
the shattering and its consequences

liurnia seemed alright from above the clouds, spectral warriors headed to its borders and reinforced the already stationed warriors ready to defend their home even to the death. the denizens of storm hill city gathered around the main city sqaure surrounding their duchess as she began to speak. "Citizens of our beautiful city within the storms, hear my plea and hear it well, just today morning the Elden ring was shattered and some of you may have seen it, we are all now immortal due to its shattering although the consequence is the gradual loss of sanity due to dying, please I ask nothing but caution for if you die you may come back a ravenous dog" she said atop the wooden podium.

the masses began to murmur in worry as tensions rose, "please do not fear, today morning but minutes after the shattering the lord of lion's den and the prince of liurnia has offered our city asylum within the cities of Caria, as you all know our current lord, Godrick has begun his mad grafting and soon our city may be next so I beseech you to all gather your belongings and head for the grand bridge" she said.

the citizens immediately heeded her warning as families scurried around gathering anything they could carry yet the moment they stepped out of the city gates they saw draconic specters standing outside, a man stepped forward, a large, banished knight with draconic features stood before the frightened citizens who heard of the war these warriors raged upon the continent of caelid. "I am knight Oleg and as per decree of our lord we are to escort you all into the kingdom of liurnia and help relocate you all into new homes" the knight said easing the worries of many presents.

Olani approached Oleg with a bit of timidness, "tell me... how is master doing? when you came you barely told me anything" she said. he turned towards her and looked down matching the hollow helmet with her eyes. " He is atop the clouds of liurnia mastering his newfound strength so that he does not hurt anyone, i imagine every demigod is doing the same although he has to deal with two different sources of power compared to the others" he explained. " And what of my citizens?" she asked with a tinge of worry.

"Homes have already been prepared and raised thanks to the gravity mages of the academy although food will be a bit problematic as the nation will have gained almost two cities' worth of population in a day" he said as he sighed already expecting plenty of thievery. " i understand, i will help to the best of my ability, what will happen to storm hill city and lion's den?" she asked. he looked towards the sky and once again sighed. "Both will be annihilated so as to not provide Godrick two pristine cities" he said.

" Annihilated? but how? fire?" she asked he only shook his head and helped with the evacuation. some hours later everyone had left the city and the moment they did so glimmering silvery dust slowly but surely fell upon the city. everything the dust touched turned into glint stone as the once stone and wood city turned into crystal. the people watched with sadness as their home turned into nothing but dust in the wind as the glint stone lost its mana and began to decay.

still, the people of storm hill were anything but weak willed and thus the two-day long march began. the same happened to the lion's den. knight lance and Björn helped with the evacuation to the best of their ability. within the large line of civilians, a wagon encrusted in glint stone showing off its status rode along. inside two women sat. Ana now much older sat before, long golden locks flowed down her back and upon her curves. her eyes showed nothing but worry as she looked out the window in anxiety. "He will be fine daughter, he always is" Lina said although her cerulean eyes gave off nothing but worry as any mother would.

"He... is the son of queen Rennala... of noble blood, and now he has to suffer due to it, mother.... what should I do? my chest hurts" ana said as she turned to her with fresh tears, her childhood friend and first and only love was out there fighting demigods and risking himself all for their sake. Lina looked at the girl before her, her daughter in law within her eyes, one of the brightest jewels within her life openly weeping yet again for her wayward child, yet all she could do was spread her arms and take her into her embrace letting her vent.

'Oh, my little rascal, please come back to us safe, otherwise we don't know what we would do without you' she thought as tears flowed freely upon her shoulder staining her dress. within caelid the city of Caelum was in an uproar, first spectral warriors massacre the red manes stationed in their city leaving their defense forces weakened and then they vanish, next the Elden ring shatters, and the red lion came crashing down upon the region like an iron hammer. the originally weak and drunk red manes were replaced by cruel justiciars willfully dolling out punishment whenever they pleased.

" Then we leave for mount gelmir, we cannot stay any longer or we'll be swept up in the coming war, Garm, what is my son doing now?" lady Hoslow asked as she sipped upon a glass of wine. " My lord is currently trying to master his powers within the clouds of liurnia so that no one is accidentally hurt by him, I imagine every demigod is doing the same, Rykard is very likely dealing with it too" Garm said as he stood behind Iris. upon the mention of Leonel her violet eyes gleamed in glee. she rose from the table letting her raven locks flow freely. her Hoslow armor doing little to hide the sultry yet dangerous figure she possessed.

" Then it seems like it's my time to leave the nest" she said as she headed for the main door, yet the door was covered in scarlet tentacles barring her exit. "Oh? and you think I would let you prance about a battlefield in search of your husband? no we are going to gelmir until things settle down and that's final" lady Hoslow said as she finished her wine and placed her glass down upon the table.

iris turned towards her with a small smile, "so dumb and dumber get to leave but I don't? yeah no, I'm going, he needs me, I can feel it" she said as her violet eyes turned a dangerous scarlet. around her scarlet weaponry materialized as if out of thin air and poised themselves ready to strike forward. "Oh? so you wish to be rebellious? very well forlorn daughter of mine, looks like a class in obedience is in order" lady Hoslow said as she rose to her feet and summoned tentacles, the two stared at each other before disappearing from their spots commencing the clash between daughter and mother.

Raya lucaria, academy of glint stone and sorceries, now busier than ever as scholars and mages ran around from place to place using portals which headed to several different parts of liurnia. at their center stood a tall woman dressed in royal robes. Rennala of the full moon, queen of Caria and heir to the stars watched the brightest minds within liurnia rush around reinforcing and setting up defenses all over liurnia at the behest of their prince, her son. she smiled for once in several weeks, her ex-husband left her for that bitch of an eternal yet thanks to that she found the son she thought to have lost long ago.

her mind wandered to that fateful night, the night where her windows were blown open as a figure entered her royal chambers. she stood up from her bed in nothing but dirty and tear-stained robes as she held her staff before her aimed at the figure. A blue fire lit the sconces within the room revealing a tall man, draconic and lion features lined his powerful physique. "mother" he whispered as her eyes met his, she could tell, almost like an instinct, one she felt whenever around her children. she stared deep into her eyes and murmured "Callisto.... no.... Leonel now huh?" she said as she slumped onto her knees.

before her knees bet the floor two crystal like wings snatched her and placed her upon the bed. ".... I thought.... I lost you... you held no breath upon your birth.... how?" she asked as she cupped his face trying to memorize it. "I... do not know, my earliest memory was that of an orphanage, the matron said that she found me in a basket flowing down a river" he said as he sat beside her helping her get comfortable. she only looked down as tears dripped down for the hundredth time this week. "I.... held you within my lap yet did not recognize you... so much time lost... your brothers, your sisters... they need to know" she said as she turned to him.

he looked away not matching her gaze, "I... already met Radahn, we fought... mother he is holding back the stars, why?" he asked in annoyance, yet she only looked away. "Below one of the wells lies a... beast.... that beast destroyed nokron within a single day... Radahn glimpsed it alongside its brethren, he says that the stars themselves are alive and that.... thing is one of them" she said sending shivers down his back as fear crept within his very being. of the glimpses he caught was that of a skull faced beast, if it was that then, the veil was needed.

"I... do not know of the entirety of it but Ranni does, she's your elder sister call... Leonel" she said as she looked over his figure her eyes showing sadness upon seeing the mutations upon him. "Ranni.... she... no she was right in the end.... ill speak to her mother but... for now please rest... tomorrow we may speak more" he said as he helped her lay down as sleep claimed her quickly yet that night, she had the best sleep of her life for the burden she carried since his birth had been lifted. she smiled as she remembered the next day which he spent with her, they spoke in great lengths about all she missed, she felt saddened upon hearing of it all, all that she missed.

the day after he mobilized the entirety of liurnia with her help as the kingdom prepared for the upcoming chaos. " Headmistress, the mages noticed strange fluctuations upon the skies above the manor, likely from the prince which may indicate the stabilization of his power" a mage said giving her the good news. she smiled wider and nodded sending him off, she raised her head and looked towards the clouds, she could not see him, yet she could feel him and his spectral legion.

"So, you did not have the strength to intrude upon his adventure mhmm?" lady astra said as she looked towards the woman before her, crystal like glint stone formed around her robes which depicted the constellations. the woman was none other than Luna, yet she had gone through plenty as she followed behind Leonel. along the way she met a primeval sorcerer, Lusat, an eccentric man yet a great teacher. he taught her how to wield the current to the best of her abilities which pushed her to the peak alongside demigods.

deep blue eyes meet crystal clear eyes as the daughter and mother stared at each other, "well He's in liurnia now, still.... Hes's royalty would that... allow him to break the rule of courtship between nobles and their knights?" she asked her mother in anticipation. Astra smiled widely," of course my daughter, he is prince which allows him to do practically anything he wants, now it's just up to you to snatch his attention although now may be a tad hard to do" astra said as she looked to the sky sensing magical fluctuations belonging to a demigod. Luna looked up as well and smiled with bit of annoyance " he avoided me for years, no longer" she said as she stroked the head of the giant glint stone dragon below her.