

NO overpowered shitty dense mc, mc goal is to recreate his past life and become forever young Genius mc Normal guy mc Bad luck Modern knowledge Kingdom building magic with hint of realism hard working mc weak to strong Siblings relationship beautiful female leads

Kiln5560 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 5: Invitation and Rumors

Few days ago, invitation regarding crown prince coronation arrived, everybody has been invited imperial palace

Right now, maids are dressing me and mother, although its somewhat bizarre at first, 15 year old girls dressing me up even my underwear but what can I do I am baby, I somewhat get used to it frankly speaking it was for better it's really hard to wear (button-unbutton) clothes with this little hands.

Mother`s attire was lavish white gown sparkling with jewelry, this is the first time I have seen mother in such clothes mostly she is in her knight attire or simple pant shirt and sword hanging around her waist but for her to dress up like that

Looks like coronation is really that big of a thing

This is the first time I am going outside the estate; mother told me it will 5 days to reach the imperial capital, well good for me I will enjoy the scenery

First thing I noticed was that the horse driven carriage and boy were those horses big no massive no jacked, I thought it was monster 18-20 feet or it seems big because I am too small.

Second, though inside of carriage was large and I noticed there was some kind of suspension system but still ride is feels bumpy although I was sitting on mother`s lap

Third, beautiful scenery, lots of trees and forest, meadows; though there seems no air pollution in villages but some city areas we passed by were polluted with black soot form blacksmiths, leather factories, maybe this world has already reached industrialization era, but I haven`t seen any machine any kind.

Sudden jerk, I stumbled onto the female knight infront of me

Right now, there are four people inside the carriage mother, me, Becky, and Julia

Julia is mother`s personal maid; and Becky is apprentice of mother she seems like old but still wears that heavy armour even though it stuffy in here.

I told you to stay away from the window Ein -Emilia

Sorry mother

Mother is strict, and really overprotective, to the point its annoying though I can`t blame her I was nearly died three times in last two years because of the maids

One time she nearly killed a maid, that maid dropped form the stairs while commenting on me to be reason of all her misfortunes and that I should just die; although she was left alive, she was whipped furiously to the point where her face and back were all bruised and torn, at that time it felt like she deserved it but now that I remember it was just brutal.

Mother what kind of place is capital, does mother work in imperial palace, are you also a friend of crown prince and king like father.

Listen here Ein capital is a really big city and is full of thieves, liars and bad people so stay close to me and if someone hurt you or say something bad about you immediately call me don`t try to fight them of yourself alright

And yes, your mother is close friend of the queen, but I don`t work in imperial palace your father does, and he is also a close friend of crown prince who becomes king today.

So, stay close to mother, alright

Yes mother

Just as I said that carriage started wobbling violently, mother covered me around her arms, sudden feeling of weightlessness

Are we falling?

I felt a sudden jerk which knocked me out.

A day afterwards

capital city of Viskhew ,at imperial palace, training ground

Two men clashing swords

Kling clank

Man with red eyes and golden hair strikes the opponent's sword fiercely

Opponent laughed

Cool down your highness, focus on feints rather than force

Both competitors bodies enveloped blue and purple aura respectively

Match ended with Youm's win

You are improving at astonishing speed your highness

I am afraid you might already be at sword saint level

Stop with the false compliments Youm,

I know you are one of the few saint level swordsmen of the Terk continent, while I am still a Advanced level.

It's still great achievement considering your age, crown prince.

Yeah, says the guy in his late twenties.

You flatter me your highness.

If not for your father stubbornness you would be the marquis by now rather than your pathetic brother.

Its alright, I rather not live on place were my wife and son can't live peacefully

Speaking of places, how is the new mansion, I heard the last owner was a Count and that he stole lot of the kingdom's royal tax

Its great and thanks for your generosity your highness, although we haven`t yet shifted its still under maintenance.

How is Emilia I heard she became fiercer after giving birth.

It's just rumors, she is same as always, there was just little incident regarding maid

Yes, that reminds me you had a son, I heard he has cursed demon eyes.

He is alright your highness, I am thankful for recommendation to king, it because of you my son survived.

Though I request to not to speak about his eyes, as Emilia becomes quit furious.

Also, although his life was spared but he won`t be able to use Aura for rest of his life so Emilia is quit furious with the church and imperial family.

Alright, I won`t argue about that, but I hope you have another child, our kingdom needs more aura swordsmen.

Of course, your highness, Blessing of Dion be with empire

Man in butler dress standing with paper on a silver tray

Your highness

Oh, this one is for you Youm its form the late Marquis, your father

Youm opened the letter and read and dropped the letter

He rushed towards the exit to the nearby horse stable

Philips pick up that letter and read it

It was regarding an accident of the carriage of Emilia

At night, main door of marquis mansion slammed open

Were is Emi

In a cold room laying on bed was a woman covered with bandages and lying next to small black-haired boy with star shaped mark on his head

Tsk they don`t even hide their hatred now, Youm closed the window

Emi opened her eyes, one of her eyes covered with bandages

Youm you came, please check on Ein, doctors said is we are the only ones to survived that landslide.

They were cursing our child again, please check if he is alright

Don`t speak of that monster, he is the reason your like this

Youm cough cough, Emilia shouted

Don`t speak of our child like that; you already know what happens to kids like Ein even you experienced it yourself with your mother and father, do you also want to our child to have that kind of cursed life

But you always loved him, but he repaid us just bringing misfortunes and death

Youm… Emilia tries to raise her voice again

Youm, we made a promise to raise our child to be a normal person. He is our child not a cursed demon.

Youm we can`t change what is happened; I can already feel my aura dropping to null, please assure me you will not blame my death on our child

Don`t say things like that carelessly, you will live…you promised you will live with me forever... please don`t leave me now… please

Promise me Youm, promise me that you will take care of our kid



Alright, I promise

Thank you, please bring Ein to me, I want to hold my child for one last time

Youm lifted Ein and put him beside Emilia

Emilia wrapped her son around her arms

Live Long and happily my son Einphelios

Temperature drop, Youm noticed aura level diminish, he holds Emilia in his embrace for last time.