

Elena Summers wants nothing more than to have a peaceful first year at her dream university she just got admitted to , it's all in a well orchestrated plan to stay low and ace her grades . Until she meets Castiel Star, who could not give a single fuck about Elena's plans. Elena is plunged into a whole new world she knew nothing about accompanied with emotions and abilities she never knew she could have. Will she succeed in having the quiet life she has always dreamt about or she'd have to adjust to the wishes of Castiel Star, the son of Lucifer.

Eugenia_Fianu · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter Two

I sighed in frustration as I left another sentence incomplete to start another one in an impossible strive to take notes from the ongoing lecture which seemed to be going at a remarkably fast pace. Half an hour into the class and my notebook was filled with incomplete scribbles and dozens of cancellations but I still had hope to finish what I started. I looked up from my book when the Professor ceased to speak and a mild uproar of chattering engulfed the class.

"They're so fucking hot" I overheard a girl whisper from behind me. My eyes drifted over the room , looking for what the commotion was all about. I was met with an absolutely gorgeous boy walking into the room, dressed in a crisp white dress shirt ,dark coffee slacks and chelsea boots. His beauty was dark and stand-offish.... even the way he walked embodied power and arrogance. His obsidian cold orbs scanned the room for an empty seat before walking into the class fully. Following him was a meek looking boy dressed in more casual clothes but held the same kind of entrancing beauty. I mentally agreed with what the girl behind me said as a third boy walked in , his looks screamed play boy, with a perfect mop of golden curls and electric blue eyes. He had a small smile plastered on his face and there was no doubt his smile charmed it's way into the panties of all the girls. He made his way into an empty seat with a confident air around him. What ...or who I saw next almost got me face palming.

"Are you kidding me" I groaned under my breath as the boy who practically wanted to force his way into my dorm room came strolling in. My throat literally went dry upon realizing how much of the poor corridor lighting at my dorm didn't do him any justice. The brightness that poured from the ceiling to floor windows of the lecture room revealed every single feature of his chiseled face.

"I think I'm gonna faint" A murmured whisper from somewhere around me made it's way to my ears. My eyes trailed down his body and back up to his face, soaking in his every feature. He was wearing a simple black Tee that somehow didn't look so simple on him, it clung to ever dip and curve on his sculpted torso, showing just enough to catch attention and leaving enough to keep you wondering what it looked like with no cover. His arms were stained with midnight black ink in intricate thick swirls and designs down their lengths. He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his dark washed jeans, amber eyes scanning the class for an empty seat. His gaze stopped on me, before moving to the seat at my right that also happened to be the only empty seat available. I've probably been cursed or something at this point.

He glanced back at me, eye brows furrowing in obvious distaste.

I don't like it either so just suck it up and sit down. Almost as if he heard the words in my head, he begun to stride towards me, lips in a straight line. After what seemed like an eternity he was finally in the seat, forcing me to get a big whiff of his citrusy scent with the next breath I took. I grit my teeth in frustration when I looked back at the board only to find the Professor on a whole different slide. I had been staring at the hot asshole now look what he has caused. My logical side pitched in that he hadn't done anything to distract me but my more dominant annoyed side wasn't having it.

I took a deep fortifying breath and leaned back into my seat, trying to relax my tensed muscles and listen to the lecture instead since taking notes was off the table now. My brain was practically overheating in an attempt to keep my vision on the board and not to the boy on my right. Everything about him just seemed to pull in everyone's attention and I was very much unnerved with the fact that I was also drawn to him no matter how much I tried to ignore him. I hate him and his stupid face. My eyes involuntarily flickered from the front of the class to my right at the thought of his face. I looked back at the front . His stupid hot face.

An hour into the lecture and I could see him twirling something in his hand from the corner of my eye. I turned to him out of curiosity only for my heart to fall into my damn stomach as my gaze collided with his. I looked down to his hand, watching him spin a small pocket knife in his fingers with unreal speed and skill. I glanced back up again , feeling uncomfortable with him staring right at me. Our stare off was interrupted when a sudden clatter echoed, forcing the both of us to look down. The pocket knife laid on the desk with a coat of dark red liquid on the sharp side. My eyes darted to his hand, watching as a thin film of blood escaped a small slice on his finger , sliding down his palm.

I moved on impulse, my hand immediately reaching down to my tote bag to grab the packet of tissue I always kept stashed away in case I had a mental break down during the day. I pulled out a single tissue and stretched my hand out to him. He looked down at the piece of fabric and looked back at me. I watched as he tore his gaze from me and reached into his back pocket with his other hand and pulled out his handkerchief and wrapped it around his bleeding finger. The anger I had buried flared up into a thousand fold after his funny little stunt. I retrieved my hand back, crumpling the tissue into a ball and throwing it into my tote bag. He could have literally just taken it ... there was no need to be rude about it.

My face burned with embarrassment as I heard snickers come from behind me. I should have just minded my damn business. I didn't glance at him again for the rest of the lecture , even when I felt his fiery gaze at the side of my face. I tried to help him and he didn't want it so that was it. It is what it is and I'm not going to tolerate an ungrateful swamp rat of his sort.

I stood and slung my bag across my shoulder immediately the class was dismissed, focusing on getting out as fast as I could. Without looking back I finally made it into the hallway, trying to get to my dorm as fast as I could so I didn't accidentally cross paths with the asshole again. I tried to concentrate on fitting through the crowd to get to the main exit.

A gasp flew out my lips when I felt the touch of a cold palm around my forearm causing me to spin around. I half expected to be met with cold amber orbs but instead was met with rich chocolate ones. I girl around my height stood in front of me with a small smile on her face, her brown curly mane framing her round freckle spotted face.

"Uhh hi" I said nervously.

"Hey...I'm Farren. I was in your last class. Castiel is an asshole, you shouldn't let him get to you honestly." She said warmly.

So his name is Castiel.

"Oh...it's no issue honestly. It's just one of those things. I'm Elena , you can call me Ellie" I smiled back.

"I was going to have lunch at the fast food place a few blocks away with a friend, wanna come with?" She offered.

Every inch of me fought to decline her offer but a small voice at the back of my head reminded me that this was probably my only heaven sent chance to make friends.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind" I practically forced the words out.

It definitely wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, over the next few minutes conversation flowed easily between us as we weaved our way through the mass of students who were either heading to their next class or heading to their dorms. I was caught mid laugh when I felt someone bump into me from behind, causing the books I had propped against my torso to fall.

"Watch where you're going dumbass" I mumbled as I bent to pick my stuff up.

"What did you call me?" The familiarity of the voice practically made me throw up a bit in my mouth. I was so not in the mood for this.

"You heard me" I shrugged defiantly as I stood to my full length, books propped against my stomach as a shield. Castiel looked everything but amused, his plump lips pressed into that everlasting straight line.

"But I want you to repeat yourself" He stepped closer, making me crane my neck up to meet his gaze of liquid fire.

"I said , watch where you're going dumbass" I said firmly trying to shake off the headiness of his scent enveloping me, never taking my eyes off his.

"You know apart from being stupid, the only other thing you have is the audacity. Don't make mistakes you can't fix Elena"

I ignored the way people passing by us threw us weary looks, some scrambled off and some intentionally walked by slowly to eavesdrop on our oh so lovely conversation.

"You know you can just apologize for bumping into me, no need being a dick about everything" I blurted.

"I should apologize? You can't even walk in a straight bloody line, you're roaming the halls like a duckling and expect no one to bump into you? Now don't be delusional"

My lips parted, in an attempt to snap back with something equally rude.

"Shut the fuck up" He easily cut me off.

With that , he spun around and walked away , leaving me staring at his retreating broad back. How fucking dare he?

"Who does he think he is?" I huffed in exasperation , turning to Farren.

"He is so full of himself" I continued to rant the whole walk to the eatery.

Relief almost replaced my irritation when I noticed the friend Farren was talking about was Abby. At least no awkward first time conversations.

Farren and I made ourselves comfy in her booth at the back. We chatted animatedly as we waited for our orders to arrive. And for a sec, college life wasn't looking so scary as I spoke about hot boy bands with my roommate and a classmate.

My concentration was split between the food the waitress was setting down and the four boys from earlier in class walked into the eatery. Their hypnotizing beauty pulling in everyone's attention to them.

"Uriel is so hot" Farren sighed.

"And I keep telling you to shoot your shot" Abby chuckled, twirling her milkshake with her straw.

"I would die from embarrassment if he doesn't feel the same" Farren begun munching on her club sandwich.

My attention drifted from the conversation to Castiel casually walking behind the other boys, hands in his pockets with his cold calculated look plastered on his face. Why couldn't he be ugly , it would make hating his guts much easier. My stomach sank when his eyes lifted to me, scanning my face for a second before his gaze settled on Abby. He looked away for a second to whisper something to one of the boys before heading for our booth. My stomach sank even further with every step he took to our table.

After what seemed to be an eternity he finally got to the table and slid into the empty spot next to Farren.

I stuffed a fry into my mouth as I watched him take Abby's hand into his larger one. My mind practically went into an overload trying to process what I was looking at. Were they dating?

"Still mad at me?" He gave her a small smirk that I was positive he never gave anyone.

"Yes I am Cas. You can't just make decisions like that and expect me to be fine with them" Abby stated flatly.


She called him Cas.

Of course they were dating. Why else would he come looking for her the other day. The revelation sat at the bottom of my stomach like a rock. I don't even know why it should bother me...I mean he's an asshole. And I definitely don't want anything doing with him.

I could physically feel the weight of his gaze on me , causing me to look up in the process of putting a fry in my mouth. Irritation from earlier flooded my veins and I watched his emotionless expression.

The irritation was replaced with tension as I watched his hand move towards my mouth, pulling the fry out of my fingers and retreat, putting it into his own mouth.

He gave a hum of approval before turning to Farren.

"Did you do what I asked you to?" He questioned.

"I'd do it later" Farren shrugged. The air around the table literally shifted, moving from something light to something heavy and dangerously promising. Castiel's jaw twitched as he closed his eyes and run his hand through his inky black locs. I tried and failed to keep my eyes away from the way his muscles pulsed and shifted under his tight shirt when he lifted his arm.

"Cas-" Abby started.

"Don't" One word. But that one word held so much warning and depth that everyone around the table understood the message loud and clear.

I was itching to understand what they were speaking about. What was Farren supposed to do that she didn't?

"We'll talk when we don't have company" His voice was low and flat as he glanced up at me. In that glance I felt the anger contained in his unbreakable shell seeping out his whiskey orbs. They said the eyes were the window to the soul, and right now all I could see was undeniable burning rage.

With that, he left the table.