

Elena Summers wants nothing more than to have a peaceful first year at her dream university she just got admitted to , it's all in a well orchestrated plan to stay low and ace her grades . Until she meets Castiel Star, who could not give a single fuck about Elena's plans. Elena is plunged into a whole new world she knew nothing about accompanied with emotions and abilities she never knew she could have. Will she succeed in having the quiet life she has always dreamt about or she'd have to adjust to the wishes of Castiel Star, the son of Lucifer.

Eugenia_Fianu · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter Seven

His words kept cycling in my head until we rolled to a stop right in front of a small empty eatery sitting on a quiet road. I stared at the 'open' sign hung on the glass door as I tried to wrap my mind around the fact that he was actually taking me out to eat. Well it wasn't a date obviously but it was rather thoughtful, especially for this big bad wolf.

"It doesn't look like much but their food is one of the best in town" Castiel said, turning off the engine.

I wordlessly followed him into the restaurant, the smell of food making my stomach growl in response. We made our way to the last booth , my heart sinking into my empty stomach as we sat right opposite each other, the small table forcing us so close that our hands almost touched. I leaned back into my chair, looking everywhere but the man that sat across me.

"It's not a date, stop being so nervous"

My gaze snapped to him. "I never said it was one"

His lips parted, probably about to say something that'll have me crawling under my seat from embarrassment , until the waitress approached the table.

"Hey Cas" The waitress greeted in a southern drawl, eyeing him up like a cat eyeing up an opened tin of tuna. Well I couldn't blame her, I mean , you couldn't really help yourself when he looked like that.

"Belinda" Castiel greeted back smoothly, his eyes still locked on me.

"How's your rounds lately?...I heard this morning got a little messy, you could always pass by for a little massage" She offered, placing her hand on his shoulder suggestively.

That got Castiel's eyes snapping from my face to her hand on his body.

"Off" He said simply, his voice carrying the heaviness of an unsaid warning and threat.

She practically snatched her hand back within a micro second , fear lacing her features. He looked up at her.

"Thank you for your generous offer Belinda, but I'd appreciate if you got my guest here my usual instead of swapping jobs to be a hooker instead of a waitress. I'll expect the food in a few, thank you"

Her face fell a bit more with every harsh word that left Castiel's mouth, sparing no room for argument. She gave a single nod and stalked off once he was done.

"That was unnecessary" I crossed my arms, throwing him a glare. "You could have just been nice"

"I don't have time for nice duckling" He grumbled, leaning back in his chair and tipping his head back.

"What do you have time for then?.....the 'rounds' she was talking about?" I asked , curiosity getting the best of me.

His jaw hardened as I held my breath, fully expecting him to snap at me.

"Yes" He said instead. Sighing, he sat up, running his hand through his hair. Once again I imagined how his silky hair would feel between my fingers.

"Curiosity kills the cat....or should I say, duckling" He folded him arms on the table. "So I'll advice you to keep your nose out of things that do not concern you and out of conversations with Raphael"

"I can speak to whoever I want Cassy" I imitated his pose, refusing to be intimidated by him. "And I will find out whatever it is you and your brothers are hiding" I swore.

Tension sparked, charging the sliver of space between us.

"Don't play games that'll cost you your meager life" He warned, filling my stomach with dread. Were these people in the freaking mafia or something?

"That's more like it" He smirked, probably reading my sudden caution.

"I'm not scared of you, whoever it is you are." I snapped in annoyance.

"Are you sure?" His voice was nothing more than a whisper . "What if it's more of a what than a who"

What if it's more of a what than a who.

I hated when he spoke like this , in his stupid code language.

I swallowed. "Whatever it is, I'm still not scared of you"

"Oh but darling you should be"

This wasn't the first time he was warning me to be scared of him. Maybe I should actually take his warning serious , maybe I should keep my nose out of his dangerous business. My brain screamed at me to step back , to look away from this unhealthy obsession that was budding ,but oh my days apart from my brain every other part of me was drawn into his dark energy. Every other part of me was slowly getting sucked into this mystery. My mind drifted back to the warnings Abby and Farren gave me. How bad could it be? , this mystery of Castiel ,I wanted to know so fucking bad.

"I don't want to be" I said simply.

His tongue subtly trailed over his bottom lip, my gaze following the movement.

His eyes drifted to my lips, leaving scalding heat in it's wake.

My breath hitched.

His jaw clenched.

I unconsciously drew closer, an invisible force pulling me in.

He did too.

Realization hit me. I pulled back.

He did too.

My eyes suddenly found the pattern on the table interesting, as an effort to ignore what happened in the last five seconds. What the hell was that?

I cleared my throat as the waitress approached - a different one this time, placing plates of food food before me.

"Aren't you going to have anything?" I peered up at him.

"Eat" He simply ordered, folding his arms across his chest. I shrugged, grabbing the fork and stuffing my mouth with what must be the creamiest Alfredo I've ever tasted.

"This tastes so good" I groaned with my mouth full, trying to stuff the garlic bread into my mouth before finishing with my first bite.

"Perhaps I should name you chipmunk instead" Castiel teased, a small smile fluttering over his features. Who knew Castiel had a single teasing bone in his body.

"Please" I rolled my eyes, sipping on my coke after swallowing.

Not another word was said between us as I practically inhaled my food, leaving nothing behind. He left he cash on the table and we were on our way.

I softly sang along to the gentle song that played through the speakers until once again, we were in the parking lot of my dorm.

"Why didn't you tell me Abby wasn't your girlfriend" I turned to him, throwing him a glare.

"You never asked you just assumed" He shrugged his stupid broad shoulders.

I gaped at him," You're kidding. You could have at least saved me that embarrassment"

"Where's the fun in that?"

"You're insufferable" I huffed.

"And yet you can't get enough of me" His voice lowered. I sucked in a breath as he raised his hand towards my face, his thumb stroking my cheek for a second before he withdrew it, as though it was an impulsive decision he didn't mean to make. Electricity pulsed through me from that single touch.

"I don't want you taking the bus anymore .I'll come pick you up after class so text me your timetable and schedule" He turned away from me.

"I can handle myself" I also turned away from him, annoyance churning in my gut.

"And yet you were foolish enough to put yourself in danger" He scoffed. "I'm not going to have your blood on my hands because of your daftness"

Right when I thought Castiel was being nice to me. I guess a girl can't dream.

"Fine" I hissed. "Give me your fucking number then"

I pulled my phone from my back pocket and unlocked it, practically throwing it at him. I secretly hoped it hit him on the head or something but instead he caught it mid air.

"As far as I am concerned I'm not going to tolerate any tantrums from you" He warned, his voice gone cold as he typed in his number.

"Or else what?" I challenged. He said nothing, the only sound filling the car was of his ringtone as he called his phone on mine.

He held out my phone to me "Get out"

I scoffed as I snatched my phone and stepped out, slamming the door hard after me.

The cold wind hit my warm cheeks as I made my way to my room. I hated him. I hated the way he got under my skin so easily. I hated how hot and cold he was, one moment he was getting me food and teasing me , the next moment he was being so fucking cold and calling me daft. I hated how he made my stomach dip when his skin touched mine. I hated the fucking unexplainable hold he had on me.

I hate him.

Or maybe not....