
Chapter XXIII

Chapter XXIII

Lux's POV

March 13

We are here in our living quarters waiting for our stead to be ready. it currently early in the morning we are gathering here to have a little chit-chat before we depart from the place we are tasked to do.

"I guess this is the last time we'll ever see or talk to each other again," Rachel said as she munched on the cookies Rose baked last night.

"It's not like we're not coming back you know..." Jessica said with a smirk. "We'll see each other again soon so don't say it like we will not come back." she gave a reassuring smile to Rachel.

"It may take months of travel that's why she's worried," Shan said while patting Rachel at her back. "Sinclaire is known for its powerful creatures living there so keep your guard up as always." She advised.

"It'll be a piece of cake for me," Blue said with confidence.