
Chapter 32- Eagle Gold

Tru laid in the cage resting his eyes when he felt them come to a stop. He laid there unmoving, relaxing when he heard the stirring of the Gobs. They woke up confused and frightened.

"Where are we?! I couldn't have drunk that much I only had six cups."

"Ugh, my head is killing me, wait why am I in a cage? "

"Hey look they even have Gorlo and the human in a cage. Who did this to us?"

Gulu walked over while the Gobs chattered in panick and worry. He slammed his wooden club on the top of their cage as the sound echoed. They fell silent as he knelt down, giving them a yellow staind toothy smile.

"Now now my guests, shouting in another's home is rude. Besides its best you hush or else." said Gulu as he licked his lips and silica fell from his mouth. The Gobs remained silent as they clictched together, shivering and scared.

Tru pretended to sit up and wipe his eyes as he looked at Gorlo. He was still fast asleep even after the banging and screaming. "Guess that poisons really worked in that old bastard." said Tru as he sat and looked around.

"Poison?" asked Wrath her voice startled Tru.

"Yeah poison."" answered Tru "It was mixed in somewhere with the liquor that Sor 'gifted' to the Gobs."

"Did it taste like very sweet honey at all?" she asked when the cages and carts began moving again.

Tru scratched his head when he noticed the sky getting lighter. He groaned before standing up and stretching. "Yeah" said Tru "It was sweet so I guess you can say it was honey".

"Hmmm" said Wrath "Clearly there are other forces here at play. I advise you to be on guard in case something happens."

Tru nodded silently as he leaned against the cage. He watched the magical beasts run around and graze as they began moving again at a medium pace. The trees passed by quickly when he saw a lone hooded figure standing in the forest, watching the captives go by.

The mystery figure began running after the cages. It wasn't as fast as the cages but kept up just a few feet behind. This continued for a while when suddenly the figures disappeared and darted off into the forest. Tru shrugged when he began to smell smoke and fire.

He looked ahead to where Sor and Gulu were and saw a tall wall of rock and wooden gate. In front of the gate were two Orge guards armed with steel clubs a instead of wooden ones. They stopped a few feet from the gate when Gulu went up and talked to a guard.

The guard nodded and tapped on the gate as it opened its massive doors. Gulu gestured them to follow and they went behind as they heard the gate close. This caused the Gobs to become even more frightened.




They yelled loudly as they passed by several others, but they were ignored. They returned their cries for help with sneers and gluttonous smiles. Some even tried poking at them with utensils while others banged on pots and pans.

Soon they came to a massive town hall like building. It was made of wood from the local tree and had skulls littered all along the ground in front of it. In the top it had a signed that read "Eagle Gold" in black splotchy letters.

On the sides of the building were two large gates that were locked shut by chains implanted in the ground. The doors shook violently that they seemed to break but held firm. They heard squeals and cries of Giant Boars roaring loudly from behind each gate.

They came to a complete stop when they opened the cages. Sor opened the Gobs cage and was met with stares of anger, hatred and even sadness. Gulu chuckled lightly to himself when he saw this and opened the cage with Tru.

Truc stood up and walked out the cage and stretched when he looked at Gulu. His amber eyes stared into the massive grey behemoths small black eyes. As he stared in he felt disgust and anger at him.

"Eeeennnd him, noooooooow"

The whispers entered into Tru's mind as his magical energy began to leak out slowly. He couldn't understand why but the feeling of anger kept growing. Though Gulu had no magical energy he could feel an uneasy vibe as Tru kept staring at him.

He leaned forward and pushed him towards the door of Eagle Gold. "Let's see how far you'll get if you do end up killing me. So go on do it." sneered the creature. "Until then behave like a good human and you'll be just fine, mostly."

"He's right." said Wrath. "You may be immortal, but you lack the skills to use it properly. I suggest for now you assess the situation then plan, no matter what it is."

Tru didn't respond but quickly followed behind the Gobs into the doors of Eagle Gold. He looked around and didn't see Gorlo. The doors were closing behind them quickly when he saw a snippet of Gorlo in the cage fast asleep.

The walked through a hall lit up with torches mounted o n the walls. It was long and they could see light at the end of the tunnel. As they moved closer to the light they heard loud voices. Some where booing, others were cheering but it all sounded like giant mush in the end.

This caused the Gobs to walk slower but was pushed by Gulu to keep moving forward. They exited the hall and came to what looked like a massive dining room set up like an arena. There were several tables set up like a circle with a wide circular area in the middle.

Orges fileld the tables that were lined with food, drinks and weapons. They were talking loudly or eating their fill. Most were playing drinking games or arm wrestling, others broke into occasional fights. Towards the back was a single table filled with more food than any of the tables around. It had 3 chairs lined in a row.

The chair to the left was empty, while the other two were occupied. In the chair to the right sat an elderly looking orge. He had a full white beard and his large body was littered with scars. He wore an unsatisfied look on his face as he ate and drank.

He looked around the room cautiously as if he was on guard against the whole room. Next to him in the middle chair was a younger looking ogre. He had a relaxed look and ate and drank happily as opposed to his companion. He gorged down his food as he conversed with the other Ogres in the large feasting hall.

He had long brown hair with large brown eyes and two large tusks emegering from the bottom of his mouth. His skin was pitch black and had gold runes itched on similar to Gorlo but only on his arms. Unlike the other others he gave off a strong magical presence that couldn't be ignored.

Tru and the Gobs were escorted to circle k n the middle. They stood there as Gulu stepped forward toward the large table. The hall grew silent when Gulu kneeled down.

"My lords!" said Gulu as his voice echoed throughout the building. "I have brought back the Gobs from the south along with 'King' Sor. Along with a….human I believe" muttered Gulu as he looked back at Tru.

Tru stood there in silence as he looked around the room. He was met with the beady eyed stares of the Orges, some filled with hunger and others complete disdain. He locked eyes with the Orge in the middle chair, the latter just returned a sly smile.

"Hmm." hummed Wrath.

'What is it?" asked Tru as the staring contest made him grow irritable.

"First off, you need to relax." replied Wrath. "Also secondly I believe Sor is in for a rude awakening. That announcement didn't seem very sincere."

Tru nodded slowly in agreement as he continued to lock eyes. He looked over to the elderly Ogre who was not focused on Gulu and the captives but side eyeing the black orge. Tru could see the gritting of his teeth as he felt a deep resentemeng leak from him.

"Nork, what do you think we should do with them?" asked the black skinned orge as he looked to his left. He had large smile that made him look like a rabid wolf

The elderly orge named Nork just snorted before rolling his eyes. He stood up in silence before grabbing a large massive metal club embedded with spikes. He threw it on his shoulder and walked down to the arena floor.

He made it to the arena where he was met with a bow from Gulu. Nork said nothing and growled in response. He made it to the middle of the arena when he faced the table where he was sitting. He raised the metal club and pointed it towards the seated orge.

"Here's what I THINK, Rath." said Nork. His voice matched his demeanor and attitude. It was deep rough as a lightly commanding. It caused many Orges especially the guards to pay attention.

"I think that you are a cowardly leader and don't deserve the seat you sit in. So more of what I THINK, I THINK it's time I remove you. FOR. GOOD."