
Ego: Lost Guardians

Ever wondered why everyone initially thought the world was flat? Well guess what that's because it was! This story goes way back, to the days when the planet called earth was flat like the shape of a coin, humans and other races live at the upper realm while the demons live........... AND BELOW IS THE SYNOPSIS Tsuken, the second prince of the demon world who was born and brought up with all he could ever ask for, although he was both smart, kind and strong he was only seen as a nuisance to both of his brothers, due to the power struggle Tsuken lost his father and mother due to the political strife. He was then framed by his elder brother as the one who killed the late king and queen and is now been hunted down for treason and should be killed on sight. Seeing the current state of affairs tsuken fled to the upper realm where the humans and other species live. Currently in turmoil for been treated as not just a criminal, but as a murderer. What are his motives for coming to the upper realm? Why has he been silent for 8 years, but only chose to act now? Will he ever be able to piece his smile back together again?

Reqodian · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
10 Chs


In a bustling city with ancient European style housings, there appears to be train station with one of its train already embarking on its journey, the train passes by one of the building with one of its windows slightly opened, there appears to be two individuals in an office like setting, with a bald old man who appears to be in his late 50's sitting on a chair with both of his elbow on his office desk with fingers of both of his hands linked together which acts as a source of support to his chin as he stares intently to the other party present in the room, the other party who appears to be in a salutary position, slowly started to drop his hands down with the smile on his face also changing to that of a puzzled expression, the old man still staring at the young man who appears to be in his teens let out a nasty grin, the young man still with a puzzled expression as he stutters with his words.

"Wai... please hold on a minute, you can't be serious right now, please tell me you're joking right now father". He exclaimed.

The old man hit the desk and stood up with extreme vigour, he then marched towards the young man in a brazen manner, as he stood there with his imposing demeanour, he kept poking at the young man with his index finger causing him to take a step backward towards the wall while he continues to utter words with a thick and undermining tone towards the young man.

"Hey, Tsuken you better get your shit together if you want to still be a part of the force before the end of the year".

The young tightens his fist while having his back on the wall, he then retaliates by hitting the man's hands off his chest.

"This wasn't part of the deal you said you will help take care of all the formalities prior to me becoming one of your damn lackeys".

The old man grins "it seems you've grown some good pair of balls ainit, while we're in the office I aint your damn father" he then gave Tsuken our protagonist a slap which sends him straight to one of the shelves in the office. "While in the office you will address me as commander.

The young man then bumped his head to one of the shelves frame [this fucking old geezer, he just does whatever he wants even though I finally started calling him father after his persistent amount of begging... (groans), my head hurts..... wait is that blood he didn't even try to hold back to the one he calls "son" well I guess the world just loves to give me fathers with shit like personalities]

The old man turns around in the attempts to head back to his seat.

The young man lets out a deep heavy sigh [just why do i have to go through this shit...(sighs) it seems today's this old man's expiration date] with blood dripping from his face as he attempts to stand he glares at the old man from behind [that's it I'm going to kill this old fogey].

The old man stops halts his movement towards his seat and gently tilts his neck towards the young man while snickering "is that bloodlust I sense, just try pulling any shit and let's see if your head doesn't fly"

The young man while glaring, silently slumbered towards the cold hard floor [(sighs) i guess it's not yet time, just a little more time, just got to be a little more patient.... <what a joke, a little more time, it's been 8 years already, let's just get this over with>... please just shut up already.... damn my head seriously hurts I'm already losing consciousness].

The old man continues his movement towards his seat; he then reaches out for the telephone situated on top of his desk

"Tell the medic to come get this eyesore out of my office" he then took his seat and took a glance outside the window as he whispers to himself while smiling. "I'm doing this for your own good (glances at the young man) you little shit".

As the morning sun continues to shine ever so brightly, the sounds of the cock's continuous crow could be heard from within a room in what looks to be a desolate living space, the room seems to have the previously mentioned Tsuken lying down in what looks to be a wooden bed, he opens his eyes slowly while groaning.

[Damn, that old man really doesn't pull his punches huh]

He slowly but steadily tries to get up from his bed while holding his head wrapped with bandage with both hands

[Man, this hurts like a bitch]

The room door opened while another tall young man with black hair entered the room with what seems to be a cup of coffee, he quickly takes a glance around the room, seeing the room so desolated with no furniture in site aside from the wooden bed, he let out a deep sigh which seems to be filled with unending disappointment, while carefully placing the cup of coffee on the floor.

"Tsuken, what did you do to upset father this time around"

Tsuken tilts his head towards the young man

"Me, what did I do, the old mans the one who went back on his promise about only both of us needing to be in the same unit, and besides why did you just assume that I was the one who started this, can't you see how banged up my head is Zeldris". Tsuken exclaimed

Zeldris snort "well it's you we're talking about, I'm sure you must have given father the attitude, anyway I placed your cup of coffee on the floor, please do have breakfast before coming to work, and also have a bath before coming to work it's been two days already, the nurses had to cover up their nose with at least two layers of cloth before they could start attending to you late last night". Zeldris turns around and exit the door.

Tsuken continues to stare at Zeldris until he was completely out of his line of sight. [Would, you look at that he is completely different from the way he was 7 years ago to the point that its actually kind of strange....<didn't you wish for this to happen, to see your beloved brother grow up away from the war>.....you better shut the hell up for crying out loud]. Tsuken stands up from his bed and walks hastily from his room to outside the house, and walks towards a pail of water and dipped his head inside and quickly remove his face from the water.

[it's seems recently Ego has been showing its presence constantly, this might be a premonition that I need to hurry up with my plans, but the problem is I don't even know where to start]. Stand's up while staring at the sky.

"Oh, what I will give right now to get a sign". He whispered.

{All available unit in one and two should proceed to the military warehouse in district two immediately, I repeat all available unit should please proceed to the military warehouse in district two (bzzt), please do proceed with caution we are yet to identify the level threat (bzzt)}.

"Well here goes my slow day at the office, sorry Zed it seems that I'll have to leave the pending paper works to you at the office". Tsuken casually walks into his room and puts on his uniform, then crouches down below his bed to pick what looks to be a short blade in a scabbard, he placed the blade in a holster already buckled around his waist, he then picked up a goggle which was hanged with a nail on his room wall and fastened it around his neck, and quickly walks out of his room then locks the door with a key, he then took a step outside the main door then locks it with a key.

He then took the four step stairs which leads from his house to the busy streets; he then stood there while pointing to the distance. [The co-ordinate tower said the second district huh, that's about 5km from here, if I start running now I'll get there in like thirty minutes tops.....]. Tsuken lets out a deep sigh.

"Well let's not waste any more precious time"

Tsuken adjusted the goggle on his neck then fastened it tightly to his eyes; he then linked his fingers together while tightening his abdominal muscles in the process of crouching down a little and spreading his legs apart

"Ego, third form *PILOT*"

Suddenly the beautifully paved road with a diameter of about one meter surrounding became dyed in black and became finely grounded black sand, which formed the shape of a hand and grabs Tsuken by the leg and successfully launching him towards the sky vertically by throwing him. [Guess there's no time to waste then; I've got to look for the place with the most debris]. Tsuken having been thrown to the air his speed was been reduced as time passes, just as he was about to descend Tsuken spread apart his legs and arms to create air friction while searching for the designated site in the second district.

[There you are]. He then nosedived towards one of the buildings in the opposite direction towards the warehouse, then stretched his right palm towards the building [Ego, forth form *CRASH*] black sand started slithering from his right sleeve which forms a rod, which Tsuken held and threw towards the house.


The area was covered with a lot of dust and debris, Tsuken started to cough while lying down on a pile of black sand. "When I get back to HQ I'm really going to have a little chat with the uniform personnel's concerning the late delivery of my new filter mask". Tsuken stands up while dusting his body from dust and dusting his hair. "Oh, it seems the bandage came off during the crash but man does my head still sting"

{All available unit on the vicinity proceed with caution, threat level has been confirmed as level C, the HERTZ BROTHERS, I repeat please proceed with caution}. Tsuken stands in a daze

"Wait a minute could this be..... The sign". Tsuken lets out a nasty grin.

Hello guys thanks for clicking on my novel, I'm kind of new to this so I might suck at the beginning of creating the novel, but I will strive to make more improvement as I go along

These are some reading tips to help navigate you through this novel:

"..........". This is used to denote speech of any character

[...........]. This is used to indicate a character thought process

{...........}. This is used for intercom communication

(...........). This is used to denote sfx

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