

NO overpowered shitty dense mc, mc goal is to recreate his past life and become forever young Genius mc Normal guy mc Bad luck Modern knowledge Kingdom building magic with hint of realism hard working mc weak to strong Siblings relationship beautiful female leads

Kiln5560 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 9: Mana and Aptitude

Next day

At father`s study

A new tutor came, woman in her mid-50s maybe, some white hairs carrying a white wooden stick with gem embedded on its end and a leather bag, typical hobo adventure type

She looks stunned for second on seeing my appearance

'Great another one, thing, I am just a normal kid , I don`t have any kind killing tendency'

"I see so this is Emilia`s kid"

"Nice to meet you, I am Einphelios Nerdant"

"Hello kid, I am Isolete I will be your magical studies teacher, but before that.."

She took out a something form her leather bag

"Put your hand on this" she pointed at the black rock in her hand

I raised my hand touching the rock I felt icy cold vibration eerie feeling of something moving inside my brain

Rock started glowing blue

"Tch only level Nij, I excepted more form Emilia`s child"

'She seems disappointed and what is level Nij it sounds something like low level'

"Well whatever I already took the job, form tomorrow onward be ready, magical studies is not a easy subject"

I nodded, I waited until she left

"Don`t worry she is best teacher for magical studies in the kingdom, though her personality is little strict, but she is good person, so get along with her"

'Yes yes, they are all good people, they more afraid of me then I am of them'

"Alright, have a good day"

"And, I forgot to tell you, she also your grandmother"

"Wait what did you say just"

Next day

"Alright lets start with basic knowledge about mana and magician,

In simple words, Magic is technique of converting mana it into useful purpose

While aura and mana are forces of world

Aura is the inner life energy of the person, its used by knights, adventurers, swordsmen to increase ones

While Mana is the force of nature which can be used for various purposes ranging form daily life uses to combat situation and people who use mana for combats are called magician"

In next three years you would learn all about mana there is needed to know "

Although she seem to hate me but she take her job as teacher diligently answering every question asked and

Lecture continued for an hour, mostly basics, but I did learn about lot of things

First mana and aura can be used only by handful of people but mana usage is rarer

Second, there are stages or power levels of kind classify ones strength

Mana users classified into 7 echelon form rank 1-6, with each rank uprising one gains large amount power but rank 7 is said to be unachievable and myth and said that those who achevie that level are no less than gods.

Also there are great bottleneck between each rank, biggest are between rank 2 to rank 4 it take some people 70 years to reach rank 4 but those who achieve that rank have there life extended but breakthrough form bottleneck of rank 4 to rank 5 is so rare that there are only 30 peoples in whole world to cross to achieve rank 5 and only 3 people who achieved rank 6

But before 7 echelon beginners are categorized based on there aptitude for mana into four colors shown by the terradis rock, its the black coloured rock I saw yesterday, it has some special properties of changing color

Starting form worst nij(blue) then kih(green), gob(white), and best is kil(red) these colour gives approx idea of odds are there for one to cross rank 2

"Alright now look carefully into the crystal ball"

Einphelios dazed off

Tell me what do you see

"blue spiral with red and brown dots" Ein responded in hypnotized state

"are there many red and brown dots"- Isolete

"no only four or five"

"is there anything else you see"-Isolete

"alright come back" Isolete

I snapped back,

'What happened to me for minute I felt like I was drowning and then everything went black, was that mindscape again fuck,... its good that demon is gone'

"Your water elemental affinity is highest followed by earth and fire"

There are five different nature or elements of mana fire, earth, water, sky(lightening), wind and derivative elements such as ice, plant, light

Most magician can use all elemental spells for all affinities in theory but the ones in which there affinities are highest helps in faster casting speed but also contains more power, that is, if someone has more water element affinity compared to fire then there fire spells size and power will be small compared to fire affinity magician and not only that it will also consume much more mana expotenially even if its a small spell.

So all in all aptitude tells magician how far rank they can achieve and elemental affinity tells the path they will take.