
ELECEED - Newcomers Advice

Jayden Break, younger sibling to the infamous Kayden Break. With such a notorious older brother, Jayden was rather sheltered, hidden from the world in hopes that maybe he wouldn't turn out like his brother... However, once he got a grip on his awakened ability... The hopes of those who cared for him shattered as he was exposed into the world of the Awakened Ones.

SoftenBeans · Cómic
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2 Chs


I spent all night in meditation practicing my force control, I was so involved in it I didn't even notice the time. It almost felt like I fell asleep while utilizing it... That's the least I could do considering I'm fathers most prized possession.

Stretching with a yawn, I got ready for school. That includes mental preparations and a little bit of normal meditation just to go into that hellish environment with a cool head. I don't want to act off impulse and wipe out the entire campus now do I?

Fixing me some toast and eggs, I plopped down on the sofa and turned on the TV. I was up a little early so I could spare some time.

Scarfing down my food while watching the daily news, I soon finished up and decided it'd be best for me to head out and start getting on with the day. Once I'm back from school, I got some plans for my own training. Hopefully nothing will go wrong and I'll be able to fully commit to my plans this time around.

Leaving my blazer on the sofa, I grabbed my stuff from out the corner, placed my headphones on my head, and strutted out the door deep in contemplation.

'My force control seems to be moving better than ever... Maybe all that time I didn't use it actually benefitted me? Anyway, it's good regardless. The results I accomplished through just one night of force control was amazing enough. My progress should be faster than ever.' I thought, taking out my phone and playing some music.

'Martial arts would be the next best thing for me to train. It wouldn't be long until I'm back in the groove of things- Plus, I'll be able to practice utilizing force control during combat.

Speaking of which...'

As I kept walking down the normal path to Hae Dam Private High School, I closed my eyes and began to circulate my energy, refining it and guiding it throughout my entire body. Awakened energy will always reside within an Awakens body, naturally boosting it to above human comprehension. However, when you continuously circulate and generate more of it, the energy will begin to pile upon itself- enhancing the body higher and higher standards.

It's how global ranked Awakens are so physically strong. Being awakened from birth has merits too, like increased physical ability and limits above normal humans your age.

No matter what, you'd always be stronger than a non-awakened due to the slow accumulation of Ki.

"Ah! Don't fight! There's enough to go around, you all will be able to eat! Hehe!" My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of purring and giggling. Glancing over to my right, I saw a boy with ash- Almost light cream colored hair and amber eyes feeding the neighborhood stray cats.

A smile that was so contagious I felt my very own mood change after seeing that, even if it was the slightest of changes... It was still there.

Scoffing under my breath with a small smile, I continued on my way to school. Ignoring him, meanwhile I fell back into though, planning my future activities.


The door to my classroom slid open, allowing for the entrance of a golden aura filled with rainbows and smiles. From my seat in the middle of the classroom, I looked over my shoulder and it was exactly who I thought it was.

Jiwoo, the kid I saw earlier on my way here. He was all smiles and his normal aura shone brightly and then some.

Bouncing over to his seat, I looked away. Resting my chin on the palm of my right hand, I waited for the teacher and for the class to start. The thought of skipping for some training crossed my mind on multiple occasions.

And the more I thought about it, the more sensible it sounded.

'I'm already ahead of my class, let alone for the next couple of years. A one time skip wont be that bad.' Sighing, I stood up, brining a round of silence. Glancing around, I saw that almost everyone was looking at me, their eyes sparkling with anticipation, lust, and even maliciousness.

'...What'd I do?'

"What?" I questioned, my tone flat and a little more pushy than I wanted it to be. A couple of the girls within our class flinched but their pinkish red cheeks couldn't hide their embarrassment. Some of the boys within the class flinched as well, going back into their books as if looking at me granted them a death sentence.

"...H-Hey, d-don't mind them... It's probably because you rarely leave the classroom, let alone draw attention to yourself." Looking towards the owner of the voice, I saw that it was Jiwoo. He looked at me with an apologetic gaze as if their actions were his fault.

His uneasy fidgeting gave away his discomfort under my studying gaze.

"Oh. It's nothing that calls for that kind of response... I'm sure I've used the restroom before during a couple of classes." Glancing around, the other brats had fallen back into their normal ways, moving on from my 'spectacle' of me standing up before class started.

Jiwoo giggled to my words, his posture relaxing as his sense of comfort slowly came back.

"Actually, I don't think you've even done that. Which is totally amazing! I mean, I can't even imagine what it feels like to hold... You know-"

"Yeah, yeah I get it... It's really nothing though. You'd be surprised at how easy it is... Anyway, mind telling the teacher that I went home sick? I kind of have some things to do right now and I don't have time to be here." I took a shot, it's better than me sending him an email about it hours into the night.

Jiwoo stiffened, his gaze shifting from a happy one to one full of concern.

"A-are you okay? Do you need some help?" He offered, catching me off guard.

"Eh? Uh, no... Well, yeah if you count you telling the teacher what I told you just now." Picking up my bag, I turned to leave. The voice of Jiwoo reassuring me.

"Okay, don't worry about it! I can do that much at least! Oh wait! What's your name? The teacher might ask so..." He nervously questioned, stopping me inches away from my own desk.

"Just Jayden is fine. Anyway, cya." With a wave over my shoulder, I head out of the classroom and make my way towards the roof of the building. That area is usually empty and is generally big so It'd make a good place to do some light practice.