
Chapter II

Chapter II

Lux's POV

January 18

I started my journey by stocking some supplies that I need but... I run out of money so that's when I started becoming a hunter, more like a bounty hunter. I pick a hunter's quest and bring back what it has to offer like kill this thing like that but there's the only bounty for creatures but for people there for the job who want to be a knight.

My equipment is not that great that's why I'm saving money for a long journey. To tell you honestly I don't where to go and where to start my search.

I have been doing this hunter's quest for about two days now but most of the bounties are not that great so I decided to move to the next town. I packed my things and left this town that I stayed in. I feel like there's nothing that will happen when I'm there and here I am in this forest sitting under the tree, exhausted of all this walk. I didn't know that the distance of the next town is so far away. It's absurd if you tell me.

Who am I to complain since I started this journey for a reason. I have to search for my sister before it's too late. I know that she's fine I can feel it.

I don't think I remember any relatives that I met or mentioned to me, so yeah, I'm broke and need to sustain myself. My father and mother didn't introduce us to our relatives so here I am wandering and surviving. I guess they have a reason.

After a few minutes of resting I continued my journey to the next town, I heard something from the distance it sounds like footsteps and it's fast because of all stomping until I walk past a young teen, and instead of stoping it run past me.

Well... That's odd. I started walking again and saw a glimpse of a big tall guy running towards me. I stop and stare at it for a long time until I realized... It was an Orc and scary part of it... it's running in my direction.

It was seven feet tall and has big muscles and has two pointy teeth at the bottom of its teeth. Its skin color is brownish red that makes him scarier.

I panicked and Immediately run for my life and after a few minutes of running someone snatch me behind a tree while pointing its dagger in my neck.

Am I being robbed? Nah, I can disarm this guy in no time. My dad teaches me how to disarm an enemy in a fast and smooth way so I guess I'm not that screwed.

"Don't move, make a noise, or I'll slash your neck." I didn't say anything and stood there while waiting for the Orc to walk past us.

When I couldn't see the Orc I immediately elbowed him and slammed him on the tree trunk while I disarm him. "I can fight too you know?" I said with a serious tone.

"Okay okay calm down... I was trying to save you, you freak!" He Said while shouting. "but I hate to say this but you got a nice move there."

"I have been in training before so that's just it, I guess." I closed my eyes and I smack his head hard.

I didn't know that I smack him too hard that he fell on the ground. The worst thing he's head was the first thing that lands in the ground, I think I overdid it a little bit.

He immediately stands up and glares at me. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" He said with confusion.

"You don't have to point a knife to save someone or you'll get beaten up, that's just how life works now," I said as nothing happened.

I was about to walk away when I heard something crumbling. It sounds like a tree is being lifted by something... I stared at the ground and little by little I saw our shadow popping up.

"That doesn't look good is it?" I ask him with a forced smile.

He was shaking while his eyes are wide open. "Yeah... It doesn't." While staring behind me with a shocked look.

"Got you, you little pest." The Orc dropped the tree beside me and that's our cue to run for our life. "I won't let you escape!"

He followed behind us as he throws rocks at high speed luckily, we easily dodge those projectiles that are coming towards us but it's hard to anticipate where the rock will land.

"Why did you shout you, dumb creature!" I said while I'm trying to catch my breath with this running.

"Not my fault! You hit me remember?" He said while trying to dodge the rocks.

We were running for several minutes now but that orc is not giving up.

"Agh... You know what? I'm tired of running I should just fight it." I stop running and dodge the projectiles while taking cover from the tree.

He also stops running and hide in the tree beside me. "are you out of your mind? just so you know that's an orc. that's way stronger than us." He said while shouting. "he can crush our bones in one strike.

"But! were much smarter and faster than them right?" I said with confidence. "Are you helping or not?" I asked him.

"Fine, I'll help what we'll do then?" He asked while taking cover.

"Attack him from his Blindspots you circle him while I distract him. easy right?" I said with hesitation.

"That's not a good plan. pretty risky if you asked me," he said while hesitating.

"Just do it, we can take down that beast right there."

He nudges as a signal and then starts running in the other direction While I unsheathe my sword and run towards the orc while dodging his projectiles. When I get closer to him he switches o his club and started hitting me and I Immediately dodge the attack while my companion runs towards its side and attacked It's two knees that make the orc tripped, the orc balance he's self-using his arm and it gave me an opportunity to slashed his head off so he can't hinder us any longer.

"Dude... that was savage." He said while he looked at the head of the orc separated in its body.

"I thought it would be hard but I didn't think you as fast as the Tiger," I said with amusement.

"What can I say I usually run a lot," he said with confidence.

"Oh, so which means your a thief." I immediately pointed my blade at him.

"Woah! chill men, I'm not a thief I was just trained by an assassin but after a few months of my training he disappeared so I only adopt the speed of an assassin that's just it." He said while raising his hands.

"Ow okay then." I put my sword back in its sheathe."Don't worry I don't intend to kill someone like you, it's a waste of time." I said to him with a cold tone.

"So heartless." he cleans his clothes and puts the daggers in his back pocket. "So where are you heading by the way?" he asked.

"To the next town so I can get better equipment and accumulate more money I guess?" I scratch my head. "How about you?"

"Same here! ahahah." He laughed for a minute. "I was about to head there and I bumped into this fellow right here." he pointed at the dead orc

"Ow. I guess we should stick together for now then and discuss what will happen when we get there." I explained to him.

"I will stick around you as thanks for saving my life I will serve you as my new master. This is the assassin's pride we serve our employer on what we can do but since you don't have money I would like you to teach me to fight," he said while bowing at me.

"Hey! I didn't even ask for this thing." I gestured for him to stand. "I didn't want a companion you see I'm tracking someone and I'm sure it is a dangerous adventure."

"I insist, I owe you for saving my life," he said while he stands.

"I didn't save you just to be clear," I said to him with a poker face.

"Hire me! I need training please!" He said while shaking my body and acting like it's about to cry.

"Agh. fine then but don't blame me for getting you in a lot of trouble." I said while brushing my hair in the back.

He kneeled while facing the tree and hold his hands together. "Master, I have been finally hired. thanks for teaching me," he said as he closes his eyes.

"Stop that you look like a weirdo you know," I said to him.

"Yes, master!" he said while saluting.

"Stop that master nonsense, just call me Lux," I said as I clean my outfit.

"Okay then so call me Blue!" he said with his energetic voice.

"Let's get going then." I left him and started walking ahead of me.

"Hey! wait up!" he runs towards me and keeps up in my phase.

Both of us set out to start our journey as we traverse this forest to the town of Salem. this is where our adventure starts but before I start searching I need to get gear up so we planned for a month or so, so we can grind for money for better supplies and my sword is pretty damaged so I need to buy a new one that is way better than this.

Blue finds a job that will fit him While I do some hunter's quest. The bounty in this town is more decent than the last town so it would be easy to upgrade our supplies and equipment.

we also rent a room in an inn so we don't have to worry about where we sleep I guess this is it. The start of our new beginnings.

Roy's POV

"This is when I started doing my journal so I can keep track of how far I will keep improving. Everyone starts from scratch like us and it's intriguing to see how much we improve in these years of journey."

That's fun and I also have read for a long time. I checked my phone to see what time it is and it's already 1 am oh no. I better go to sleep. The name of the characters here is familiar. it feels like I already knew their names...

Nah impossible it's just a hunch so I don't trust myself at this hahaha I'm sure that I have read something with the same name or so. Time to sleep or I will be scolded by my mother again. ahh... Goodnight self.

To be continued...


Have some idea about my story? Leave a comment and review to improve or merge your idea to form a story that will make you wanna come back, If you can send gift so I'll be motivated to write. Thank you and peace out everyone -_^.

SJCTheLegacycreators' thoughts