
[107] "Clarifications"

[One day earlier]

[Pov Kartein]

I was walking down the hallway, deep in thought. 'That fucker didn't answer me...' I opened a door and found Kayden standing in an empty room.

I stared at him and asked, "Why didn't you answer me?"

At that moment, a strange light shot out of Kayden's body, and in front of my eyes, I saw him disappear, replaced by a cat.

"Kayden...?" I stammered, shocked and confused by what I was witnessing.

I tried to process what had just happened-how had Kayden changed to a cat? Furthermore, I approached the feline, who was looking at me with curiosity and recognition in his eyes.

[Pov Kayden]

I was in a meditation position, surrounded by a blue aura that represented my concentration and connection to my powers. As I opened my eyes, I noticed my aura slowly fading. I stood up and clenched my hand in frustration.

"This is so strange... I've been trying for days to regain my power in my human form, and I can't. As time goes on, I feel weaker, and my body seems to reject my human form. I won't be able to control my transformation like that time," I thought worriedly.

I sighed and decided to return to my cat form, at least for now. I needed time to reflect and find a solution to this situation. Besides, I was keeping an eye on Jiwoo, who would soon wake up.

Just as I was immersed in my thoughts and transforming into my cat form, the door suddenly opened and Kartein entered the room. He looked at me with surprise, and in that instant, the inevitable happened. A bright light shot out of my body, and without being able to help it, I transformed.


Kartein remained seated on a seat he had created using his powers, his eyes fixed on Kayden, who returned his gaze with a carefree and lazy expression as he scratched his body.

Kartein's face tightened as he saw Kayden's attitude, and he clenched his fist, keeping his composure. 'This damn fighting maniac was able to do something that I never could.... Keep calm... Keep calm,' he thought with determination.

In a nonchalant tone, Kartein broke the silence. "What a good skill, go back to your human form," he suggested, hoping for a favorable response.

"No...," Kayden stubbornly replied.

Kayden's refusal infuriated Kartein. 'What the...? This fucker... he wants to make me go crazy...', he thought, feeling anger building up inside him. 'I'll kill him if he keeps this up,' he concluded in his thoughts, clenching his fist even tighter and keeping his gaze fixed on Kayden with unwavering intensity.

"Very good technique," Kartein said with apparent nonchalance, though inside he was hiding a growing enthusiasm.

Kayden, as he licked his paw, replied casually. "Yeah, I just thought it might work, and it did. It wasn't hard at all."

Kayden's gestures elicited a visceral reaction from Kartein. 'Grrr... Grrr... even his gestures are identical. It just worked? It wasn't hard at all?' he thought, noticing the frustration growing inside him. 'I'm sure this fucker wants to drive me crazy. I can't stay like this. I want that technique,' he told himself with determination.

With his eyes shining brightly, Kartein decided to ask directly. "Don't you want to teach me that technique?"

Kayden was surprised by the question and answered lazily. "No... what would I gain from it?"

Kartein's heart pounded with excitement as he hid his malevolent smile. 'Yes, my chance...' he chuckled internally, unhinged and malicious.

'I'll owe you a favor... whatever you want, I can heal you once whenever you wish, I won't ask,' Kartein replied, offering a generous reward in exchange for the desired technique.

Kayden remained silent for a few moments, looking at Kartein, evaluating the proposal in his mind. 'Yes... say yes...', Kartein yearned inwardly, wishing Kayden would accept the deal.

Finally, Kayden responded indifferently. 'Fine,' but in his thoughts, it was clear that he considered Kartein's favor to be worth far more than the technique he would teach him.

They indulged in a fit of maniacal laughter, sharing a complicity that only they could understand.

Though laughter was taking over the atmosphere, Kartein clenched his fist tightly and kept his cool as he brought up a new idea. "How about I learn the technique right now?" he proposed calmly.

Kayden pondered for a moment and finally nodded. Thereupon, he transformed into his human form and stated. "Fine."


[At present]

Jiwoo stood in front of the large window in her room, gazing raptly at the beauty of the night. A gentle breeze caressed her face, and the lights of the headquarters shone like distant stars on the horizon.

In the midst of her admiration, however, she remembered her responsibilities.

'I should call Jiyoung to tell the guys that I'm okay,' Jiwoo thought, feeling the need to reassure his friends. 'I also need to rest and prepare for the upcoming training that awaits me.'

The memory of Kayden's words echoed in his mind. "As soon as I get enough rest, we'll start with a new training." This idea filled her with excitement and determination.

Sighing with mixed emotions, Jiwoo picked up her cell phone and dialed Jiyoung's number, waiting for him to answer.

Bzz Bzz Bzz Bzz Bzz Bzz

"Hello, Jiwoo?", Jiyoung answered on the other end of the line.

"Hello, Jiyoung," Jiwoo said warmly.

"Phew...good thing you got through, I was already worried," Jiyoung confessed sincerely.

Jiwoo blushed as he noticed Jiyoung's concern and spoke shyly. "Sorry for making you worry about me.... I just woke up a little while ago. But I'm feeling fine, really."

Jiyoung sketched a smile, trying to disguise her concern, and then coughed lightly to divert attention from the conversation. "I imagine your injuries must be serious? Where are you?" he asked.

Jiwoo nodded softly and replied, "I'm in a place with my brother and my teacher, they are taking care of me."

Jiyoung's next question was laden with longing and concern, "When will you be back?"

Jiwoo sighed, feeling the pressure of making a difficult decision. He was silent for a moment before answering, "I'll stay here training with Kayden for three weeks and then return to Korea."

Silence settled between them, becoming uncomfortable.

"There's something I want to inform you, the academy will resume its functions again in a few days," Jiyoung revealed cautiously.

Jiwoo was surprised at the news. "But I can't..." his words reflected his dilemma.

With sincerity in her voice, Jiyoung said. "I just wanted to let you know and keep you in the loop, even though I know you most likely won't come... and I understand."

Jiwoo, with a sweet smile, replied. "Thank you for always keeping me in mind, Jiyoung."

But Jiwoo didn't stop there. With determination, he added. "When I come back, the first thing I'll do is come to see you."

Surprise flashed across Jiyoung's face, quickly followed by a warm smile and a blush on her cheeks. In an excited voice, she replied. "I'll be waiting for you...."


[The next day]

In the room, Jiwoo lies on the bed, her eyes full of curiosity as she watches four young people of which there are three women and one man who are dressed identically, in black clothes and comfortable polo shirts. They all appear to be about the same age as she is.

One of the girls, a lovely face with long blonde locks and beautiful blue eyes, breaks the silence. "My name is Samantha Snyder. It's a pleasure to meet you," she says with a friendly smile.

Jiwoo, surprised but delighted by the introduction, responds politely. "Nice to meet you, my name is Jiwoo Seo."

Samantha's smile widens and she adds enigmatically. "Oh, we already know who you are."

This causes Jiwoo to giggle foolishly and fidget.

Samantha sighs, turning her attention back to the others in the room, and suggests politely. "Why don't you guys introduce yourselves? Or, if you prefer, I can do it for you."

A teenage boy with a delicate face, black hair and eyes, adorned by an intriguing tattoo of various geometric figures under his right eye, calmly and confidently introduces himself. "I'll do it, I was waiting for you guys to finish talking? I'm James Myers."

Next, a second girl with long brown hair and captivating green eyes eagerly takes the floor. "My name is Teresa Whitehead, it's a pleasure to meet you. I've been looking forward to meeting you."

The third introduction comes from a young woman with short white-gray hair and light blue eyes full of warmth. With friendliness, she says. "I'm Emily Spencer. I hope you have a good time here and anything, you can count on us."

Jiwoo, with a genuine smile on his face, quickly replies. "Nice to meet you."

Samantha shows her support and offers to help Jiwoo as he recovers. "As Emily said, you can count on us for anything you need. I hope you recover soon and can train with us."

Jiwoo thanks with a smile. "Thank you very much, when I recover, it will be my pleasure to train with you."

Emily shared enthusiastically. "Our training turns out to be quite entertaining, we have a lot of fun while practicing. We hope you will be glad to join."

Jiwoo nodded excitedly, saying simply, "Yes."

James, with a hint of coolness in his tone, turned to Jiwoo. "How are you feeling, are you better?"

Jiwoo looked at James gratefully and answered sincerely, "Yes, I'm much better. I think in a day or two I'll be fully recovered. Thank you for caring."

A cold smile spread across James' face as he tried to soften his tone. "We're on the same side, we should look out for each other," he expressed, trying not to sound so distant.

After a minute of awkward silence, Samantha decided to interject. "We're here to introduce ourselves, so we'll let you get on with your recovery," she said kindly.

"Okay, see you...," Jiwoo replied with a nod of thanks.

The quartet said goodbye to Jiwoo, who was left alone in the room, grateful for the visit but also relieved to have a moment of solitude to fully recover.


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In my Patre on. I am on chapter 137 and here I am on chapter 107.

