
[104] "Ares v/s Qin Shuang"

On the ground, Qin Shuang stands up with a serious look burning with anger. He touches his face, feeling the stinging pain of the onslaught, and fixes his furious gaze on Ares. "How dare you touch me!" he exclaims in a hoarse, rage-filled voice.

Ares flashes a disdainful smile and raises his hand, giving rise to a dazzling golden glow. A majestic beam of light projects with overwhelming force from his palm, pointing decisively at his rival.

Silvia, for her part, gracefully leaves her position on Ares' shoulder and, with unusual speed, vanishes from the scene.

Qin Shuang, frowning, channels his energy with impeccable dexterity. From his hand, an imposing spear emerges, radiating a golden aura fused with black touches with precision, he wedges the spear into the ground, creating a barrier in front of him

The beam of light collides with Qin Shuang's shield, enveloping it in a glow. In its wake, several buildings gave way under the overwhelming force of the collision.

However, Qin Shuang emerges unscathed from the confrontation. His gaze, now irritated, is fixed with determination on Ares, who, pleased, holds up a mocking smile.

"At last you put aside words and decide to fight properly," Ares tells him with a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

Qin Shuang bursts into a swift run, while Ares follows suit, both converging towards the center of the battlefield.

In an astonishing clash of weapons, Qin Shuang's spear rushes towards Ares, who responds by creating a spear charged with a powerful golden aura, resulting in an impact so colossal that it generates a colossal pillar of fire, spreading to the far reaches of the sky, accompanied by a devastating explosion that shatters the surrounding buildings.

When the dust clears, the two spears remain locked in a fierce struggle.

The defiant smile on Ares' face gives way to two flashes of light in his eyes, preceding a powerful beam of light that lashes out at Qin Shuang.

However, Qin Shuang's sharpness does not go unnoticed, and with a quick maneuver, he turns his spear 360 degrees, redirecting the attack to another direction, thus escaping its destructive power.

Ares gives his opponent no respite, moving with impressive speed to strike Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang holds the spear with both hands, blocking the attack and unleashing a luminosity that spreads in all directions, devastating everything in its path.

The resulting impact sends Qin Shuang backwards at great speed, shattering several buildings in its path.

Filled with anger, Qin Shuang looks down at his soiled clothes and disheveled hair, but focuses his gaze on Ares with unrelenting determination. "You're finished..." he says angrily.

With great elegance, Qin Shuang adopts his usual fighting stance, wielding his spear. With astonishing fluidity, he executes a movement, and from his weapon gushes a powerful energy that slashes everything in its path, splitting in two everything that stands in its way.

Without stopping, he performs a second slash to the other side, giving rise to a new and devastating X-shaped attack, which sweeps everything in its path, with the aim of reaching his opponent.

Ares, without losing his haughty smile, observes his spear stuck in the ground and reflects, 'I should really fight like I know how and stop playing games'.

Anticipating the imminent attack, Ares nimbly jumps to dodge it and, with one movement, creates a great beam of light in the sky.

Aware of the threat, Qin Shuang reacts quickly, using his spear to cut the beam in two from top to bottom.

However, as he assesses the extent of the destruction in the area, Qin Shuang realizes that Ares has the upper hand in the contest, causing an even stronger determination to burn within him.

'Far and away he has the upper hand.' he thinks angrily.

Qin Shuang quickly lunges towards Ares, who responds by hurling several beams of light in his direction. However, Qin Shuang's agility and precision allow him to dodge and cut the deadly attacks in half.

With an unhinged look, Qin Shuang leaps towards Ares, issuing a tenebrous threat "die...", while his spear is relentlessly directed towards his enemy.

But Ares, impassive, smiles and deploys his power, generating light under his feet to leap and dodge Qin Shuang's attack, which causes a colossal gash in the ground several meters long.

Astonishment and dumbfounded speechlessness take over Qin Shuang as he sees how Ares has outwitted him so easily, and before he can react, Ares is already in front of him, smiling in satisfaction.

With a majestic gesture, Ares summons an immense amount of lightning bolts that descend from the sky in a magnificent display of his power. "(Heavenly Punishment)!" he exclaims with an excited smile on his face.

Qin Shuang is in midair, unable to move, and watches helplessly as the rays of light descend upon him. Desperate, he reacts quickly and, with his spear, tries to cut the rays to avoid a direct hit.

A smile breaks out on his face as he manages to split the attack, and with a contemptuous tone, he mocks Ares. "Is that all Ares, the one hailed by all as the emperor of light?"

However, Ares' superiority becomes evident when, with a wave of his hands, he causes the beams of light he had split to change their trajectory and head back towards Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang's smile disappears completely, and an overwhelming sense of fear comes over him. The sparkle in his eyes fades, replaced by a trembling look filled with uncertainty.

A massive explosion rocks the place as lightning strikes, causing unparalleled devastation.

Ares falls from the sky gracefully and surveys the site of the explosion, satisfied.

Meanwhile, Qin Shuang stands up, his body bloodied, with cuts and burns evident. Despite suffering serious injuries, his gaze is imbued with a murderous determination directed towards Ares. With difficulty, he struggles to his feet, vomiting blood, and prepares to continue the fight.

Ares approaches calmly, keeping a safe distance between them, and his words are imbued with a contemptuous tone. "Is that all, Qin Shuang? Pretty pathetic for someone with such an arrogant attitude," he says, a smirk on his face.

Meanwhile, Qin Shuang, despite his weakness, awkwardly reshapes his spear and prepares to continue the battle with fierce determination. In his mind, he knows that this fight could mean life or death.

'You die, or I die,' he thinks with unwavering resolve.

Qin Shuang's terrifying aura intensifies, and with a murmur, he says, "(Return of the Emperor)," manifesting an imposing figure in armor and a spear displaying an aura of destruction and grandeur.

Ares, excited, also unleashes his own power without restraint.

The imposing figure created by Qin Shuang emits an aura of terrifying destruction as he aims his spear at Ares.

A great energy is released with a mighty gesture, cutting a gigantic trench in its path towards Ares, who, without losing his smile, disappears in a golden flash, distorting his surroundings with supernatural speed.

In the blink of an eye, he stands in front of the attack and his fist impacts with force, piercing it with no apparent effort.

Qin Shuang feels his heart stop for an instant as he witnesses the speed and precision with which Ares has moved. Before he can react, the spear he had relied so heavily on breaks in half, leaving him helpless.

Ares' fist impacts hard on his stomach, causing immense pain to shoot through his entire being.

A terrifying explosion is unleashed, releasing an immense amount of light in all directions, accompanied by a terrifying wind that sweeps everything in its path.

The dust and light slowly dissipate, revealing the inert body of Qin Shuang in the distance, lifeless and without moving a finger.

Ares, for his part, breathes with difficulty and looks at his totally shattered and unusable arm, while a great pain floods his body.

Ares breathes agitated, feeling the exhaustion of having spent a significant amount of his power during the confrontation. Aware of the need to recover, he focuses on his own healing.

His ugly arm begins to heal rapidly at an astonishing speed, and in a matter of seconds, he is in perfect condition.

Relief flashes across his face as Ares moves his arm, thoroughly assessing its condition. "All the broken bones and the burn on the skin are completely healed," he murmurs with satisfaction.

Ares looks up at the sky and watches as a figure descends with a serene attitude, hands in his pockets. The person directs their gaze to Qin Shuang, who lies lifeless on the ground, and then to Ares. Calmly, he says. "Everything okay?"

Ares nods and answers sincerely. "Yes, I just need to get my energy back. I don't have much left after that battle."

Kayden nods, understanding the situation, and says. "We should leave as soon as possible from here, as soon as the situation is resolved."

"Exactly," Ares replies.

Lisa descends from the sky with no apparent injuries and says. "We're done, we should hurry back."

Kayden and Ares nod in agreement, the three of them leave the place.


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In my Patre on. I am on chapter 134 and here I am on chapter 104.

