

NO overpowered shitty dense mc, mc goal is to recreate his past life and become forever young Genius mc Normal guy mc Bad luck Modern knowledge Kingdom building magic with hint of realism hard working mc weak to strong Siblings relationship beautiful female leads

Kiln5560 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 : Cage and New lifeforms

Class system is prevalent in this era, royalties and nobles are placed on pedestal compared to commoners; nepotism and class discrimination is high, literacy rate is low.

I don`t know about commoners but noble kids have it hard, start learning about etiquette, class and manners, language, archaism, history since age of five and are full fledged educated enough to enter aristocrat society by the age of 10, after that academy, by age of 17 one is considered as adult , then they have to enter royal society get married

There is no concept of pre schools everything is taught by home tutors till age of 10 and after that 7 years in academy for higher studies, academy also act as university for majoring a subject.

So as soon as I turned 5, different tutors start showing up for studies and etiquette classes.

Jean the head butler, also act as teacher for my general studies, geography, aristocracy studies.

First thing they taught was how to read and write though that was already covered by the age of 4 with the help of mother

How to greet, walk, table manners, dancing, calligraphy and history of the kingdom

I also learned how feudal society works without a government; although there is class system each of the noble rank act there role along with the king to rule the kingdom

Royalties are on the top which includes King`s family members.

After them are the nobles which are further categorized according to their titles starting with highest Duke they are next to King in terms of power and are also part royal and cousins of the King and holds large amount of territories, then Marquis who act as commander of the kingdom`s military power, followed by Count who is responsible for trade and economics of the whole kingdom, and then Viscount which manages regional economics, trade, conflicts and at last Baron which act as regional police, law and order, small businesses.

Though all nobles and royalties work together one should not forget there rank

That means even in aristocracy there is cut throat positions demarcation

Duke, Marquis and count are considered as high class nobility and viscount and Baron low class.

Looks like I belong to lower class nobility, but at least a noble, if I was born in common class situation would not have been good, I would have been rather died by now.

But even though we belong to lower nobility, I never felt poor in any condition, maybe its because of my doting father no that`s not right, giving father, yeah that`s correct, although he is depressed form mother`s death he never skips work or succumbs to alcohol; sometimes I don`t understand him stern, depressed, happy; but he always gives anything I ask for and never scolds, not that I every asked for anything.

I learned something astonishing today.

This world have two other lifeforms like humans, ones like I use to watch in anime and manga, long pointed ear human like species elves like in lord of rings, and human like beings with wild animal like feature called beast race also called as demonic races.

Jean also showed me one of the beast race people, half naked muscular man with furry grey hairs on head and arms and monkey like tail loading sacs onto the carriage, though I was only able to watch form far through the window because class wasn`t over; he also told that beast race even have there own kingdoms and countries in western continents

I wonder of beast race come to be in evolution, they seem like hybrid between humans and wild animals but aren`t most different species reproductively isolated, maybe some kind of forceful method or got lucky during natural selection.

Today`s Planet N record #10, this is my tenth outing or to say better I have been outside four walls only 10 times since I was born in this world, because of that my skin is pale white, I am only able to get sunlight through the window; although it seems to be a cage, its comfortable, no not just comfortable its also luxuries huge room, king size bed, high quality wood furniture, huge windows, balcony its equivalent to a 5 star hotel with one bell ring service maids.

But like all living creature I need freedom to move around so I started sneaking out, it was relatively easy as there are only few maids and knights in this mansion

Till now I have recorded various 13 different plants and animals, once I went too much inside the small vegetation behind the mansion area, there I saw two large 5 foot monkey faced bird with sharp teeth eating a large boar shaped animal, ripping out flesh and gnawing; that was dangerous outing, I went to, since then I stopped going out for month after that I mean that thing was twice my size and has wings.

Well today nice day, I am going to knights training hall just outside the mansion

whoosh ,Kling clang, hiyah

What`s happening here lets see it sounds like sword clashing

Two men fighting with sword fiercely

Woah...., such high speed, there in a zone

That person looks familiar

Ching, sparks flew everywhere with each clash

Air near both the men distorted like mirage, and their swords start glowing white

Woo, what`s that, are they producing so much heat just by sword fighting, how is that possible

Clang, whoosh speed is increasing

Man with blonde hair, back down, his whole attire covered with slashes and blood

Opponent watched at him sternly and shouted at him `Is that how a Aura swordsmen fight, you call yourself a Grandmaster`

Surrounding air temperature changed hot and cold alternatively

What's happening, temperature drop.. no its rising

What I saw next changed my life

Both people enveloped in blue and purple fluidly mirage, shockwave travelled nearby

Look look, refined level Grandmaster aura vs hydro phase Saint aura fight

Oh, Kyle is going to get his ass whooped today

Einphelios felt great pressure throughout his body due to the shockwave, his body stiffen up

Inside his mind, what`s happening same purple light as one that cave

Thud creak, Ein fell into small hole near the bushes

`Who is there`

`Come out`

Hah, `fuck` Ein stood up and came out of the bushes

Its me father, Ein

Swordfight stopped everyone in the training ground stopped there work and looked at the black haired boy with blue yellow eyes, but as soon as they looked at his forehead they averted there gaze as soon as they odd star mark on his forehead

`Einphelios...` father looked at me bitterly

`What are you doing here....`whoosh, only silence, `Einphelios Nerdant what are you doing outside mansion area` Youm shouted.

`I sneaked out to see around, I am sorry father I will go back`

`Stop` he stopped me and then turned towards the blonde person he was fighting, `Kyle improve your qi concentration speed and rest of you 100 twist slash and 30 laps around the mountain for dozing off in middle of the training`

`Alright now lets go to the mansion together`, we walked silently for 5 minutes

`So, why did you sneak out, did anyone threatened you again` Youm broke the silence

`No father I just wanted to get out in the sun`

`Is mansion area not enough`

`I also wanted to discover and see new life forms`

`Life forms huh`

`Father what was that purple light covering you while you were fighting`, Youm kept silent for rest of the walk

After we reached the mansion Father scolded me, and told me threats about wild animals and monster, he banned me form moving outside the mansion for next week, Jean then escorted me to my room.

Looks like I tested my luck too much.