
[119] "Garrith Luterain"

[The next day]

An imposing aura spread across the island, while in the sky majestically soared an imposing-looking bird, resembling an owl with its soft white fur.

In the center of its body, a blue crystal, with each beat of its enormous wings, generated a terrifying wind capable of shaking the trees and lifting the dust from the ground.

The bird descended gracefully and from it descended Garrith Luterain, with his hands behind his back and a calm attitude. Observing the majestic phoenix, Garrith reflected. 'I had to bring him urgently, but there will be no place for him to stay here, it will be a hard time for him.'

{Wait here, I'll be back in a moment}, Garrith spoke telepathically to his phoenix as he walked deeper into the Academy.


"Jurion, I like your attitude. My successor must have the mentality that he will not lose to anyone, no matter who his opponent is. However, you are not the right opponent to face Ares," commented Veramonte, sitting on a seat with one leg crossed over the other.

"Grandfather, why do you say that?" asked Jurion, confused.

Veramonte sighed and replied. "Ares is a monster among monsters, his talent is terrifying, much more than you can imagine. This is the first time I've seen him, but his strength is not something unknown to

"If he's still alive, he's sure to make it to the top 10 level, just like Kayden," Veramonte commented.

Jurion frowned and questioned. "Why didn't you tell me he challenged me?"

"Because you're going to lose. You must know what battles to fight," Veramonte explained.

Jurion, frustrated, asked. "Do you really think I won't win?"

Veramonte nodded and said seriously, "That's the same reason why the top 10 never accepted Kayden's challenges, it's greater losses than benefits."

Jurion frowned and expressed amazed. "Isn't it because those in the top 10 don't care, are you saying that Kayden has power comparable to those in the top 10?"

Veramonte, earnestly, replied. "I don't know for sure if Kayden has a power comparable to the top 10, but if someone has to face him, it's certain that he would have to work hard to beat him and would probably suffer injuries."

Suddenly, both Jurion and Veramonte felt a powerful aura.

"It's Garrith Luterain," Veramonte said as he sensed that energy.

Jurion was surprised and commented. "The dean of the world academy, what is he doing here?"

"I don't know, but more and more powerful people are arriving, and it's none of our business when they arrive," Veramonte said.

Veramonte turned his attention away from the aura and looked at Jurion. "I'll tell you about Ares, so you can prepare for combat. Do your best," Veramonte transmitted, giving his support to Jurion.


[In Cain's room]

Cain was fidgeting when he suddenly sensed someone's aura and smiled to himself as he muttered. "Grandfather...".

He quickly left the room and ran in the direction where he sensed the presence.

When he arrived, he found the majestic phoenix, but his grandfather was nowhere in sight.

Immediately, he telepathically communicated with the phoenix and asked. {Phoenix, where is my grandfather?}

The phoenix signaled into the academy, indicating that his grandfather was inside.

As Cain waited anxiously, he heard the echo of footsteps approaching and saw teachers and students coming to the scene.


[Ares's place]

Ares, Kayden and Kartein were peacefully enjoying a comfortable nap, immersed in a well-deserved rest.

Suddenly, a powerful aura interrupted their peace, and the three woke up immediately, directing their gazes in the same direction.

"Garrith..." commented Kartein, recognizing the source of the aura.

"What's that mummy doing here?" asked Ares in his mocking tone.

Kartein let out a laugh and couldn't help but laugh.

Kayden also smiled and said. "I'm sure he's worried about what you can do to his boys," and then he gave a devilish grin as he added, "This is getting more interesting."


[Jiwoo's place]

Jiwoo threw a punch at high speed towards Jiyoung, who deftly dodged it. However, in the middle of their training, they both suddenly felt a powerful aura and turned to look in that direction.

"What's happening now?" asked Jiwoo, puzzled.

"I don't know, but let's focus on our training," replied Jiyoung, determined.

Although Jiwoo had doubts in his mind, he asked. "Will they be okay?"

Jiyoung nodded and calmly said. "Let's leave that up to the director."

With determination, Jiwoo nodded and continued to practice together with Jiyoung.


[Han Seongik Office]

Han Seongik, with a relaxed but frowning attitude, observes Garrith and wonders. 'Why would someone like him be here?'

"Could you explain to me what brought you here?" inquires Han Seongik with a respectful tone.

Garrith directs his gaze towards Han Seongik, takes a sip of his tea, and then places the cup carefully on the glass table. He crosses one leg over the other calmly and replies. "I'm worried about my boys, you know, after what happened with Ares."

Han Seongik nods solemnly as he reflects on the devastating events that occurred at the world academy. 'Ares attacked the world academy and is said to have left the vast majority of the students injured and psychologically traumatized.'

Garrith looks at Han Seongik, his concern evident in his eyes. "I'm worried about him attacking my students, and of course, there's Veramonte too, this is much weirder," he remarks uneasily.

Han Seongik nods, his face serious. "We are surprised too, we never thought such powerful figures would come here," he admits.

"Is it true that Ares' younger brother is here, and he is Kayden Break's other disciple?" asked Garrith with a serious tone.

Han Seongik solemnly confirmed. "Yes... in three days, he has a fight against Duke."

Garrith nodded, showing that he was already aware of the situation. "I know, Cain told me all about it. I just wanted to confirm the situation," he said earnestly.

"He also told me that the students at this academy are excellent. I congratulate you, I would like them to go to the world academy," Garrith added.

Han Seongik kept his face serious as he watched Garrith, and after a moment of silence, the office door opened, and Veramonte entered the room.

At Veramonte's presence, Han Seongik became a little uncomfortable and rose from his seat, waving at him. "Veramonte..."

Garrith also stood up and looked at Veramonte calmly.

Veramonte walked to a seat and stood, questioning. "Why are you calling me Garrith?"

"I heard your grandson is going to fight Ares," Garrith commented calmly.

Veramonte sat back and replied. "Yes, it will be a good experience for him."

Han Seongik remained silent, not daring to intervene, and sat down carefully in his seat.

Garrith also sat down and added. "It will be a complicated battle for your grandson, let's hope he learns a lot."

The two continued to talk for a while, while Han Seongik listened attentively, preferring to stay in the background during the meeting.


[In a training room]

Andrea, with an uncomfortable and worried facial expression, observes Duke, who is sweating profusely after training.

"This is bad... Why did the dean come?" muttered Andrea.

"I'm sure Cain called him to tell him about the situation," commented the other professor.

Andrea nodded in agreement and voiced her concern. "This is getting more and more complicated." Then she looked at Duke grimly and warned. "Don't even think about fighting Mr. Schnauder's force control."

Duke wore a worried expression and replied as he tried to catch his breath. "I know."

"I don't know how I'll explain Arthur's draw...," Andrea muttered to herself, then turned her gaze back to Duke. "Duke, if you lose, you and I are dead," she seriously emphasized the importance of the situation.


[Arthur's place]

Arthur walks down the path in silence, while three other young men follow him without speaking.

His nervousness is evident, and he bites his nails as he thinks uneasily. 'The director is here. If Duke wins and Cain fights too, I'll be the only one who drew, and that will bring my reputation down.'

'They have to lose or draw, just like me, or my family will kill me,' he continues worriedly, feeling a huge pressure on his shoulders.


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I'm on chapter 150.

