

NO overpowered shitty dense mc, mc goal is to recreate his past life and become forever young Genius mc Normal guy mc Bad luck Modern knowledge Kingdom building magic with hint of realism hard working mc weak to strong Siblings relationship beautiful female leads

Kiln5560 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 2: A Different World and Rare Appearances

Yes, yes take me outside


It's been nearly a year since the day I was born, I started to understand the basic word analogy and learned how to walk and speak, I didn`t know walking was so hard, so most of the time I crawl, but I am grateful that I can atleast move around now.

It seems like my new name is Einphelios or Ein for short, and mother`s name Emilia, surname is still a mystery

Learning to speak up was the most crucial task, it was most important to tell the adults of my situation, agony and like-dislikes and to prevent me from going mad.

But I haven`t seen anyone with smartphone till now, though we don`t seem to be that poor not to afford a phone, but this place seems like to be an outskirt area to me, there are no buildings, electric poles.

Maybe my family is rich, billionaire or something who moved out of the grid living simple life.

Though my speech is still not that developed I keep on blabbing different words, briefly getting used to this new language with the help mother and nanny, I also try speaking and writing in English to see if other people somewhat understand, but they don`t

And today I learned a shocking fact, crawling and peeking outside the window seeing different sceneries and appearance, lifestyle I somewhat guessed that this place is not on Earth

I also tried writing different country names and language scripts which no one understand and at night I confirmed that this is different planet because there were two moons and one of them have bluish tinge, I understood that this place is definitely not on planet Earth.

After scanning around form the window this world looks like Earth with greenery, woods, plants, blue sky but time period seems to be lagging, I haven`t seen any planes, helicopter, buildings, cars and surprisingly everyone even outside the house seems to be dressed in knight's costume and old style British clothes with metal armor, large garden, horses, carriages

Also I haven`t seen any birds I remember form Earth, there are no sparrows, pigeon but rather a small white bird with green eyes and grey legs is most seen and birds with small furry tails like horse, squirrel without any ears but with bony projection looks more like a rat.

Its seems like I have been transmigrated into different world.

I feel sad that I will never be able to go back and meet my elder sister also been struck in this old era,... but I should be thankful I got a second chance to live my life.

Other than me I have seen four kids in this castle till now they came last month to see me, most of them were kids of 5- 6 years old and one looks like 10 years old, but important part was each of them were extremely good looking but the most outstanding feature were their hair and eye colours two of them have reddish brown hair with blue eyes, one with black hair and blue eyes, and a girl with red iris and black hairs. Last, I remember all those characteristic appearance were recessive and rare on Earth with less than 1% of total population if they are combined(traits) and what`s with the red one, that`s definitely a mutation.

Well who am I to speak I am the no less of abnormality with my heterochromia eyes its a condition in which person have two different eye color and I have one of rarest of them all; blue and amber eyes with black hairs, I hope there is no congenital disease attach to this heterochromia.

Though I haven`t notice any abnormalities with my body or skin, my lungs are working fine, heartbeat is faster and metabolic rate is all time high to fuel my growth.

Well there only few ways to check, I hope this world have good healthcare system.

I met my father today, he looks like a serious person with lots in his mind, reddish brown hair and blue eyes fierce like mom, though he smile a lot while playing around with me for while and then went with mother to the other room, he also brought gifts of different kinds clothes, hats, some kind candies, and even gem statues if this was Earth I would be become a millionaire just by selling those simple toys encrusted with rare gems, `is that a emerald`.

He was really surprised when I said `thank you for gifts`.

Mother told him that I started speaking early for my age and is very proud of me.

Father than talked to me about toys I was playing with and his introduction, I asked him why haven`t I seen in him till now and were was he till now.

He was frozen for second and turned depressed, mother also looked at me with somewhat shocked expression.

He then told me about his job, apparently he is knight and works in imperial palace and recently a war breakout and he got stationed far away so he couldn`t come to see me.

He then told me about journeys and fights against monsters like in kid`s story , after that we also talked about mom.

It is getting dark looks like time to sleep .

He talked a lot, I guess its because he haven`t seen his newborn son.

I told him that mom will sleep with me while he while he was taking her to the other room.

He was also is mood to play and said I was old and smart enough to sleep alone, that means all that talking he was testing me, sly adult.

It turned into a small fight between father and 1 year old son while mother sat on side laughing whole time. I didn`t want them to think I am some kind of freaky 1 year old so gave up the early fight, I also cried a little to give sense of realism

In the end, we came to a compromise and three of us slept together, but I slept in between them, that right I won, those angelic squishiness is mine.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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