
Either side of rail line

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3 Chs

Either side of rail line

1992 ,Tokyo

Sinho first met kenzo when she was admitted to a School in Tokyo. They both were very introvert.They didn't talk much with others .Their likes and dislikes were almost the same that's why they were very good friend. Being introverts, they spent most of their time reading together in the library. So everyone in the class thought there was something going on between the two of them. Everyone teased them a lot about this but they still didn't let their friendship get ruined.

over time they become better friend and the they get to know each other better.There was a Cherry blossom tree on their way to School. They Sometimes spend time sitting under that tree.

one Day while returning home from School, Sinho said "Did you know that cherry blossom petals fall to the ground at a rate of 5 Centimeters Per Second, and the petals are so soft. they feel like snow to me!" After that they were going home and they Were on either Side of railway line When suddenly a train keep Coming Sinho told kenzo that ,"they will see the cherry blossoms together again"

A few days later,

One night, Sinho calls kenzo's home from telephone and tells kenzo"Her father has been transferred to another City, So She will move to another city with her family. enroll in a School there. She tried hard to Stay but no other no way" Saying this, Sinho burst into tears.

Since then, Kenzo has become depressed due to loneliness and sinho's distance. Kenzo says, I held the phone tightly to my ear after hearing sinho's words to leave, Sinho's pressing Pains reached my heart through the phone. we were young and had noing to do.

A few month passed after that...

They used to share their feelings with each other through letters. Sinho Sent Several letters to Kenzo which read:

"Dear Kenzo

I miss the city of Tokyo very much. Those Summer days are hot and Slippery Roads, the twinkle of light on the Skyscrapers and the red leaves of the autumn trees. I cut my hair short, maybe you won't recognize me. It has been a long time.. Do you still remember me?"

Almost a year passed by exchanging letters like this. Now kenzo's family will leave Tokyo and move to another city. It was far away from Japan. now kenzo will move further away from Sinho.

Before leaving Tokyo, kenzo wants to meet sinho once becase they may never see each other again, So he tells Sinho his whole plan to reach sinho's city in a letter. According to kenzo's plan, he will arrive at Sinho City Station at 7pm, so he tells sinho to wait at the Station at 7pm. kenzo left for Sinho city. This is the first time that he will Journey Somewhere far away alone, so he is very nervous. it Snows a lot that day, at one point, a Show Storm Starts, so the train is forced to Stop midway. Then Kenzo Said- "My train was stopped for two hours. Every minute Seemed like an eternity to me. I wrote a letter for Sinho. It contained all the words I wanted to hear from Sinho. Today the wind has gone against me with time. The letter blew away in the wind. It Was as if time was no longer Pressing forward. I sat gritting my teeth because I was about to cry. And I Was Saying Sinho don't Wait for me anymore please go back home!' And finally the train reaches Sinhos Station.

Kenzo got off the train and saw Sinho Sitting quietly Waiting for him. Kenzo Walked up to her and called her name.... Sinho looked up and burst into tears seeing kenzo. Sinho brought food for kenzo. they finished dinner Sitting there. After some time the Station was closed. Then kenzo goes under a cherry tree with Sinho. The snow falling from the trees looks like Cherry blossoms to them. Suddenly my heart was filled with exeruciating Pain because I didn't know how I could take Sinho's love and warmth as my own.

My heart cried out." we shall never be one. In the fierce pull of life's current, And the uncertainty of time shall consume us. her memory Shall live forever" Then they spend that night in a nearby camp.

Then it's time to Say goodbye to kenzo in the morning. kenzo gets on the train. They Say goodbye to each other. Kenzo train started to leave Sinho Station out of his Sight. And Sinho is looking at the train. After boarding the train, Kenzo Says to himself- "I never told you that I brought you a Separate letter, but I lost it".

After that many days passed"...

Kenzo now attends a new School in his new town. A girl named Ho niwa..... She falls in love with kenzo When she first Sees him. Ho niwa is a very introvert and Shy type of girl. . that's why she used to Watch her crush kenzo from afar. The Slowly ho niwa started talking to kenzo. Kenzo thinks Ho niwa is a very well and polite girl and so he treats Ho niwa very well.

kenzo Was a member of the archery Club, So Kenzo Would practice at the achery club after School and ho niwa Would wait for his until his practice Was over So they could walk home together on the street.

Thus Passed their days..

As their graduations are complete, everyone makes various Plans for higher education, but Ho-niwa has no future plans. her family and teacher's guided her in this regard.

One Day, Ho niwa comes home from School before kenzo. While returning home, ho- niwa finds kenzo's bike on the side of road.

There ho niwa Saw kenzo Sitting by the field. there kenzo Was Writing a message for someone. Ho-niwa asked him - "Where will you go for higher education?"

kenzo Says "he will take admission in a university in Tokyo!!"

Ho-niwa Says -"looking at you shows how tidy up you are. You know everything about what you will do in the future, Where you will go, and I don't know what I will do tomorrow!"

kenzo says "I'm not at all what you think! I don't know what I'll do the next day, I'm always lost somewhere. I Just do what I should do.


Ho-niwa Was Surprised to hear.....

-The message that kenzo used to write, he never Sent them to anyone. He would actually write down his feelings and later delete them. After the last meeting With Sinho, he shifts to a new city. Gradually their Contact decreased. At one point their communication was completely cut off. Maybe Sinho has completely forrgotten Kenzo!

Meanwhile, Kenzo Couldn't forget Sinho even after it had been so long. Even kenzo envisions a World With Sinho in his dreams.


2009, Tokyo

kenzo Works in a company But even he could not forget Sinho. He is very depressed. It seemed that he was alive but he did not understand the meaning of being alive.

Kenzo thought to himself. "for the Past few years I wanted to move forwand .To reach my goal, but I didn't know What the goal was! I wanted to live a normal life, but gradually realized that I was losing feeling. My heant Was drying up, it seemed like I had reached the end of my life .so I quit my job. Yesterday I had a dream. In the dream it was me and Sinho. We Were like 13 years ago. We walked across a snow-Covered field. There We were There was no one but the two of us. only our footprints on the freshly fallen Snow. We both thought we would see the cherry blossoms again."

Sinho was coming to tokyo by train. Currently, Sinho is engaged and will get married after a few days. She is Coming to the city to prepare for the Wedding. After getting off the train Sinho Was Crossing a train line and Kenzo was crossing the line from the other Side . Suddenly their heart beat increased. They could feel each other. As they Stand to look at each other, the train Suddenly comes between them.

kenzo was eagerly waiting for the train to gone But after the train leaves, kenzo Sees no one there. Sinho was gone..

Then kenzo went to his destination.