

NO overpowered shitty dense mc, mc goal is to recreate his past life and become forever young Genius mc Normal guy mc Bad luck Modern knowledge Kingdom building magic with hint of realism hard working mc weak to strong Siblings relationship beautiful female leads

Kiln5560 · Fantasía
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Reborn and Life as a baby

Ahaa, my head hurts bad.

Wait its bright, is it morning or something

Oh, come on they overstuffed my clothes again, now I understand why babies cry so much sudden new environment experiencing hot and cold at same time, blurry eyesight sudden brightness, different sounds, overstuffed clothes, and most of all this hot eerie sensation pungent smell between my legs, Ugh.

Looks like I need a diaper change yet again, I seriously need to get control over my bodily sphincters.

Hey somebody there, I need a diaper change

Uwaa.. bwaah..ma

This isn`t working looks like I need to cry again.


It's been nearly 67 days since I was reborn, I was 22-year-old medical student in my last life and now a newborn baby, I died in a hit and run case while I was on my way to the university, last thing I remember is crushing of my left ribs cracking lungs and huge impact force on my head before I lost my consciousness.

And next thing I know I regained my consciousness suddenly with feeling of gap in time.

At first, I thought I was sent to hell not that I believed in something like that, but when I first try opening my eyes severe head pain, lungs drowning feeling, total darkness and then sudden feeling of warmth and cold air, sensation of skin peeling and been passed around and manhandled, lots of sound, bright light.

It was seriously a nightmare I could hardly see anything but feel and hear everything, it took me a while to understand I was somehow a baby, and all that experience was been born

Outlines and colors became clearer day by day as I grow up, been a newborn again I feel like my growth become faster like four times, also my peripheral vision is still not developed so only I able to see when I am moved around by someone.

It took me some time to get adjusted to baby life and this new body, at first, nearly for like 30-40 days I wasn`t able to see clearly and even if I do it was just change in color, arms, chins, skin, faces were either blurred or too close to be seen.

I started to move my limbs around voluntarily by 2nd month, but I never thought even getting up form lying position is such a difficult task, I know babies neck muscles are not that developed, so I don`t force myself.

Most of the time I slept dreaming about why I remember my past life, where is this place.

Is reincarnation truth

Would someone miss me except my sister, I don`t have any friends maybe relatives

'I hope my laptop was destroyed in that accident, it should not end up as generational inheritance, it has some real adult p*** stuff... no, no....all my effort of been family's genius would be ruined, please dear god destroy that laptop'

Most of the thoughts were depressing so I just sleep most of the time rather than thinking, and this body also requires as such.

Speaking of sleep, babies need a lot of sleep, seriously a lot means a lot I mean, I was asleep for whole day yesterday and I still feel drowsy, what was the point of sleeping if one would still feel sleepy after they woke up

'Should I sleep again, what should I dream about today'

I could hear my heartbeat slow down a little, sleepiness struck me again

Even so, I was glad no one said anything to me when I slept all day.

In last life as a medical intern, I barely got any sleep, continuously standing for hours assisting during surgery, 14 hours of continuously listening to other people's yelling and ordering and writing reports

I used to think life would easy after getting in college, but it was far from that, regular cramming large books, responsibilities of patients, depression, trying to make no mistakes

Well, whatever I have being second chance, let's take it easy this life

A baby's life is monotonous. Eat, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, sleep, and repeat. Sometimes I cry just so that I can see someone face, though I know how irritating it is when babies cry but I cry just so that I can moved to different place, sometimes I am amazed by my small body my reproductive apparatus is male so that`s reliving, it would really cringy to be a different sex after remembering life as the other sex.

Sometimes I try remembering my last life memorizing each and all nerves and bones, heart diseases, counting numbers, repeating multiplication tables, remembering f block elements just to get out of boredom of sleeping all day, and not go total insane by everyday just lying on the same spot of the stuffed up like a doll though I am able to sleep well compared to my last life

There was one time I counted till the 500 decimal place of the pi inside my head, so that I don`t go insane just lying on the same cradle bed for last 18 hours.

My eyes, which won't open well, and I smelled something delicious. Ugh, this was also hateful my sense of smell is still not developed that much so everything seems delicious, and after short period of time I need I diaper change, even though I eat so little but what I produce feels heavy, large, smelly and humiliating.

When I opened my eyes, it was what I thought.

The breast milks.

Sucking the nipple hard, oh this is addicting soft, squishy and delicious what happens if I bite it though…

"Bad--XX_X --mo-- Ein"( --X_x means baby couldn`t understand)

Ein ,I don`t know what it means but I guess it's my name or mama or boy in this country`s language as its most repeated word while someone is holding me.

Different language wasn`t that surprising thing, it was the lifestyle, clothes, and the place where I was born, what should I say it kind look like a European castle, caucasian women with proper black and white western maid uniform, a large chandelier, extravagant looking carpets, large windows, candle lights,

I am born with a gold spoon in this life... thank you God

They(adults) finally understand I hate cradle, my crying paid off, most of the time they just shut me up by inserting this metal pacifier in my mouth

Nowadays ladies in maid dress or nannies just left me on the cold ground giving me some wooden statues, maraca like object and blocks to play around and then run away

Even though it looks like I am rich, but these maids treat me like an outcast baby they rarely feed or bathe me, I once went up straight 3 days without bathing with poo filled in my underwear

'Oye is that what you are paid for, leaving a 4-month-old baby on a cold ground'

'Just you wait I am going talk to mother and tell about your deeds'

Wait mother don`t understand, my speech is still not clear, though I called her mama few days ago but she didn`t saw it, only thing she understand is my cry

Yeah, I am going to cry in front of mother while pointing at you, that usually do the trick.


I feel like I am becoming more and more pathetic..., Nah I am just a baby just a baby...'

My vision gets clearer day by day

Room seems big enough to fit 5 big elephants and everyone looks like a giant, but it may be my prospective as a baby

Mother is the most beautiful one I have seen till now and also fierce at the same time, she must be model, blue eyes and long shiny black hair, slim waist, but her hands are rough and full of muscles, I don`t see her around much around daytime. Her face helps me pass the day, it's the first and last thing I see after waking up and before going to sleep with her.

'Maybe I would grow up being handsome chad in this life. he hee he haha haha'

I don`t remember seeing anyone in male dress or bread till now, it makes me curious where my father is.

Is he busy with something important, let's see it has been 137 days now, is he aboard, is there something else more important than your child, please don`t be a divorce, or is he dead, no-no let's stop, negative mindset will lead to depression if this is continued, and I already have beautiful mother.

While I was contemplating about my father somebody picked me up from the floor and insert the pacifier

'Again, in the cradle fuck it happened again'

This is the worst part I am so used to being a baby that my mind automatically ignores if somebody picks me up now.

Looks like it's nighttime, mother must be coming any moment now, alright today points tell mother about "the maids made me cry"

"Reach towards the window"

I haven`t been outside the four walls since the day I was reborn, its seriously stuffy I might develop agoraphobia like this

Lady in ragged equestrian pant shirt with long stick hanging on her waist with black hairs and blue eyes

Speak of the angel, she came

'Mother mother pick me pick me up, take me out of this room' I put my arms

"Uwaa uwaaa abuu"

'Oh, it's dark looks like it's time to sleep again, come on mother lets sleep let me hug those angelic squishy stretchy boo.. I mean toys'

Uwaaa uwaha baby hands moving

"--XXX_XHaa my cutey Ein, my happy medicine, I love you the most in this world...my lovely cute little baby, did you miss moX_XXA_-"

Ein tried grabbing

"_XX-you want to drink milk , were you hungry, did those maid didn`t feed you again"

Emilia picked up the baby and start feeding him the breast milk

Oh the soft squishy heaven, much better than that metal pacifier- Ein

"-X-x_A don`t worry mother and father will work hard to get you out of this hell"

"_XX-s do you love mommy`s breast, don`t worry they are yours to play with but don`t tell your father, or he will get sulky"


She hugged and kissed the baby

"It feels good to be hugged, so warm"- Ein

'Ahh-hha, what I feel sleepy again, damn this messed up circadian clock'

'Damn it I.. Yawn.. want to play wi...'

Eyes closed

"XkjsX--Good night my lovely Ein have sweet dreams xxa--"

Creation is hard

Thinking is far easier than writing it down into words

I will try to make less mistake

Cheer me up!

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