
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Historia
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162 Chs

Chapter 40. Separate

"I, want to separate with you!" A different glint shone from Mrs. Su's eyes: "Since I married into your Yue Family, I was first beaten by your mother. After giving birth to a child, I was beaten by you. I don't want to live this kind of life any more!"

"You are a lowly one bought back by my Yue Family. You eat and drink the food of my Yue Family for so many years and you still want to separate? Dream on!" Before any one can react, old Mrs. Chen rushed over first and reached out to slap Mrs. Su's face.

At the side, You Zhu was already prepared. She tried her best to tackle old Mrs. Chen. With all her strength, she swung her hands desperately: "Who let you bully my mother! Who let you bully my mother!"

Although You Zhu was thin and feeble, her strength won. The tackle made old Mrs. Chen's ribs hurt. For a moment, she got suppressed: "Ouch! Are you trying to murder! Eldest's wife, you're still not coming over to help! "

The panic-stricken Mrs. Chen finally regained her wits and hurriedly stepped forward to pull the red-eyed You Zhu. She accidentally got her hand scratched: "This child, you gone crazy!"

You Jin handed over little Tenth to You Yin and then rescued You Zhu from Mrs. Chen's claws. The sudden confusion was temporarily relieved.

Mrs. Su smiled sadly and knelt directly in front of Yue Shan Chuan with the baby in her arms: "Patriarch, I have been married to Yue Family for fifteen years; honoring my parents-in-law, serving my husband, and producing children for Yue Family. Even if there is no credit, there was effort. If I alone suffer, I will admit to fate. But my children, they are all flesh that fell from my body! How can I watch them kill my children! Let me take the children and leave Yue's house!"

Yue Shan Chuan sighed. Although he had heard a bit about Yue Family's matter, he didn't know that it had reached this point. He maintained the attitude of persuading for staying over separation: "Mrs. Su, with me here, your two children will have no risk to their life. But if you want to separation how can you, a lone woman with so many children, survive?"

"I beg Grandpa Patriarch to fulfill our wish. As long as we can leave Yue Family, we won't blame others even if we starve to death!" You Jin also knelt down beside Mrs. Su. When the several younger sisters saw her like this, they all knelt down one after another: "We beg Grandpa Patriarch to fulfill our wish!"

"You guys!" Yue Shan Chuan didn't expect these children from the second branch to have such thoughts. He assumed Mrs. Su who bewitched them. Actually, it was the opposite: "You are all still young. Leaving Yue Family means filling the belly full of food become impossible!"

The rest of Yue Family never thought that these money-wasting things from second branch could want to leave Yue Family with Mrs. Su. Old Mrs. Chen was the first one to object. Even selling, meant they could get a few silver liangs. How can she let them go in vain? With Mrs. Chen's support, she sat back to the other end of the kang and viciously declared, "Want to leave after eating my Yue Family's rice for so many years? Pah! How can there be such a wonderful thing in the world!"

When old Mrs. Chen uttered this, the rest of Yue Family didn't make a sound. They originally planned to quietly drown the two babies and explained to outside, they couldn't survive. It wouldn't hurt the reputation of Yue Family then. However, if they end up having a separation, how can Yue Family still have respect once it gets out? Each and every one in Yue Family had their own thoughts and chose to stand on the side of old Mrs. Chen.

You Bao, who quietly snuck out, came back in with a kitchen knife and knelt down in front of Yue Shan Chuan: "Patriarch Grandpa, if we can't leave Yue's house today, then I will use this kitchen knife and chop everyone down tomorrow. Afterward, I'll hack myself to death. My lowly life is worthless. It's up to you to if you can bear to!" The tone displayed her absolute resolute stance. And her eyes piercingly bore on Yue Family.

No one would have thought that You Bao, who had always been soft and weak, would dare to threaten people with a kitchen knife. She was clearly a seven-year-old child, but the appearance of holding a kitchen knife was particularly intimidating. Even Yue Chang Fu and Yue Chang Lu couldn't help but feel chills in their hearts. They involuntarily took a step back.

"You guys are determined to leave Yue Family?" Yue Shan Chuan couldn't believe it. What happened within Yue Family? Why were second branch's girls willing to risk their lives to get away from Yue Family?

You Jin kowtowed toward Yue Shan Chuan: "We just want to leave Yue's house. Afterward, our life and death is no one else's problem."

Then she turned to Yue Da Fu and showed a sinister smile: "You have to be mentally prepared, If you keep us, we might go crazy someday. Today is You Bao holding a kitchen knife. Maybe when you fall asleep, I will kill create a dead fish and broken net situation!"

Maybe due to how intimidating the glinting kitchen knife in You Bao's hand was, or the terrifying expression on You Jin's face, all the adults in Yue family were so frightened that their heart skipped a beat. They intuitively felt that You Jin said it liek she can act on her words.

How depressing! A good family had to be tossed around and scattered! Yue Shan Chuan shook his head: "Oh, it's inconvenient for me to intervene in your family's affairs. Just one point though; don't harm anyone's lives!"

No matter which side he stood on this matter, it was inappropriate. So he simply didn't get involved. After all, he also felt more pity for second branch's children from the bottom of his heart,.

You Jin gratefully glanced at Yue Shan Chuan gratefully: "Grandpa Patriarch, please be a witness for us. We will leave Yue Family."

Mrs. Su and the others were silent. But the appearance of hugging each other showed that they had same opinion as You Jin.

"Now it's dark and windy at night, where can you go once you leave Yue's? Let's talk about it tomorrow?" In the end, Yue Shan Cuan still felt that a large family of orphans and widow mother couldn't live without Yue Family and wanted to delay it. Let the little ones calm down for a night and their minds can be clearer. This impulsive decision made at this moment may harm them for the rest of their lives!

You Jin glanced at the dark sky outside. If it was herself, she didn't care. But it'll be troublesome if Mrs. Su and two newborn younger siblings caught a cold. So she nodded and agreed with Patriarch's words: "Tomorrow morning, I will go and trouble you again."

After sending away the somewhat worried Yue Shanc Cuan, everyone in Yue Family showed their displeasure. Old Mrs. Chen fell on the kang and wailed, while Yue Da Fu sat on the edge of the kang and smoked a dry cigarette. Yue Chang Lu wanted to teach the money-wasting things a lesson, but the sight of You Bao and the kitchen knife in her hand, he solemnly lowered his head.

You Jin motioned to You Yin to take Mrs. Su and the few children back; leaving only You Zhu and You Bao in the main room with her. She looked straight at Yue Da Fu: "Grandfather, if you don't want anything to happen to your precious entry-level examinee grandsons, who are studying in the county town, let us leave Yue's house. After all, one hundred silver liang didn't fall from the sky. Don't you agree?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" A trace of panic flashed in Yue Da Fu's eyes. How could she know about the one hundred silver liangs? His gaze of suspicion landed on Yue Chang Lu: "Old Second?"

Yue Chang Lu was also a little puzzled. He hadn't mentioned this in front of these money-wasting things! Under Yue Da Fu's suspicious eyes, he hurriedly shook his head in denial: "Father, I didn't say it!"

You Jin showed a smile of ridicule. It hadn't even started yet and it was already the start dog biting dog? S

She spoke: "If you want people to not know, then don't do it. Since we reached this point, doing one more thing won't do anything. Even if I die, I will pull you down with me! One hundred silver liang will be for naught. And the future of your two precious grandsons is gone. Or you can let us go. You choose!"

"Then how am I to know if you will publicize this matter after leave Yue Family?" Yue Da Fu's eyes dimmed. He never thought that his life of smooth sailing to be tripped up by a few money-wasting thing. His mind recalled the fortune-telling monk's words. Now it seem that it had all come true.

You Jin smiled and shook her head: "You have no choice. If you don't let us go, I will let the whole village know about it tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, everyone in the surrounding area will know that you bribed the examiners with money. If you don't believe me, you can try."

Now that she had the trump card in hand, Yue Da Fu can't negotiate with her however he want to.

"You money-wasting things have eaten and drank the food of my Yue family for so many years and you want leave cause you want to? How can there be such a good thing!" Now that Patriarch was gone, laying-on-the-kang old Mrs. Chen's family head attitude had come out again. She had got her way all her life. Never in her imagination would she think she would be treated like this by these money-wasting things who were in her grasp since young?

"Grandmother, think carefully. There's eight of us sisters. As long as Patriarch is alive, how many of us can you sell? Step back 10,000 steps, even if your precious grandson scored a rank in the imperial examination, then we are all Yue Family's young miss. At that time, wouldn't the dowry taken out require more money?" You Jin naturally knew old Mrs. Chen's weak spot. After abusing them for more than ten years, how can she be willing to pay a lot of money to her least favorite money-wasting things' dowry?

Sure enough, as soon as she said these words, old Mrs. Chen immediately shut up. Needless to ay, she was unwilling!

Still, You Jin wasn't satisfied with this: "And Yue Chang Lu, do you think you can escape? Look at yourself. What do you have to copy others and marry an equal wife? The law is that if the legitimate wife report you on marrying equal wife, then you and your Wan Niang can go to prison. What? You didn't know?"

You Jin's words seem to have struck a lightning within Yue Family. Did marrying an equal wife means jail time!? Yue Chang Lu's face instantly became very ugly. He didn't know this, but he had heard of people talk about having an equal wife. How could he possibly delve deeper? You Jin was satisfied Yue Family's reactions: "If his second uncle goes to prison, can Yue Wen Tao still participate in the examinations?"

Yue Wen Tao and Yue Wen Li can be said to be the hope and trump card of Yue Family. But now this trump card had been tightly held by You Jin. How can they get around it? It wasn't like they can kill all the people in the second branch?

Yue Da Fu was also in a state of turmoil. The head of the family can't make the decision, what can other people do then? Each and every one of them could only stare blankly. After a while, Yue Da Fu solemnly state: "I can promise to let you all go with Mrs. Su, but you must give me a guarantee."

What guarantee? Of course, the future of his two golden grandsons!

You Jin smilingly shook her head: "Grandfather, you don't get at this point? You and everyone else aren't qualified to negotiate conditions with me. But I can promise you, as long as we leave Yue Family, I won't mention anything about Yue Family from now on. Just one point, if there anything happen in the future, don't find us. How about it?"

"You really think you are someone important, don't you? Just a few locusts and you treat yourself as a treasure, don't you?" Old Mrs. Chen couldn't outspeak her. So she could only unreasonably scold to gain some face. But no one paid any attention to her at all. Since she did it in vain, she could only grudgingly pout and remain silent.

You Jin had said all she needed. She took You Zhu and You Bao back to the west wing: "You guys discuss it among yourselves."

But now it was like this, what solution can Yue Family come up with? The whole family in the main room only spoke words of shirking responsibility. They stayed all night in vain and didn't come up with any plan.