Arthur muses, his countenance turning somber. His thoughts oscillate. "Poison...?"

Teresa laces the fingers of her right hand together at a focal point and then spreads them apart, releasing a greenish aura that envelops the surroundings.

With a whisper, she declares. "(Contamination zone)."

From the ground, a dark green-hued gas emerges and spreads rapidly, completely flooding the combat area. Dense fog envelops the space, reducing visibility to zero.

Every individual in the arena is enveloped by the gas, involuntarily inhaling its substance. Only the professors manage to protect their bodies from the effects of the gas, maintaining an effective defense.

Like his colleagues, Inhyuk frowns in response, his surprise palpable. His thoughts echo with a single word. 'Poison.'

Arthur, amidst the opacity caused by the gas, experiences the sudden heaviness that invades his body at an alarming rate. Tingling sensations ran through his being as the instructions he was giving his body become sluggish and increasingly difficult to control.

Teresa's eyes glow with magnified intensity as she focuses her attention on Arthur. Deftly, an aura materializes in her hand, gradually taking the shape of a spear in her skilled hands.

A decisive thought crosses Teresa's mind. 'I must conclude this quickly. My poison has been acting for some time now, and its effects should manifest themselves now. It has been too easy.' Firmly, she holds the spear in her hand and, with a swift and precise movement, throws it in Arthur's direction.

Despite his struggle to remain conscious, Arthur squints in an effort to focus. An unsettling shiver runs through his body, alerting him to the impending threat. With trembling hands but determination, he reacts instantly, raising his hands and creating a shield of purple radiance that stands between him and the sense of danger.

In the midst of the dim visibility, Arthur senses his shield collide with something with a resounding impact, only to disintegrate in the next instant. He lowers his gaze in anguish and, in the dim glow, sees a spearheading straight for his stomach.

Suddenly, an explosion of considerable magnitude shakes the place, resounding with a deafening roar.

As the green gas begins to dissipate, the scene is revealed in its horrific totality. Arthur, eyes wide open, lies embedded in the stands, pierced by the spear. A solitary drop of blood trickles down his lips, marking the cruel reality of the moment.

Silence hovers over the area, a tense pause stretching out amidst the disbelief.

The spear that pierced Arthur's body vanishes, disappearing as if it had never existed.

The WAA members watch in awe and shock.

Garrith fixes his gaze on Arthur as his thoughts weave with analysis. 'They were unaware of the extent of their powers, yet their approach is completely different. It seems they had information about the capabilities of their opponents, but.... This highlights how vulnerable, careless and arrogant they have become. They lack the necessary battlefield experience...'

Teresa returns to her original position, silence still enveloping the environment as emotions slowly dissipate.

"Excellent work," James comments in an icy tone, his voice echoing in the surrounding silence.

Teresa responds with a smile, her tone equally calm and confident. "It wasn't really much of a challenge. They lack a lot of experience."

Emily adds her perspective, reinforcing Teresa's observation. "They couldn't match their powers either."

A silent agreement forms between Teresa, James and Samantha, their gestures nodding in sync with Emily's words.

Arthur placed his hand on the spot where the spear was piercing him, feeling a wave of intense pain sweep through his body. He lifts his hand and observes how it is covered in blood, his expression reflecting the suffering he is experiencing.

Two people arrive quickly and rush to Arthur's aid, assessing his condition and providing treatment immediately.

The scene does not go unnoticed by those present. Seongha, Suhan, Miyoung, Chul and the other teachers are overcome by a torrent of questions and emotions of astonishment, surprise and bewilderment at the incredible strength demonstrated by the young men. Without realizing it, their gazes shift to Gangseok, Sucheon, Jisuk and Subin, their concerns evident on their faces.

Gangseok, Sucheon, Subin and Jisuk, in turn, catch the looks and expressions of concern from the teachers. The astonishment reflected on the teachers' faces translates into an uneasy feeling. Their own expressions turn from surprise to bewilderment, and a shadow of unease crosses their countenances.

Lisa turns her gaze to Garrith and comments with a note of disappointment in her voice. "The fighting proved somewhat discouraging, but I consider that at least there was learning on both sides."

Garrith, with his serious countenance, holds Lisa's gaze without issuing any response.

Then Lisa turns her attention to the quartet of students from Korea. "I hope you are willing to face the challenge rather than avoid it," she adds with a defiant tone in her words.

As soon as she finishes her statement, Lisa turns and walks away. Samantha, James, Emily and Teresa calmly follow her as they carry on a conversation among themselves.

The faces of Sucheon, Subin, Jisuk and Gangseok visibly tighten, and in a unified act, they clench their fists tightly.


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I'm on chapter 155.

