
Lessons Are Life's Learnings

If you could wish for anything you've ever wanted, what would you wish for?

We make wishes on the stars in the night sky, the dying flames of a birthday candle and even a coin tossed into an ever flowing fountain with high hopes to receive some sort of gift in response.

But the likelihood of anyone responding to all those wishes is little to none.

Or so you may have thought...

There is a place where you can wish 'till your heart's content with immediate gratification.

No waiting for it to come to you. No disappointment from building your spirits up only to be let down. No limits on how much or what you can ask for.

However, there's a catch. What? You don't think things like this come for... free, do you?

No, there is always a catch. A consequence to greed.

You know it's true what they say.

To be careful what you wish for because you might just get it.


"Just like I remember." I exhaled smoothly after breathing in the organic, sweet aroma from the burning oak and vanilla scented candle that gave me a nostalgic feeling of warmth and comfort. I wandered over to the fireplace to relish in the candle's fragrance. "Oh, how missed this." Waving my hand in an elegant motion, the smell wafted through the air.

"You used to complain about that scent all the time, you did. Always said the smell was too pongy. Too strong. For old ladies." My mother walked into the living room with two festive mugs.

"Maybe it's a sign of the times." I laughed her remark off, but glared into the mirror and thought my dark circles are looking a little too prominent today… and is that- a wrinkle!?

"Alana, dear, you look just fine! Don't fret. So much stess will give you even more worry lines." Her attempt to put me out of my misery only left me in more distress. "Only teasing, darling, you look fine! Really!"

"Ha ha. Ever the hilarious one, mother." I replied, unamused, and took a seat with her on the sofa.

I picked up the mug, which had the words: 'it's beginning to look a lot like coffee' glazed on it in a flowy, calligraphic font with festive décor around it.

I let it sit in my hands and warm them up while I took time to appreciate the effort put into the drink's presentation.

Mother's signature pumpkin spiced latté. It's the most wonderful thing at this time of year. Nothing like the perfect cuppa to melt the icy winter blues away in an instant.

The perfect ratio of syrup to coffee to milk in the latté. Airy vanilla cream squirted in a pretty spiral on top with a light dusting of pumpkin spice and cute mini marshmallows plonked about randomly.

That's it! Enough of admiring how good I remember the drink to be and let's actually taste it! How I've waited and waited for this moment! Finally, my first good coffee of the day.

I went to try some before I put myself to a halt when mother questioned me.

"So… what's on your mind, dear?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't pretend you've forgotten now! You wouldn't stay back here while Raymond and the kids go off to some shopping just to help little old me out with 'decorating', would you? The place is fine how it is! What did you want to talk about?"

Oh… right! I did want to discuss something with you. I got way too distracted by the blissful silence and my mind trailed off to my own little Christmas haven.

"Ah! I wanted to check if you're sure about your choice of gift for Lynn and Luka…" I took a sip of my latté, exhaling in relief after from it's satisfactory flavour.

"I am indeed 100% certain! There's no changing my mind! How many times have I told you-?"

"I know, I know. I'm just… worried. They're still so young. Don't you think that this will be too much for them? Little Lynn is only 9 remember."

"It is what must be done! Children should be taught certain important life lessons from young so they stick to them with age! You were only two years older than Luka when I gave you my special gift. Besides, they have each other."

"That's true… but what- what if something goes wrong!? What if they need help and we can't get to them!? What if they get hurt!? What if this ruins Christmas for them forever!? They can't hate Christmas! Can't we wait until next year… let's reconsider-"

"Let's not put this off any longer, my dear. My decision is final. You're just being a worrywart."

"WORRYWART!?" I opened my mouth to retort, but quickly fell silent.

Perhaps… she's right.

Luka, my eldest child, is 12 years of age and is very intelligent and has a logical way of thinking and reasoning. He never fails to do well at school and his work is overall outstanding, but he doesn't have much of a drive to go the extra mile most of the time.

Putting off homework and doing minimal revision, he'd be happy just coasting with doing alright rather than trying to excel in anything in particular. I've been giving him so leeway, since he's still just a boy, but I do hope he finds the motive to focus harder in the near future.

For now, though, I'll let him enjoy his time playing all those games with his friends online for a little while longer.

Then there's my little Lynn. Mai-Lynn has celebrated her 9th birthday not too long ago. She is a big bundle of joy. Awfully creative and awfully loud.

She loves to doodle and play with dolls - braiding their hair and dressing them up, then making some interesting stories between them.

Sometimes she'll even get Luka involved (unwillingly, of course). He'd be happily gaming until Lynn comes along and starts trying to put as many hairbands into his jet black hair as she can. This won't stop until she gets what she wants, which would be some attention from him.

And by attention this meant yelling for all of five minutes back and forth until Luka succumbs to Lynn's will and is forced into playing princess tea party dress up with her and her teddies.

He tells me that he "can't concentrate on the game if she's being a bother" so he plays with her to "shut her up" but really I know he loves being a good brother.

You know when you can tell someone is acting as if they don't like it but actually the truth untold is that they are really enjoyed it deep down? Yeah, that's the one.

They're both remarkable children and I love them with all my heart. I've just got to accept they're growing up now. I can't smother them forever now. I can't always be the one to hold their hand.

Maybe I am a little bit overprotective, but it's all out of good intentions!

I think… it's time I let go of the reigns. It's time to let them take control for a bit.

"You were going to say something?" Mother smirked triumphantly, knowing that I had taken time to consider her point.

"I trust your judgement and I trust my children. I think it's worth a shot."

"I knew you'd come around!" She exclaimed, patting my shoulder. "Look at you letting your heart decide rather than your uptight brain!"

"There's nothing wrong with being a little bit anxious." I pouted and set my mug down on the coaster. "I care about them a lot that's all. I wouldn't want anything to happen to them in there."

"A little bit anxious, yeah right…" Mother took a swig of her drink and the sarcastic glare in her eyes flicked in my direction.

As I let out a defeated sigh, we both heard the latch on the door unlock.

"We're back~" A harmonious melody sounded the words in a deep voice from the house's entrance, followed by the abundance of steps from them stepping into the house.