

Akshai is an Edgewalker, correction, he's THE Edgewalker. He is responsible for ushering the souls of the dead from the land of the living to the River Styx for judgment. His job is fairly simple, until tonight. Tonight he finds himself caught up in what may be an impending war between the current ruler of the Fae and the true heiress, whom everyone thought was long dead. Akshai's life just got a whole lot more complicated...

Steph_McKitrick · Fantasía
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4 Chs


"There is a fine line between what we do and total madness." Xander spoke softly, as if not to wake the body that lay before him and his friend.

"Believe me brother...I know." Akshai uttered, barely above a whisper.

"May as well get it over with. You know you've entered dark days when it's the old who out live the young." Xander sighed.

"Agreed, brother. Come on, let's do what we came here to do. The sooner it's over the sooner we can move on to the next one." Akshai said, clearing his throat and straightening his back.

He looked at his old friend, sorrow hid behind the veil of silver that were his eye's. Akshai's own ocean blue ones were at the brink of tears for the child that lay before them. Xander pinched the bridge of his nose between his eyes then after a moment he cleared his throat and began the formal proceeding's.

He slipped one hand into his perfectly pressed black pin striped trouser pocket and with his free hand he removed a beautiful silver, skull engraved pocket watch. He pressed the glinting button on top to release the latch and free the face of the watch, as he did so a golden shimmer emerged from the time piece.

As the shimmer settled in mid-air Xander patiently waited. After a moment a small flame like creature appeared in the shimmer clutching a feather quill and piece of parchment. Xander began to speak and Akshai watched the creature rush to scribble on the parchment.

"Time of Reaper arrival...2:00 a.m Pacific standard time, Location...Arkwood Children's Hospital, East Wing, ICU room 104, Eastern United States. Name of Soul, Lillian Holstead. Age upon time of Reaping....." Xander had been doing this job for a very long time, yet every time he reaped a child, it still got to him.

He cleared his throat and righted himself. "Age upon time of Reaping, 5 years 38 days. Cause for Reaping, Severe blunt force trauma to the head, specifically the Occipital and Parietal bones resulting in an Epidural Hematoma and rendering the child in a coma state."

Xander removed his hand from the watch, which remained floating where he had held it and reached inside the breast of his suit. When he found what he was looking for he pulled out a shining black pen with a silver tip, he held the pen out in front of him.

"Lillian Holstead, I claim your soul, so that it may be taken to the River Styx for Judgment."