
Elda Ghoul System

Emily's life changes in an instant when she dies and wakes up to a notification. [Congratulations you have been granted the Elda Ghoul System!] She's now a part of a hidden society of supernaturals, and her life is about to get a whole lot more complicated. Emily soon finds herself intertwined with hunters and other supernaturals, all while trying to navigate her new identity as a ghoul. She's forced to learn the rules of the supernatural world quickly, or she won't survive. Emily's journey is one of self-discovery and acceptance. She learns to embrace her new powers and abilities, and she lean on friends who support her along the way. But she also faces danger and betrayal, and she must learn to trust her instincts if she wants to stay alive. In the end, Emily must decide where she belongs in the supernatural world. She must also decide whether to use her powers to help others or to protect herself. Her choices will have far-reaching consequences for both herself and the supernatural world as a whole.

Saint_goodness · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Farming Exp

Emily knew that the smart thing would be to keep on watching, waiting for both sides to weaken each other further, so she could snoop in and finish off the losing side. This way she wouldn't use a lot of Energy, while still being able to get some Exp.

However, she had decided to take some risks. Given the content of the Quest, it seemed wiser to get involved in the fight before any surprising backup could arrive. She didn't know how long this gang war would last since it was just a matter of time.

If she waited too long the gang war might escalate to the point it would be too dangerous for her to get involved. At the moment, Emily was dressed in all black, so the only colour gang he could help out and pretend to be a part of was the black colour gang.

'It's two gangs against one, so I have to join in while the black colour gang still has some members standing.' Emily thought. She ran across the top of the bridge, and waited for a few moments. Looking below, the group were fighting at an underpass, and the black colour gang members were slowly being pushed back, making their way out from the tunnel.

She could see three members still standing. They were hunched up together, obviously hurt but still fighting. It was clear that at this point they were basically running on fumes. Unfortunately, running away wasn't an option. Turning their back on the other colour gangs would just seal their fate. They wouldn't get far before the other members caught up to them.

Miley observed the chaotic scene unfolding before him, his eyes fixed on the Underlings of the blue whalers as they battled against the white swan underlings. The White Swan' loyalty was unwavering, and their determination to protect their territory was evident in every strike they landed. However, Miley couldn't help but notice a smaller gang fighting alongside the blue whalers, dressed in mostly black. he hadn't seen them before, and his curiosity was piqued.

"Which gang is the black?" Miley asked aloud, his voice barely audible over the sound of clashing steel and grunts of exertion.

He continued to watch the fight, his gaze darting between the different groups, analyzing their tactics and strategies. The black gang seemed to be working together seamlessly with the blue whalers, their movements fluid and coordinated. They were a force to be reckoned with, and Miley found herself intrigued by their presence.

Miley's thoughts were interrupted by a loud crash. he turned to see two white swan underlings lying motionless on the ground, their bodies limp and lifeless. A figure stood tall above them, silhouetted against the sky. It was Emily, who had just leaped off a cliff and landed on top of the two underlings, knocking them out cold.

The impact of her landing echoed through the valley, and all heads turned toward her. The underlings froze, their eyes wide with surprise, as Emily stood up, her eyes flashing with determination.

"So cool" Miley smiled and took out his comm and started live recording the battle.

[Your opponents (2) have been knocked out]

[100 Exp gained]

There's another one of those black colour f*ckers over here!" A young man dressed in white blazers and jagged black short. "That bastard knocked out Stan and Kenny, get him!"

Emily charged forward, propelling herself across the pavement. She zeroes in on the nearest opponent, a towering figure with broad shoulders and a cruel glint in his eye.

In a flash, Emily closes the distance between them, her right hand shooting out to grab the man's head. With a swift motion, she delivers a devastating headbutt, sending him crashing into a nearby parked air car. The impact was immense, and shattered the windshield.

[Your opponents have been knocked out]

[50 Exp gained]

Emily snatched a nearby pipe from the ground and swings it overhead, using it as a makeshift weapon. She parries the first attacker's blow, deflecting his bat with ease.

The second attacker lunges at her, his knife glinting in the sunlight. Emily sidestepped his thrust and retaliates with a vicious kick, sending him hurtling into a stack of crates.

[Your opponents have been knocked out]

[50 Exp gained]

The third attacker attempts to strike from behind, but Emily was too quick. She spins around, her pipe connecting with the back of his skull and dropping him to the ground like a stone.

[Your opponents have been knocked out]

[50 Exp gained]

With a determined glare, Emily dashed towards the nearest foe, his blue clothes bearing traces of blood mixed with the remnants of the blue and white attire he once wore. He swung a chain at her, but she deftly dodged it, spinning around to snatch the weapon from his grip but he was an altered with a strong grip. 

[Skill activated Rage]

[All stats have temporarily been doubled]

[-10 Energy]

With a swift and calculated motion, she wrapped the chain around his arm and yanked him off balance, the chain grip sank into his body as she swung him in a complete 360 crashing into the unfortunate Underlings.

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]


Next, a gang member brandishing a metal bat made his move, his eyes filled with a mixture of rage and fear. Emily assessed his intentions and, with a sudden burst of energy, launched herself into a high kick, knocking the bat out of his hands. Seizing the opportunity, she landed a series of relentless punches and kicks, reducing him to a crumpled heap on the unforgiving pavement.

[50 Exp gained]

As if sensing the imminent threat, three gang members charged at Emily simultaneously. Without missing a beat, she swiftly sidestepped their initial assault, ducking underneath an incoming swing of a heavily tattooed biker wielding a switchblade. In one fluid motion, she vaulted over the stunned gang member, delivering a powerful roundhouse kick to his jaw, sending him sprawling backwards.

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]

[50 Exp gained]

Meanwhile, with her heightened senses, Emily anticipated another attacker lunging at her from behind. She spun around, dodging his knife strike with a precision that left him momentarily staggered. a hulking giant whose muscular frame seemed insurmountable. Yet, Emily remained steadfast.

Utilizing her agility, she evaded the brute's devastating blows, striking back with a series of well-placed strikes to vulnerable areas. Each blow landed with surgical precision, unraveling his defenses until his colossal figure crumbled under the weight of his own defeat.

It had become clear to Emily that they all were mostly relying on their makeshift weapon, making them lack actual skills. After the first three, she had knocked out 265 underlings cause they were mostly teenagers and a few altered, granting her an additional 13250 Exp, enough to Level Up.

'I've finally gained another stat point! Argh, but still no new skill. I don't get it, do I need to fulfill some special conditions or something? Or are you just a miser, system? I know that you at least have that Skill reset saved up!

'Oh well, I will just have to keep grinding today. It's not everyday that I get to beat the sh*t out of gang members without having to fear any consequences, so I should make the best out of it.' Emily thought, as she checked her Status.

[Name: Emily Harrington]

[Level 8]

[Exp 690/24000]

[Health: 68/100]

[Energy: 72/120]

'I got hit way more in that last fight than I needed to, I guess some of my Energy will be used up to heal my wounds while I'm not fighting. I should have grabbed something to replenish it. If only I had more money… looks like I might have to grab a bite on the way.'

Emily's enhanced hearing allowed her to hear the sounds of fighting in other areas. With how faint it was, she would probably have to run over to get there in time to actually have anyone left to fight though. However, before she could even decide between searching for some food and heading towards the sounds, she felt her comm vibrate.

She instinctively grabbed her secret comm. At this time, it should be either Daniel or Red Sunn who might want something from her, but to her confusion the screen only showed her what time it was. There was no new message or missed call.

It took the high schooler a moment to put it back into her pocket and grab her regular one. Just as Emily had suspected, she had received a message, but the most surprising thing was the sender. It was from her sister of all people.

[Me and Stacy are at the main high street at the Summit Karaoke club. I got dragged along to meet up with her internet boyfriend and he brought two friends along. If you get this message, then we're in trouble. Please bring help!]