
Elder Scrolls: Naruto

What happens when the greatest Naruto fan is thrust into that very same world? Will he hide in the shadows and watch his favorite series play out right before his eyes? Or Will he completely change the landscape of the world and rewrite history? Some say knowledge is power, and they were right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cover: Sueidysom Editor: Scarlet Goddess ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad

Myumara · Otras
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86 Chs

The First Jutsu

Mei looks at the three kids, Bunrakuken's unyielding spirit, Chojuro's pale face, and Zitsukani's cool eyes. Even though they are only one to two years old they are already on the path of shinobi.

Taking a deep breath she opens her mouth. "We are at war, and we need more ninja faster to replace the ones who are lost." Shaking her head she looks at them, unsure if they even understand.

Sitting on the ground she gestures for the kids to follow. "Do what I do." She clasps her hands together, her fingers interlocked. She raises her index and middle fingers on both hands and presses them against each other.

"This is a hand seal, doing this will let you control your chakra, can you feel it?"

All three kids do the hand seal, Mei looks at them with hope. If they can meditate and grow their chakra, 30% of her job will be done.

Zitsukani goes through the motions, but most of his attention is on the other two.

Suddenly Chojuro's eyes go wide "I can feel it! I can feel it!"

He begins bouncing around.

"Calm down." Mei pats Chojuro's head, causing him to calm down.

Seeing this Zitsukani's brows shoot up. Genius, it all makes sense. How can someone not a genius become a kage? Why did he overlook who he was just because he is young? His eyes turn series as he stands up.

"I feel it as well." Zitsu looks Mei in the eye.

Mei's eyes turn into crescent moons as her smile deepens.

"Two geniuses? How can I not be lucky, seems like this is a good year for me." She lightly pinches her chin "Will I meet my destined man as well?"

Removing her hand she looks at Bunrakuken. "Feel anything?" She raises her eyebrows in anticipation.

Bunrakuken's hands begin to shake as he applies more pressure, he bites his teeth and squints his eyes.

Zitsu looks at Cho whos still smiling and then the smiling Mei. As far as he knows Cho goes on to becomes Mei's guard, the other being Ao. So what happens to all the other kids?

"I can't do it!" Bunrakuken yells as he hammers his fist into the ground.

"Don't be upset." Mei rises to her feet. "Follow me, I have to go on a mission so I'll show you guys to your room."

She begins to walk towards the door listed as dorms. Chojuro, Bunrakuken, and zitsu follow. Opening the door it reveals a long hallway with six doors on either side.

"Because we are first, we get the first the rooms." She looks at her three kids in the eyes "You guys have to stay in here till I get back, it should take about a week. Until I get back you have to stay in your rooms and train."

Hearing her words Chojuro begins to panic. "By myself?"

She pats him on the head "You'll be ok."

Bunrakuken snorts while walking into a room, once he's inside the door closes.

Mei shakes her head slightly. Suddenly her hands move and perform a series of seals before slapping the door. As she does a series of words appear on the door.

Looking at this Zitsu smiles. Barrier: Reclose Technique, looking at her hand seals he was able to recognize the jutsu.

"Don't worry Cho, It's just a week." Flashing a smile he walks into a room.

Seeing this Mei feels a little puzzled, is he really one year old? Performing the same jutsu she seals the room.

Looking at the last child she smiles, holds his hand, and pulls him towards a room.

Entering the room Zitsu looks around, the entire room is made of stone, just like the apartment. Besides a bed, there is a tray full of fruit and a refrigerator.

A smile forms on his face as he checks the rooms for any cameras or strange seals. Seeing nothing with his naked eye he shrugs his shoulders.

"Finally alone" he begins wiggling his fingers and takes a deep breath.

"Hitsuji Mi Tora" His hands move to make the seals, he can feel the chakra in his body wanting to flow into certain directions as he makes the seals, and all he has to do is push chakra in the direction it wants to go. As he makes the last seal he can feel the chakra wanting to rush out of his body, but he does his best to guide it.

"Clone Jutsu!" He feels the chakra rush out into space next to him, creating a cloud of smoke.

[Chakra 125/135]

As the smoke clears he can see a purple-eyed child with messy auburn hair looking at him. His entire body begins to tremble and the clone does the same, his eyes get bigger and bigger, his face turning a deep red.

"YES!" He jumps high into the air "Hhahahah" he begins to laugh hysterically.

"Look at me now! Where are the haters?!? Who said jutsu wasn't real?!? How else did I get here!!" As he goes on his tirade his concentration fails and the clone disappears.

Taking a deep breath he calms down, his face still flush red. "Right my levels!" Closing his eyes he focuses on his level.

Looking at the Ninjutsu perk tree he sees that it's still at level 0, looking at that it hits him. In Skyrim, to level combat skills you have to use them on people.

"No, I refuse to believe I cant level." His eyes narrow as he focuses.

Raising up both hands into the seal of confrontation, he crosses his fingers. He can feel the chakra in him moving again, this time far more vigorously. Concentrating he divides his chakra into two parts and expel them from his body.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Two puffs of white smoke appear next to him.

[Chakra 42/135]

As the smoke clears two more kids are in the room. Seeing each other all three break out into a broad grin.

"Nicely done me"x2

"It was a team effort, we did it together."

All three look at each other before throwing their head back in laughter.

"If Naruto can do it, why can't we?"

"Maybe we are the chosen one now?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself we have a long way to go."

"Right, we need to stay humble."

"But we can celebrate a little right?"

"No! Our chakra is limited, how can we compare to a jinchuuriki?"

"Your right, as always."

"But now that you mention it, isn't the three tails without a host right now?"

The room goes quiet as all three look between each other, then steal glances at the door.

"NONONO, what, are you guys crazy? If we seal the three tails inside of us how can Kakashi kill Rin?"

"Right, if Rin doesn't die the entire series changes way beyond our control."

"Yea, that's too big a change for now."

"Anyway" Zitsukani looks at his clones with a smile, that was the first real conversation he's had in over two years so he got carried away.

"We don't know why they waited for over three years to train Naruto with this method but we won't waste it. This jutsu causes a lot of mental stress, but I was basically crazy already so were ok." All three nod their head.

He turns to face one of the clones "You, clone one, will fight me to see if we can raise Taijutsu. In Skyrim you can fight conjured monsters to level so it should be the same, and if we both practice it will be twice as fast."

Raising his finger he points at the other clone. "Clone two, you go practice wall walking. We can learn that skill and at the same time improve our chakra and chakra control."

All three nod their head "Break!"x3

One clone runs to the wall, concentrating chakra into his foot he tries to stick it to the wall.

Zitsu and the last clone stare each other down. Suddenly the move at the same time, both throwing out there chubby little fist.


The two fist collide causing both their faces to go red.

"Why does this hurt?!?"

"Did we do it wrong? Maybe we are just too powerful!"

"Dang, my little body is to tender."

"I can't see stats, did we level?"

"You can't see stats? That's good to know, what about inventory?"

"Let me see" suddenly all his clothes disappear, leaving a nude child in front of him.

Looking at him Zitsu smacks his lips. "Why are you still nude.

"Fool, how can you be the main body with that shallow thinking, don't look at whats before your eyes."

Zitsu's eyes go wide before he suddenly closes them. Clicking his tongue he looks at the clone "Nothing, no duplication cheat."

The clone shrugs "Worth a shot" his clothes appear on him again. "It's probably safe to assume what's in the inventory won't carry over to the clones then. But did you check the level?"

"Right, I almost forgot." Closing his eyes he looks at his perk tree, and under Taijutsu, it moved by a hair.

Opening his eyes he looks at his clone. "It looks like we will have to go through some pain."

The clone smiles "Do you know pain?"

"I did it! Guys, I got a foot to stick!"

Smiling at each other, they throw another fist.

Finally, Jutsu.

Myumaracreators' thoughts