

next morning


jiwoo came down from his bedroom and see his sister and kayden in cat form both sleeping together and think

JIWOO-( hehe both look so cute sleeping together)

then jiwoo without disturbing them leave cat food on their dishes and pick his school bag and wear his uniform and leave early to feed the stray cats in the way to school after feeding them he go to school

in the house


I slowly open my eyes a see the cats eating and kayden looking out the window in cat form I sit up and

SAMANTHA-YAWN... is jiwoo left for school?

kayden look back and reply

KAYDEN- yep he left before I waikup.

SAMANTHA-so he again didn't eat breakfast hah...

and I stand up and go to washroom after change to my clothes and make breakfast for myself after eating breakfast I ask kayden.

SAMANTHA- so did you remove your attack traces after the fight?

KAYDEN-no I try but can't because of low energy

SAMANTHA- hmm that's ok you save jiwoo that's important oh I'm thinking of going jiwoo's school to pick him.

KAYDEN-huh? is he seven year old kid or something?

SAMANTHA-hehe I always want to pick him from the school but I start my awakened journey in young age so I didn't have my normal childhood with jiwoo...

she said with a smile and kayden reply

KAYDEN-ok I also thinking of going out.

SAMANTHA- huh? to chake on that professor?

KAYDEN- heh you understand me better then anyone...yes for that.

SAMANTHA- hehe but I just guess that oh and go in cat form even if some other awakened see you you just have to act like a cat and they think you just a cute cat.

KAYDEN- I also thinking about doing that.

SAMANTHA- ok I'm going to change my clothes after we leave together.

KAYDEN- huh?what bad about this clothes.

SAMANTHA- hah? this clothes I wear indoor and it's not like I'm short of clothes or have low fashion scene like you.

KAYDEN- comfort make you weaker and I get lot of complement on my looks and clothing.

SAMANTHA- yeah yeah whatever I going to change

don't peek or I stab your both eyes!

KAYDEN- like heel I'm interested in chopping bord.

SAMANTHA- huh? what that suppose to mean?

KAYDEN- out of your understanding.

she don't understand the meaning and go to bed room with a confused look on her face

after one hour later

she come down and kayden ask

KAYDEN- what took you so long!

SAMANTHA- oh I just take a shower and do some makeup and etc hehe sorry about that lets go.


after kayden and Samantha both leave the house together but separate after Samantha reach jiwoo's school and kayden look for the professor hideout and Samantha standing outside the school gate wearing a cap with black and purple full sleeve clothes and looking on her mobile screen

after one and half hour later

people start gathered around her

are you waiting for some?

are in modelling industry?

wanna hang out together?

what are you looking at?

and many more question but she didn't even look at them and keep taping on her mobile after she feel some thing and walk toward to school gate and meet

SAMANTHA- so how is your school today?

JIWOO-sis?what you doing here?

SAMANTHA- I just wanted to look around and see the time it's your last class so I come to pick you up.

JIWOO-oh ok but what with them?

and jiwoo look at the people around her and she reply

SAMANTHA- idk don't focus on strangers let go home on the way we can buy some extra cat good and feed some stray cats.

JIWOO- ok!

and Samantha hold jiwoo's hand and left for pet food store after picking all different type of cat food she pay the bill and jiwoo ask

JIWOO- huh? were did you get that much money from?

SAMANTHA- this I just work on part-time job in an Academy for month so that's my salary.

JIWOO- oh ok.

both of them left the store with four bags full of pet food.

JIWOO- I don't think we need to worry about cat food for months now.

SAMANTHA- I don't like to buy everyday so it's better to buy lot at one's.

on the way home jiwoo and Samantha feed some stray cats and go home

JIWOO-mr.kayden we are back.

SAMANTHA- oppa can you help me carry this?

both of them enter the house and see kayden was sleeping upside down with his mouth open and other cats also sleeping with him.

jiwoo and Samantha put the cat food in the kitchen and Samantha go to washroom after she made lunch for everyone jiwoo and Samantha eat the lunch but kayden still sleeping with other cats after washing the dishes and give the food to cats plates she and jiwoo both do their force control to the evening.


I open my eyes and see Samantha and jiwoo work on their force control and the other cats eating the cats food without me

KAYDEN- hey leave some for me!

and I go and take my share and start eating after eating jiwoo and Samantha done with their force control

KAYDEN- so wanna learn some combat technics

SAMANTHA- your body not fully recovered from the injures.

KAYDEN- I know so why don't you help me to train jiwoo?

SAMANTHA- huh? I'm not good at close combat...

KAYDEN- bullshit your rank in close combat in world top 50 even better then me.

SAMANTHA- how you know that?!

KAYDEN- huh? what kind of stupid question is that I just checked your information after you leave my house.

SAMANTHA- hah ok but if I'm the one give jiwoo practical training I might break his two or three bones is he okay with that?

KAYDEN-that's not a problem you can just heal his bones after training.


kayden said with a smile after kayden, jiwoo and Samantha go to the basement and Samantha said

SAMANTHA- jiwoo punch the punching bag

jiwoo look at that punching bag and POW punch that

SAMANTHA- punch with your max speed not some normal punch.

JIWOO- oh ok.

jiwoo punch with his max speed POW! and the punching bag's rope break and hit the wall and fall on the ground

SAMANTHA-good... hmm oppa did you think something about what technical you teach him first.

KAYDEN- well yes he need years training to gain full control over my force control but I can teach him something he can learn only in months training.

SAMANTHA- well that good.

Samantha then walk towards the sofa where kayden was sitting in cat form and sit down.

KAYDEN- it is way too early but use the method I thought you before when throwing punches let the awakened energy run through your chest to your arms. use this to speed up or even strengthen your power. just before you make contact channel your energy to your fists to land a devastating blow.

jiwoo raise his both fist up and take his stance

SAMANTHA- so you done now it my turn

and she stand up and walk toward the middle and look at jiwoo

SAMANTHA- I just show you only one time so watch care fully and remember everything I'm going to do.

JIWOO- huh?

jiwoo look confuse Samantha take a deep breath and kayden said to jiwoo

KAYDEN- jiwoo focus on her movement.

JIWOO-oh ok.

she take her stance and throw punches at face hight WOOSH SWOOSH and throw two kicks at face and chest hight SWOOSH SWOOSH some more punches and kicks at different directions in last she take some step back and dash towards jiwoo and jump and do triple spin and kick in the air SWOOSH


SAMANTHA- that's a 1080 degree kick you should try this on when someone try to bully you in the school.


SAMANTHA- well jokes aside the techniques I show you just now was I create from different types of martial arts so it's not easy to remember all at ones but practice make awakened ones perfect.


KAYDEN- I already see you many times doing that kick and even now I never see anyone who can throw that kick powerfully.

SAMANTHA- well awakened ones like to only work on their ability so you can only see few awakened and not elemental but only physical ability user to use normal martial arts on a fight against elemental user.

KAYDEN- yes but you made them all wrong and prove that elemental user also can win with only close combat.

SAMANTHA-hehe yes I always like martial arts so yes I improve my close combat with long range.

KAYDEN- well that all for tonight jiwoo take break from school for one week to master what she thought you.

JIWOO-ok but...

SAMANTHA- don't worry about study or what excuse you have to made for school leave that to me I can take care of that.


and jiwoo train and do force control for three days continue and master what Samantha thought him

and Samantha the one who go out to feed the stray cats in the noon 1pm around



SAMANTHA-huh? who could be you wait there I open the door?

she said to jiwoo who was sitting on the sofa and look at the doorbell camera

SAMANTHA- huh? it's inhyuk.

KAYDEN-why he here?

SAMANTHA-how I'm supposed to know that?

JIWOO- uh open the door sis inhyuk waiting for a while.

she open the door and let inhyuk enter and close the door and she sit beside jiwoo and kayden and ask

SAMANTHA- what's bring you here Mr.inhyuk?

INHYUK- oh please drop the honorifics.

SAMANTHA-ok... so what bring you here inhyuk?

INHYUK-ahem I came today to inform you both that in five days you both have to take a test?


SAMANTHA- not like some school written test he talking about he want to see our ability and decide rank base on how powerful our ability is.

INHYUK- yes but Samantha can I ask you something.

SAMANTHA-huh?( what he going to ask?!) sure go ahead.

INHYUK- it just I'm curious how you know so much about awakened ones.

SAMANTHA-oh that when I was abroad for my studies I find so much about awakened ones and even meet with some of them and learn a lot about awakened ones.

INHYUK-oh I see well that all I came to inform you both I came after five days to pick you both up.

SAMANTHA- so are you only gonna see our ability and fighting style or we have to spar with other awakened ones.

INHYUK- you both have to spar but don't worry both of you not gonna hurt and we take your test with full safety so don't worry now I have to go.

and inhyuk left the house

SAMANTHA- oppa what ability should I show them?

KAYDEN- what there to asking about just show

them your physical ability like jiwoo.


in the night

after practising what Samantha thought jiwoo he working on him punches and throw punches at the punching bag POW POW POW POW then stop

SAMANTHA- why did you stop suddenly?

jiwoo again take his stance and raise his right fist and punch the punching bag WOOOSH SWOOOSH

POW!! BANG the punching bag rope breat and the bag hit the wall and drop on the ground kayden and Samantha both mouth and eyes wide open what they just saw

JIWOO- w-was that it.Mr.kayden? it was me right?

KAYDEN-huh? uh...it looks like it.

JIWOO- I did as you said and it made my punches faster and more explosive. Me.kayden that was awesome! wow!


SAMANTHA- JIWOO THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! well as expected of my bro and kayden's apprentice.

KAYDEN-right? see as expected of my method best teacher ever.

JIWOO-you are amazing Mr.kayden!

KAYDEN- aw shuck kid hahaha.


next morning


I was doing push ups and

JIWOO-(why do I feel so heavy all of a sudden?!)

and see sis was sitting on my back

JIWOO-sis you're too heavy!


JIWOO- no you're really heavy.

SAMANTHA-SHUT UP! you can lift much higher things if you lift me.

I try to do pushup with sis sitting on my back



jiwoo doing great he do push up with Samantha sitting on his back easily and even learn to collect his awakened energy while sleeping

the day of the test

Samantha and jiwoo both wear white with black sideline tracksuit and standing outside the house waiting for inhyuk

JIWOO- today is the day.

KAYDEN-dont be nervous.it's not like you fighting to the death.besides inhyuk is over the event so nobody gets seriously hurt and even if you get hurt Samantha heal you after the spar so don't worry.

SAMANTHA- yeah don't worry I always here to protect you.

JIWOO- thank you both of you.

SAMANTHA- when you start thanking your close ones huh or you still think me like a stranger step-sister...

JIWOO- NO! that not want I mean I mean to say I'm really grateful to both of you.

SAMANTHA- I don't care if you feel grateful towards us or not me and kayden both taught you and help you because we wanted to.

KAYDEN-yep she is right I also take you as my apprentice because I wanted to and also thought you my force control because I wanted to so you don't have to feel grateful about anything just become strong and prove that we make the right choice to teach you.


SAMANTHA-look like inhyuk also came.

and she turn her face right side and both three of them see a car coming toward them